Hua Yueling deliberately took out the drink to give Lin Qianlian a taste. Lin Qianlian was a little surprised when she saw the drink.Not only because of the color of the drink, but also because of the drink bottle.

The drink bottle was something she had never seen before, let alone the drink in it.So he immediately asked what it was curiously, and she was very curious about it, but Hua Yueling did not immediately answer her question, but let her have a taste first.

Lin Qianlian was still a little hesitant about this, but since Hua Yueling gave it to her, she did not refuse.Hua Yueling helped her open the lid of the drink bottle, and Lin Qianlian stared at his movements, the puzzled expression on her face couldn't hide.

Although it looks a lot like something, but I have never seen it before.

After receiving the bottle that Hua Yueling handed over, she stared at the colored liquid that was still bubbling and making a strange noise that was absolutely invisible to water. She picked it up and took a sip.


Lin Qianlian couldn't help but grow her mouth after taking a sip, her eyes widened, her expression in disbelief.What kind of taste is this, some fruity taste, but there is another taste in it.

"This, what is this..."

"Not bad right?"

"It tastes strange, but it tastes good."

"Drink it if it's delicious, I have others here."

Hua Yueling didn't answer Lin Qianlian's previous question. He didn't want to explain more about himself for the time being.Lin Qianlian's inner doubts were almost overwhelming, but she still suppressed the idea of ​​continuing to inquire and continued to taste.

It's the taste she hasn't drunk. Maybe she has drunk some drinks with similar taste, but it is only roughly.This drink is really incredible, yes, it's incredible to her, she likes the taste.

I drank one third in one breath, which was very refreshing. What Hua Yueling took out was still frozen, so there is no need to say how natural it tastes.

Frozen and non-frozen beverages like cola are completely two concepts, and the taste is different.

Hua Yueling's favorite drink is ice cola, the cola at room temperature feels a little ordinary, I don't know why.

While tasting a delicious snack, while drinking a drink, if he does not look at the surrounding environment, Hua Yueling will even feel that she has cracked the illusion and returned to her home.

However, the surrounding environment cannot be changed because of the existence of such an untuned thing, and the illusion cannot be deciphered because of this. It is purely funny, how could that happen.

The two of them took a break for about a quarter of an hour, and Lin Qianlian was almost recovered, and actively proposed to continue to act.Hua Yueling looked at her and confirmed that the problem was not big, so she nodded and agreed.

Hua Yueling cleaned up everything on the stone table, and then the two of them acted according to the established plan.Huayueling's plan is never particularly complicated. In fact, at this time, no matter how simple or complicated, the plan is almost the same, as long as it is useful.

And if you really want to say what complicated plan can help, Hua Yueling doesn't think that is the case.Even if it has a complicated plan, it will be the same in the end, and there will not be much difference.

In the final analysis, all you have to do is the same, no matter what the plan is basically the same.That is looking for what you are looking for outside, or looking for anomalies.

Finding this thing is only he can do it, so to achieve the best results, he can only do it himself, and the actions of others are not very useful.

The scope that different people can detect is not pushed, and the scope of Huayueling's detection is very large, which is incomparable to others.What's more, the scope that he can explore also includes places that ordinary people can hardly observe, not to mention this.

No matter what it is, it is said that only he takes action is the best way. If it is given to other people to find something, it is basically a foolish dream.

Hua Yueling knew this very well in her heart, so although he was also looking for a better way, he knew that he had to act, that would save the world the most and would be the most likely to find what he was looking for.

The two continued to walk around the city. The city was basically covered with grass in all directions and could not see anything else.

I can see layers of mountains in the distance, but I don’t know how far to get there, but Hua Yueling thinks that I shouldn’t have to go there. After all, it’s far away, is it true? Existence is still a problem.

Hua Yueling didn't think too much about this issue, and for the time being he was not planning to go too far.In his opinion, what he is looking for is basically only near here, not too far away from the city.

The two people continued to search here. They kept walking and searching around the city, but the outside of the city was basically an endless prairie, and what was on the surface could be seen at a glance.So what Hua Yueling needs to find are those hidden deeper.

There is no need to look at the things that are exposed. Those things cannot be too important. Those powers and things related to illusion must be hidden deep underground.

Hua Yueling didn't think of other hiding methods, and he didn't think there was any better hiding method.As far as I can think of, hiding power deep underground is already a very good hiding method. As for hiding it in other places, where?

There may be places to hide in the city, but how can the empty environment outside the city be hidden? There is no place to hide.

Repetitive and boring work, what Hua Yueling dislikes the most is this kind of thing. He likes the kind of more interesting things instead of just walking around and looking for something like this. Things like this are for It's meaningless to him.

But even though I thought so in my heart, I had to do such a thing.There is no way, who will let him alone be able to do such a thing, it might be better if someone else can help, but there is no such person.

If there is any, it is Lin Qianlian, but what you have to know is that Lin Qianlian does not have enough power, and she does not have the skills like Hua Yueling.So if she was asked to look for it, it would not be much different from others, and would not be of much help.

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