The magic is only the beginning, and it needs to continue to improve in this regard.Lin Qianlian doesn't even have magic power yet, so there's no need to talk about promotion.

Lin Qianlian also knew what she was going to do, so for the next period of time her spirit was focused on meditation.Especially after knowing that meditation can replace sleep to a certain extent, even the rest of the night is used for meditation.

Lin Qianlian's progress in this state is not unpleasant, and even Hua Yueling was quite surprised when she saw her again.

I can clearly feel the feeling that Lin Qianlian exudes, that is the feeling that Jasmine is about to form, there are a large number of elements gathered in her body, but those elements are temporarily out of her control.

Those elements were gathered in her meditation and attracted by meditation.For the time being, the element was only swimming around her, and there was no plan to merge into one yet.

In other words, Lin Qianlian did not do enough. The fusion of those elements also needs her to control, but she is not required to do this by herself, and even if she is required to do it, she actually doesn't know what to do. .

What you need to do all of this is still meditation, only meditation can do this, nothing else can be done.Relying on meditation to condense the floating elements around her body, gather those elements together, and form magic power for her to use.

The other thing to know is that, despite the many elements floating around her, there won't be so many magical powers that can be condensed into real use for her.

The amount of magic power that many elements can form depends on talent. Magic is a very talented skill.If you don't have enough talent, you can't become an excellent magician. Of course, if you can cheat like Hua Yueling, then there is nothing to say.

But it would be a miracle to have a person like him in the world, how could there be so many people like him.It's impossible, everyone understands it.

Lin Qianlian may also be just an ordinary person, although in some respects she is not ordinary.Maybe she is gifted in magic, anyway, she still has to wait until the time comes.

A few days passed in this way. Hua Yueling had visited Lin Qianlian several times during this period, and every time she saw her, she could find some changes in her.The changes in Lin Qianlian's body after many meditations are actually quite obvious, but this change does not mean that everyone can easily see it.

In the eyes of ordinary people, there is no change in her, but in the eyes of Hua Yueling, the changes in her are not trivial.

The magic has not yet appeared, but the signs have already appeared.Hua Yueling believes that it will not take long for magic power to be formed. From this point of view, Lin Qianlian is a very talented person in magic. The talent may not be as good as Mu Ningshuang, but among the magicians It's pretty good.

Hua Yueling still looked forward to what kind of height Lin Qianlian could reach. From the current situation, as long as she trains hard, it is not a problem to become a powerful magician.

In the past few days, Hua Yueling was still exploring various places. He had explored many places, but found few clues.

It would be difficult to do without clues, Hua Yueling could only rely on her own ability and time to solve the current problem.Besides, he had no other way, what else could he do in this situation, Hua Yueling had no other way.

From the twelfth day after Huayueling taught Lin Qianlian to meditate, Huayueling went to find her again in Fang Wanshi.The maid didn't stop him when she saw him coming, and she invited him in directly.

After he entered Lin Qianlian's room, he found that she was meditating, and it seemed that she was at a very critical moment.Hua Yueling can see that the elements in her are being merged by the tryer, and this fusion is very slow.

Sweat broke out on Lin Qianlian's forehead. It can be seen that such actions have brought her a lot of pressure, but Lin Qianlian has nothing to do. The current situation is that she has nothing to do and absolutely cannot give up halfway.

Hua Yueling simply protected her by the side, observing the changes in her body.Before that, he hadn’t seen this situation with his own eyes. What will happen next? If there is any situation, he can stay here to ensure Lin Qianlian’s safety. Otherwise, if something happens, I can even help. None of them.

However, the possibility of problems in the meditation state is actually not very large. Unless you are too eager to achieve success, Lin Qianlian must have had some problems in this regard at first, but recently she has put down some anxious thoughts. Become calm.

Lin Qianlian spent a long time in meditation. Hua Yueling waited here from the afternoon to the evening, but he could also feel the power of Lin Qianlian's body becoming clearer and clearer.

The magic is gradually forming, but it is still in the process of being formed.

During this process, Hua Yueling felt that Lin Qianlian was gradually becoming weak, which was not a good phenomenon.Perhaps it was caused by the meditation for too long, anyway, I don't know if Lin Qianlian can persist until the magic power is formed.

"Still a little anxious. But for the time being, she probably doesn't need help yet. Let's take a look again."

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart that if it didn't work, he could only sell it.At this time, you must not give up halfway.

If it was actually better at other times, but if it happened halfway through this time, it would really be more than worthwhile.

"It just happened to be anxious when it was time to calm down the most. As expected, we are actually the same in this respect."

If you are oneself, it will be difficult to remain calm, even if you know that you will be dedicated if you are anxious at this time.Whether it is for self-confidence or other reasons, the wrong choice was made at the wrong moment.

"Fortunately, I came here, otherwise it would be really dangerous."

Some dangers do not mean that dangerous things will definitely happen, but that there is only such a chance.Just to see if Lin Qianlian is lucky enough and whether he has prepared enough.

I believe Lin Qianlian should have understood all of this before this, but Hua Yueling still didn't know if she had made any preparations.

Waiting silently like this, time passed unconsciously. Although Hua Yueling was a little impatient to wait, he didn't leave because of it. It was waiting here.

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