There was a magical power spinning in the palm of Lin Qianlian's palm, and there were fine beads of sweat on Lin Qianlian's forehead. It could be seen that her condensing these magical powers to form a magic ball almost the size of an egg was already at the limit.

Lin Qianlian was tired enough, but she hadn't given up yet, she was still trying to transform her magical attributes.In fact, magic power should have attributes, but in this world magic power has no attributes.

However, one of the advantages in this world is that magic power can change attributes at will, otherwise it is impossible to use any type of spell.

The biggest problem is the consumption of magic power. The attributes of magic power can indeed be changed, but the amount of magic power required for this is not a joke.

This can be done with the magic power remaining in Lin Qianlian's body, but it must be said that Lin Qianlian is still unable to control the magic well, so he can not use all the magic power and use it.

The remaining magic power in the body is not yet usable, and what Lin Qianlian uses now is almost all she can use.

"Don't force it, you have just gained magic power. Whether it is the control of magic power or the understanding of magic, it is at a relatively early stage. Don't worry at this time."

Seeing that she was still mobilizing magic power in her palm, Hua Yueling quickly persuaded her.Lin Qianlian was a little unwilling, but when Hua Yueling persuaded her like this, she gritted her teeth and gave up and continued trying.

In fact, she wanted to use magic like fire arrows in one breath. Although magic balls are considered magic, their visual effects are always inferior to those with attributes.

The visual effect is only visual, for the sake of visual effect.Some people may work hard on vision, but there are not too many people like that. After all, learning magic is for the power of magic.

The uniqueness of magic causes it to be sought after by people, but at the same time, don't forget its limitations.The reason why it will be replaced is because of its limitations, not everyone can learn magic, this is the most helpless place.

Things that only a few people can master are destined to be difficult to maintain. Even in modern society, there are many things that are in the hands of a few people, but if you really put your heart and soul into that kind of thing, someone will teach you what to say. It can still be learned.

Magic is different in this respect. Magic can only be learned by talent.You may be able to learn without talent, but it will be too far behind and it will be difficult to make progress.

And another very important aspect is that although magic can also help mankind, it cannot benefit mankind on a large scale like technology.This may be related to the difference in thinking.

Whatever it is, few people can realize this.People in the magical world cannot see the power of technology, and when they realize the power of technology, everything is over.

Hua Yueling could understand some of the magician's thoughts, but he also felt that it was not that the magician could not solve some of the problems, but they did not bother to do it.

Why is there such an idea? Back to the characteristics of magic, only a few people can master it.In the long run, the magician will feel more or less aloof in his heart, look down on other people, and feel why he has to find a way to help ordinary people.

The help mentioned here is different from the help of another concept. When there is a real crisis, the magician will definitely take action, but in normal times, their thoughts are doomed to do something with magic. People have good things.

Of course such thoughts are not good, but it is difficult for you to get rid of them in a short period of time.

In any case, Lin Qianlian's magic can already be regarded as a great progress, there is nothing to say.The next step is just a matter of progress. Hua Yueling believes that with his help, coupled with Lin Qianlian's own talent, there will be no big problems.

Lin Qianlian was very happy, but the excessive consumption of magic power also made her feel a little tired.Hua Yueling asked her not to worry, she could take a break and eat something to replenish her strength.

In fact, there is also a way to quickly restore magic power. Hua Yueling also has some potions that can restore magic power, but he did not take out the potion to teach Lin Qianlian to use it.

There is no need to use potions at this time, as these potions are also expensive.It is different from the game. In many games with such potions, the price of the potion is actually not that high, but it is different in the world where Jeruxie and the others are. The potion is a very precious thing.

The potion used to restore the injury is better, but the price of the potion to restore the magic power is really high.It is said that the materials needed to make the potion to restore the magic power are very precious, which is the main reason for the high price of the magic potion.

I have to admit that the magic potion is very useful, but that's it.Even though there are some potions in Huayue Lingshou's hands, the quantity is still less.

While resting, Lin Qianlian exchanged knowledge about magic with Hua Yueling, but in fact Lin Qianlian just listened most of the time.Basically, Hua Yueling was talking, she was listening.

What Hua Yueling said was the foundation that couldn't be more basic. If it were in a different world, it would basically be the knowledge of the magic students who just enrolled in school, but the knowledge in this world is incredible.

Lin Qianlian listened and remembered, she listened very carefully and asked some questions from time to time.But what she asked were simple questions after all, so for Hua Yueling, it couldn't be said that she couldn't answer at all.

Fortunately, he was able to resolve some of Lin Qian's doubts.In this way, during the rest process, Lin Qianlian actively absorbed relevant knowledge, and he also felt the magic power in his body gradually recovered.

Perhaps because of the world, it is more difficult to restore magic in this world.Lin Qianlian took a rest for about half an hour, and her magic power was less than half restored. If she continued like this, she would not be able to use magic several times a night.

But Hua Yueling was not in a hurry either, didn't he still have a lot of time?

Because of this, Hua Yueling wasn't anxious at all, on the contrary, she was calmer than anyone else.Take your time. Come day by day, and wait until you need to be anxious. Obviously, this is not the time to be anxious.

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