Hua Yueling can understand Lin Qianlian's anxious mood, no matter who it is when she learns these for the first time, she may have a similar mood.Want to make yourself stronger.

"Don't worry, or take your time. Meditation cannot be interrupted. It is best to spend some time on this every day, regardless of whether there is time or not. The increase in magic power basically depends on meditation, but it is not ruled out. Other possibilities."

"There are other ways?"

"There are other methods, but it is not realistic to discuss those here."

Hua Yueling shook her head without explaining in detail.Although Lin Qianlian had some doubts about this, but seeing that he didn't want to say it, she didn't ask.

Meditation is the best way, so stick to meditation.Anyway, she doesn't need to worry now, she has time every day.

It was almost early in the morning when Hua Yueling raised her head to look at the time, it was not too early.Look at Lin Qianlian again. At this time, the magic power in Lin Qianlian's body is slowly recovering, and she cannot continue to use magic in a short time.

"It's about to dawn," Hua Yueling looked at Lin Qianlian. "It's almost here for today. You have been busy all night, go back and take a rest, consolidate what you have learned today, and practice it until tomorrow."

Hua Yueling felt that she had studied enough today and there was no need to continue.And Lin Qianlian really needs a rest. After all, the magic power in her body has been continuously consumed and recovered this night. In fact, she is already very tired and needs time to rest.

Don't think that you won't get tired after the magic power is restored, how could there be such a thing, such a simple thing.The restoration of magic power only means that you can continue to use magic, but it does not mean that people will not be tired.

On the contrary, it is precisely because of the constant use of magic that people will feel tired.Lin Qianlian's current state is like this, in fact, she is very tired, only because she wants to continue to train, so she insists.

"sorry to bother you."

"It's okay, it's nothing. And your progress is fast."

The two of them had already returned to the stronghold of Lin Qianlian and their lives. Lin Qianlian said goodbye to him, Hua Yueling waved at her.Seeing her turning over the wall to enter, Hua Yueling also turned and left here.

There is nothing to do here, and he still hasn't figured out what to do next..But anyway, Lin Qianlian has made progress here, which is a good thing.

Wasn't that the purpose of Hua Yueling coming here? As for other things, she couldn't do much during the day.

"Perhaps those subordinates can think of ways to make them do more."

Hua Yueling felt that she still had some boringness in certain things, and perhaps she could develop more subordinates.Those subordinates may not be able to play any role, but they can't be said to be dead. Who knows if those guys can help, it depends on the situation, maybe his luck is good enough.

After Hua Yueling went back, he rested for a while. When he woke up again, it was bright enough outside, and it was morning.Hua Yueling sat for a while after getting up, then opened the door and walked out quickly.

"Do you have any useful news?"

After Hua Yueling found his two subordinates, he asked them. In fact, he doesn't have much hope, but he still pays them every month to let them do things for themselves.

"Master, there is something that subordinates don't know if it should be said or not."

"Huh? Just tell me if you have anything."

Hua Yueling looked at the other party hesitantly, and then urged.He asks the other party to collect information, and if there is anything that should be said, as long as it is useful, it should be said.

Even so, the other party is still a little hesitant. It seems that the news he got is really not good news for him, otherwise the other party will not hesitate so much.

Hua Yueling stared at him without urging, but the meaning was obvious, just say anything directly, there is no need to hide it.

"Master, master, the master went out for a long time yesterday, and when I came back I saw people walking around outside. And I also heard that the master was called by the emperor to reprimand him."

"What's this?"

Hua Yueling hadn't heard of this, Lin Qianlian hadn't told him, and no one else had said it, he didn't know it was normal.But at this time, Hua Yueling remembered what Lin Qianlian had said before and about her father in this world.

"Father..." Huayueling thought for a while. His father hadn't told herself about this little thing. He seemed to be reluctant to let herself get involved, but I don't know if something happened." If there is anything abnormal, please tell me."

"Yes, Master!"

There are some news about other places, such as chaos in some places, and the emergence of insurgent organizations in some places.Anyway, it was all this and that kind of thing, it sounded so that Hua Yueling felt that this country seemed to be a little precarious.

Hua Yueling didn't know how to say all kinds of things, but those things had nothing to do with him for the time being, and he didn't need to care about them.After all, he couldn't leave the city at this time, and in this state, he didn't need to manage those things.

However, it is also very important to understand things in other parts of the country, so that he can judge what the situation in this country is now.

Now it seems that this country is even more chaotic than I thought.It’s just that there are no problems in the capital, so it’s just that you can’t see anything, but the problems in other cities have already shown some problems.

Thinking about these things, then I think of what Lin Qianlian said to herself.The emperor may not find his father because of those things, but if his father really has any ideas, it is very dangerous.

This kind of danger will affect him, but it is nothing to her, as long as no one comes to trouble him, he doesn't care much about the others.

Hua Yueling let the two people leave, and then looked out the window for herself.Now he doesn't know what to do and feels that there is nothing to do.

Do not have an accurate goal, look around again?He thinks he might be able to go to the tavern later to hear if there is any useful news.

Just relying on these subordinates is not enough, and I don't know if they are not careful or there is no news.Huayueling didn't know much about this.But he knew what was going on when he listened to it.

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