Hua Yueling also spent a lot of time in the fantasy world, and many things happened.During the next period of time, Hua Yueling continued to spend time searching for those missing powers, while at the same time he was also searching for the core that he had never discovered.

It's just that after so long, there is still no discovery, so Hua Yueling doesn't actually have much hope.The reason why she is still looking for strength is for the sake of Saier and her maid.

It’s not enough to just practice the mind and magic, the time is too short.Even if Hua Yueling was there to help them, using her power to clear the meridians in their bodies and quickly improve their strength, Hua Yueling still felt that it was not enough.

He needs to make them stronger as soon as possible. This is what he thinks.

Fortunately, the improvement of Saier and them is quite gratifying. With the help of Hua Yueling, their strength can be said to have made a leap forward.

With their current strength, they can basically become a general, even stronger than those ordinary generals.But this is not enough, they need to be stronger.

Those scattered outside powers are still useful, Hua Yueling feels that whether it is handed over to Lin Qianlian or Sai'er, that kind of power is sufficient for them.

Let them understand the world they are in now, let them know how to use their power.Those powers are special powers belonging to this world, and they are helpful for them to understand some things.

Strength is one aspect, understanding is one aspect.The best way to improve is to go hand in hand.

Hua Yueling has been working hard, and he has not rested much recently.In addition to helping Sai'er and the others in their cultivation, it was to find strength, and he also left his own back in this world.

If it wasn't that there were not many gold coins on hand, Hua Yueling would definitely have many ways to control others, but because there were no gold coins, Hua Yueling could only use force to do something.

The source of money comes from these on the one hand, and the family on the other.However, compared to other rich and noble families, their family looks a little poor.

Regardless of where he lives in a good place, but it's just that, their family has not as much money as expected.

But don't think that his father is a good man because of this. In fact, in many senses, his father cannot be called a good man.Compared with some other people, his father is already quite good.

But the current situation in Huayueling's family is still a bit bad. His father... thinks of Huayueling here, and he has a headache. These things are not something he can help.If it's fighting or something, it's better to say something, but in other respects, he can't really help much.

Maybe he could use his own force to do something, but that would be exposed.Hua Yueling felt that it was better not to let too many people know about the power she possessed. That would be a better choice.

Exposing what one knows foolishly, exposing one's power is particularly foolish.

Hua Yueling is very clear about what she should do, she only needs to do what she can do, don't think so much, the more you think, the less you can do.Instead of worrying about this, it's better to act quickly.

Hua Yueling has collected some powers recently, and he did not give these powers to one person, but to Sai'er and her maid separately.It was Hua Yueling's plan for the two of them to be promoted together.

It was not enough for Hua Yueling to improve the strength of only one of them, and the strength of both of them had to be improved.And Hua Yueling has some other ideas, and if you want to achieve that level of things, you need to let them both gain strength.

That's why Hua Yueling made such a choice. He had no choice but to make this choice necessary.From this aspect, that kind of power is still very useful, Hua Yueling can also give the power that she has to the other party, but there is no need to do that for the time being, if you must do that, let's talk about it.

But unless necessary, Hua Yueling wouldn't do that, after all, that would be very dangerous.This is not a joke. That kind of power is actually mental power, but that is not his mental power, but spiritual power obtained from other places, so Huayueling is not worried about giving those spiritual powers to others. If it is his mental power, he must think about it.

Spiritual power is important to everyone, so it is easy to be sure that you cannot take out your spiritual power to others.There is no benefit to yourself, only disadvantages.

The reason why those scattered mental powers are so important for those "born" in this world like Sai Er is because that spiritual power comes from the real world.

Sai'er and them naturally have spiritual power, but the spiritual power they possess also comes from this world, and that kind of spiritual power is not enough.It can't be said that that kind of mental power is completely useless, but that kind of mental power and the spiritual power that Hua Yueling found are still different after all, and there is a big difference between the two.

The mental powers Hua Yueling found can open up Sai'er and their thoughts, and are very useful for helping them complete the transformation of their identities.But the mental power they possess will not have any effect when there are no special circumstances, and it is impossible to say that they can be converted casually, and that kind of thing is not reliable anymore.

So what you want to do is to rely on the spiritual power scattered in this world, give Sai Er the power like that, and then use external power to transform.This was basically what Hua Yueling had planned in her heart. As for whether such an approach was effective, we could basically tell from what happened to Lin Qianlian.

There have been some changes in Lin Qianlian's body now, and it cannot be said that she has no contact with the illusion world at all.It must be incorrect to say that, but the connection between her and the world is gradually being weakened.

As the power she possesses gets stronger and stronger, as she gradually understands the spiritual power she has gained, the connection between her and the world of illusion will only become weaker, not stronger .

The value of the scattered spiritual power lies here, and this is why Hua Yueling needs them. Without those power, it would be very difficult to accomplish this thing.But as long as you have that kind of power, the matter itself will be much easier.

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