"Sister Qian Lian, can you teach us?"

One of them asked, not knowing whether he was afraid that Hua Yueling would not teach them or he had other ideas, anyway he asked this question.And Lin Qianlian answered very quickly and firmly, and saw that she shook her head and said no.

"I can't teach you without Yueling's permission. And Yueling had this idea when he brought you here."

Those people were a little disappointed, but hearing that Hua Yueling would teach them, their inner disappointment dissipated a lot.However, thinking of the previous attitude towards others, I still feel a little embarrassed.

Embarrassment is embarrassment, those people think so, no matter what, if they can gain power like their leader, as for the others, it is not that important.

With these in mind, they couldn't wait to wait for Hua Yueling to come out. Naturally, the sooner they learned this kind of thing, the better.It's a pity that they don't know when Hua Yueling will come out. They want to ask Lin Qianlian to ask Hua Yueling for help, but no one dared to say what they think.

In this way, in this silence, time passed by.I don't know how much time has passed, those people even felt that Hua Yueling was not deliberately giving them a predicament, and their eyes fell on Lin Qianlian from time to time.

Lin Qianlian naturally understood the meaning of these subordinates, but in fact, she was also thinking about what happened to Hua Yueling, why hadn't come out after so long.It was a little strange in her heart, so after thinking about it, she decided to see the situation.

Without saying anything, Lin Qianlian walked directly into the room.He didn't see anyone when he entered the room, but he heard movement on the right, so she went over there.

Hua Yueling was in the room on the right, and he didn't do anything, just sitting in front of the table, eating and drinking, and holding a book in his hand, he seemed to read with gusto.

This made Lin Qianlian stunned and looked at Hua Yueling in amazement, but she soon understood what Hua Yueling thinks, she couldn't help being a little funny, even a character like Hua Yueling would have a temper. .

But the way he expresses his temper is quite interesting. Lin Qianlian almost made a laugh when he was doing it, like a child, she couldn't help but think so.

However, she could also understand some of Hua Yueling's feelings, after all, no one would feel comfortable being treated like that.It was originally meant to help improve strength and was treated like that. It shouldn't be like that.

Lin Qianlian understood this very well, so she didn't say a word, but she used to sit next to Hua Yueling and watch him.Hua Yueling knew it as early as when she came in, but Hua Yueling hadn't spoken all the time, so she treated it as if she hadn't heard it, until Lin Qianlian came over, he turned his head to look at the other party.

"If you don't eat it."

"Well," Lin Qianlian didn't say anything else, took the food from Hua Yueling, and then began to taste it.The taste is very good.

After eating, Hua Yueling handed her another bottle of drink, and Lin Qianlian drank the drink.After eating and drinking, Lin Qianlian looked at Hua Yueling subconsciously, wanting to see how he reacted, but seeing Hua Yueling still sitting there had no other reaction, she opened her mouth and still did not speak. .

After a while, Hua Yueling might think it was meaningless to go on like this, but saw him put down the book in his hand and stood up.But Hua Yueling did not rush out, but went to the window and looked outside.

Lin Qian Lian came to him and looked outside with him.From here, I can see what those people outside are doing, and I saw that they were gathered together and seemed to be discussing something.

"Let's go, I think they should have almost learned the lesson."

Hua Yueling said so and walked out, Lin Qianlian still said nothing, and walked out with him.Two people came to the yard. When those people found Hua Yueling and came out, they all stood in line immediately, like a group of well-behaved students, each of them dared not speak, for fear that they would make Hua Yueling unhappy again.

Hua Yueling is quite satisfied with this. These people are not fools. After learning from their own lessons, they know what to do to make people satisfied.From this point of view, they are still manufacturable.

Hua Yueling didn't waste time either. Originally, he called them to improve their strength. If it weren't for their unpleasant reaction, Hua Yueling wouldn't leave them here.

Now that they know they have done something wrong, it is easier to handle.

"If you don't even know the strength of others, you dare to question others at will. Just from this point of view, you are unqualified."

Hua Yueling said so, her eyes swept over the people in front of her.But these people had already thought clearly in their hearts, so they didn't say a word and let Hua Yueling teach them.

Looking at their performance, Hua Yueling was satisfied.In fact, his thoughts are not really teaching them, things like that don't make much sense. In Hua Yueling's view, the most important thing is that they can improve their strength as soon as possible, and then they can help Lin Qianlian. Nothing is more important. Of it.

It's just that their previous approach was not very good, otherwise Hua Yueling didn't want to do it.Naturally, using strength can make them remember, but Hua Yueling wants them to remember more deeply.

He didn't even use him to make a move, just Lin Qianlian's move could beat them without fighting back. The gap between the two sides was so big.

After that, Hua Yueling taught them how to look at their own abilities first.Although we can see something through the battle with Lin Qianlian before, I have to say that there are not many things that can be seen. The most important thing is that the difference in strength between the two sides is too big, Lin Qianlian beat them It's too easy to drive, and they can't do anything. Even with a large number of people, they can respond very little.

So Hua Yueling decided to try it personally to see how strong these guys are.

"You go together, let me see how strong you are."

Those people looked at each other, then gritted their teeth and said "offended", and then they surrounded Huayueling.Hua Yueling noticed their actions, but this obviously wouldn't have much effect on Hua Yueling's actions.So he didn't care about the opponent's actions, but waited for the other's actions.

Those people found Hua Yueling and did not respond, so two of them attacked from different directions.Hua Yueling's reaction speed is so fast, how much stronger than Lin Qianlian, so two people attacking him at the same time is nothing to him.

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