Huayueling and Saier will not stay in one place for too long. After all, they are not the only place that needs them to understand the situation, there are many other places that need them to go.

Every place needs to go, and Hua Yueling has different coping methods for different children.In any case, those children with talents are the objects of Hua Yueling's focus. As for those children who are not talented, Hua Yueling is not so caring about them.

With that being said, what Hua Yueling did is actually pretty good for those children.No matter what kind of doubt they have, Hua Yueling will answer them, and Hua Yueling is actually quite good to them, and will buy them food. They have only seen all kinds of things before but have never eaten them. Past things.

Hua Yueling didn't force them to do anything. Although every day training was a must, it was something that must be done and it was the most important for them.After all, Hua Yueling is not doing charity, and even doing charity has not done so.

Do what you should do, the value of those children is here, and no matter what, this is not only Hua Yueling's request, but also very good for them.After all, even if they were separated from Huayueling in the future, they could survive well with the strength gained from training.

After all, Hua Yueling is doing good deeds. He doesn't think there is any problem with this. It is also good for the children.

Hua Yueling and Sai'er went to the next place. Hua Yueling bought several houses in the city, and they were all used to house the children.The children have no way of making money, and fortunately Hua Yueling still has money on hand, otherwise it would be a problem that he could raise so many children by himself.

Although there is a lot of money on hand, the biggest problem for Hua Yueling at the moment is the lack of money.If you don't make money, you just spend money. It won't work, but Hua Yueling hasn't thought of a good way to solve this problem.

In fact, there are a lot of useful things in the space bag he has on hand, and those things can be sold in this way to make money.You can even offer something you have never seen in this world and give it to the emperor, perhaps in exchange for some gold and silver treasures.

It's just that it's just quick money after all. After all the things in your hand are changed, there will be no way. Then you will have to think of other ways.

Hua Yueling has a lot of ideas, there are a lot of things he can do in this world, but he can't do much now.Although Hua Yueling thought of many things he could do, he had to wait until he returned to the real world to search before he could decide how to do better.

But that would definitely be a waste of time, so Hua Yueling was also hesitant.He hopes to be able to deploy now, so that even if he leaves, he will have enough resources to use when he comes back.

If you don't do anything now, nothing will change when you come back, and the situation may even get worse.

Hua Yueling naturally didn't want the situation to get worse when he came back, he hoped that the situation would be better then, and he could use more resources.In that case, you need to work hard now.

If nothing is done, the situation will basically develop towards a worse situation, so Hua Yueling must do something.Recently, Hua Yueling felt that he couldn't just think about this by himself, it was not enough to do so, and he needed to find other people to help think of a solution, and there were not many people he could chat with in this world.

One is Lin Qianlian, and the other is Saier and Xiaodie.Only talk to them and listen to what they think.

Apart from them, there is no other person who can be trusted. Of course, his father can also do it, but it is estimated that his father is not very interested in these.After thinking about it, Hua Yueling gave up her plan to ask her father. His mother probably didn't have any use, so she just ruled it out.

Anyway, it was enough to ask Lin Qianlian and Saier, Hua Yueling felt that way, he felt that they could give him the answers he wanted.Even though they are still very young, in terms of experience, even those who are older than them cannot say that they must have experienced more.

Hua Yueling thinks so. Sai'er and Xiaodie's experience is not very good. They may have a good family when they were young, but after experiencing changes, they couldn't go to such a place and laughed in order to survive.

Lin Qianlian is different from them, her life is better, but it is also relatively speaking, maybe she has not experienced so much, but no matter what, she manages such a big organization.So she has seen many people and things, and in this respect she is also a person with rich experience.

In addition, the three of them were all born and raised in this world, so they have a deeper understanding of this world, unlike Hua Yueling, the understanding of this world itself is actually not enough.

Although he has spent a lot of time and experience after coming here, trying hard to understand what kind of world this world is, to do these things, but these things take time to do, not to say If you want to do it, then you can do it, where is so easy.

Things are often not so easy, this is something that needs to be understood.Hua Yueling understands this very well. Now he has some understanding of the world, such as this country and what kind of countries are there around this country. He has some understanding about these, and what each country is like At present, his understanding of what kind of people are there in each country, but what each city is like, is still not enough.

There is no way. There are many things that you can know without saying that you want to know, and that is the fact.

That's why he needs the help of others, and what the world itself needs, information similar to this can be obtained from them.Actually, Lin Qianlian, don't underestimate Lin Qianlian's existence, her existence is very important, in all aspects.

Lin Qianlian has a chaotic organization. Needless to say, the organization itself also owns an intelligence organization. This is a relatively important thing for Hua Yueling.

Hua Yueling is currently also forming her own intelligence organization, but it takes time, not that it can be done in a short while, it is not that easy.

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