The girls will look at Hua Yueling from time to time, but in fact, the children prefer Saier.However, they are also grateful for Hua Yueling. After all, Hua Yueling rescued them. If Hua Yueling hadn't been there, they still don't know where they are.

These children are all good children of Zhien Tubao. What's more, Hua Yueling only asks them to train every day, but does not ask them to do other things, think of ways to make money and so on.So they like Huayueling them very much.

"You have done a good job. It seems that you have mastered it well, but you can't be proud of it. You still have a lot of room for improvement."

Hua Yueling stepped forward and said to these children. After hearing this, the children nodded seriously.But their movements did not stop.

"Don't have to worry about training, just go to rest when it's time to rest."

Hua Yueling asked them to stop temporarily, and the girls stopped all of a sudden and stood quietly.

"Are you doing meditation training every night?"


Don't look at it as just a group of girls, but the response is not small at all, very cute.

"Well, does any of you perceive magic power? Who has acquired magic power?"

Hua Yueling scanned the girls in front of her, some of them raised their hands, but most of them did not move.The girls who did not raise their hands were very curious about who had acquired the magic power, so they watched Hua Yueling's reaction while looking to the side, in front of and behind them.

Only two of the more than ten children were as old as Huayueling's request, which Huayueling had long expected.After all, magic genius is not so easy to find. Thinking about it, you will know that two of these children are lucky to be able to achieve this level. Originally, Hua Yueling didn't expect this.

"Well, well, you are doing a good job. But don't be discouraged by other people. They can gain magic power so quickly, which shows that they are talented in this respect, but this does not mean that they cannot use magic well without talent. You work hard, you can be like them."

Hua Yueling called the two girls over, and then held their hands, feeling the magic in their bodies.Regardless of people who have gained magic power, the magic powers in the two of them are different. One of them has more magic power, while the other has less magic power.

"You are all very good, but you can't be proud of it, but keep working hard."

"Yes, big brother, we will work hard!"

Both girls answered very firmly.They were very happy to be praised by Huayueling, and they also knew that Huayueling was admonishing themselves, so they kept reminding themselves in their hearts.

"When you have more magic power, I will teach you some simple magic. You can look forward to it."

Hua Yueling patted the little heads of the two little guys, then after thinking about it, she took out a bag of snacks.These dim sums are all bought in the supermarket. In order to have something to eat at any time, there are many such things in Hua Yueling's portable space.

"Come on, this is a reward for you, don't forget to share it with others, you go back."

The two little guys got a big bag of snacks and drinks, Hua Yueling handed them to them, and then beckoned back.

Sai'er and Xiaodie came over, and Hua Yueling asked them to help deliver snacks and drinks to the rooms of the two little guys.Seeing Saier and Xiaodie leaving with the two little guys, Hua Yueling looked at the other little guys with envious faces.

"Are you envious of them?"

Hua Yueling glanced across each child's face. Although the girls didn't speak, they could tell what their thoughts were just from their expressions.They admire those girls very much.

Hua Yueling can understand them. If she is in the same position as them, then her own thoughts are estimated to be similar, which is understandable.Whoever says he doesn't envy him is false.

"Since you are envious, then you have to work harder. You also have a chance to get such rewards, but you need to work hard and you need to improve your strength. As long as you can do this, I will not be stingy with rewards. "

Speaking to the girls very seriously, the girls' emotions were quickly mobilized.In fact, it is very easy to mobilize his and their emotions. After all, they are still children, unlike adults who can control their emotions.

The younger the children, the harder it is to control their emotions, and Hua Yueling can also understand them.Thinking about living in modern society, they will be attracted by all kinds of things, not to mention those children living in such an ancient world, those snacks they have never seen or eaten before, they don’t yearn for That's strange.

But Hua Yueling didn't think there was anything to say. Those children just knew that they needed to work hard, and there was nothing else.

And he also believes that those children know what to do, they have training methods, and there is nothing else to say.As long as they persist in training, sooner or later they will be able to reach the level Hua Yueling hopes.

Anyway, Hua Yueling also asked the two girls to share their snacks with the little friends, I believe the two little guys know what to do.These little guys are very smart, don't think they are stupid.

Life from a young age allows them to bear hardships and stand hard work, and also makes them smarter, knowing how to live, instead of just thinking about nothing.It is precisely because they have to think too much, so their heads are very flexible, and Hua Yueling believes this very much.

There was nothing to say here, so Hua Yueling let them continue training next, while he watched their movements on the side.If there is any problem, he will point it out and tell them.

Girls have to seize this opportunity naturally. I saw that they were all practicing very seriously.Their movements seem to be very standard, similar to what Huayueling taught them, which makes Huayueling very happy, which shows that these little guys are very smart, and they can do it just by teaching them a few times. This degree.

There is nothing to say, Hua Yueling watched carefully from the side, and it didn't take long for Kung Fu Sail and the others to come back.The two little girls who had been rewarded by him also came out and continued training with other companions.

Hua Yueling emphatically observed the performance of the two of them, and soon discovered that the two of them deserved to be the ones who could feel the magic the fastest.

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