Hua Yueling went home after solving the problems of those girls, Saier and Xiaodie also went back with Hua Yueling.After returning home, Hua Yueling took the time to rest. He was going to wait until the evening to rest. After all, there were more important things to do afterwards.

There are still many things Hua Yueling needs to do, especially when he realizes that he is leaving faster and faster, and he feels a little nervous when he thinks of this.The tension was not because I was going back home, but because I didn't know what would happen here.

Fortunately, I got an accurate answer from Xiaoxue. I didn't have to leave at that time. I could stay and do something, and then wait until I felt that there was no problem before leaving.For Hua Yueling, this is naturally satisfactory to him.

The reason why he didn't worry about going back was because of the safety of those people he was worried about. In any case, Hua Yueling had been with them for so long, and Hua Yueling also hoped that there would be no problems with them.

But instead of counting on them, it's better to stay by yourself, which is safer.After all, Lin Qian's pity for them is still not enough, even though they are already very strong.

Hua Yueling didn't mean that she was going to help them do something, what she wanted to do was their own business, Hua Yueling was not going to mix these, and there was no need to do that.They can do as much as they can. Hua Yueling only needs to protect their safety. As for other things, Hua Yueling doesn't want to care, and doesn't have that thought.

He can't do everything alone, Lin Qian pity and the others also need to do what they should do.They have their own choices. Although Hua Yueling is very strong, it can’t solve all the problems. It’s important to know that there are many problems that don’t mean that you can do it with strength. That way things are very simple, but everything is right. It's not that simple for Hua Yueling.

After resting at night, Huayueling woke up early. Today, he was not going to go alone. He wanted to take Saier to the palace.Regardless of bringing a person, it’s actually nothing to Hua Yueling.

The reason why Hua Yueling went so cautiously the last time was that she didn't know enough about it, but it's different now. After Hua Yueling went to that place once, she doesn't have to worry about understanding or not.

Hua Yueling didn’t think so much, but he thought that he needed to ask Saier’s thoughts. If Saier didn’t want to go with him, then it was fine, but if Saier wanted to go with him, he could take it. Go with Saier.

After finding Sai'er, she told her what she had to do, and then Hua Yueling asked her what she thought.

Sai'er did not expect to have such a good opportunity, but she was worried that she would cause trouble to Hua Yueling for her own sake, so she did not agree.Hua Yueling told her not to worry, just saying that she wanted to go, and if she wanted to go, take her with her. Even if she took her alone, it didn’t matter to Hua Yueling, there was no big problem. .

Sai'er still hesitated, but since Hua Yueling said so, she still agreed after thinking about it.

Opportunities like this are hard to come by. Since Hua Yueling gave her such an opportunity, Sai'er naturally had to take it well.

Now that she agreed, Hua Yueling took her to the palace.Sai'er was still very nervous when she arrived at the palace, after all, she would never have been able to come to such a place as she used to be.

Sai'er was very nervous, even if she was next to Hua Yueling, it was the same when Hua Yueling told her not to be nervous.Hua Yueling could understand the nervousness, but the nervousness just here was really something Hua Yueling hadn't expected.

But thinking about the identity of the other party, and that the other party is not born and raised in this world like himself, Hua Yueling can understand why the other party is like this.

Because they live in different places and have different thoughts since childhood, they have different feelings about this place. Hua Yueling can understand her thoughts after some thoughts.

In fact, even if you live in modern society, this kind of thinking is not incomprehensible.Many places have changed, but in fact, many places have never changed.

The world is developing, but some things have not developed too much.

Hua Yueling patted her shoulder, this was the only thing he could do.He hoped that his actions could give Sai'er some courage, and Sai'er was indeed calmer because of this, but Hua Yueling could still feel the tension in her heart.

This kind of nervousness is not so easy or can be eliminated so quickly, and it needs to be done slowly.I believe that as long as she follows herself to the palace, then that mood will change, Hua Yueling thinks so.

Some things are just to show that there is no use, and you need to see it with your own eyes.

Hua Yueling knew that Sai'er would not refuse such a good thing. You must know that without him, it is impossible for anyone in this world to break into the palace safely.There may be people like that, but Hua Yueling doesn't believe that those people can perform activities in the palace as easily as herself.

In fact, this is also easy to understand. Regardless of what Hua Yueling sees as the defense in the palace, he can easily bypass the guarding soldiers so that they can't find themselves, but others can't do this.

Don't think that this is Hua Yueling bragging, this is the fact, it is true.Hua Yueling has many ways to circumvent the defenses of those soldiers, to ensure that he will not be discovered, and to leave no traces. Others cannot do this. Hua Yueling is right. This is still very confident.

The difference in strength is very important. In terms of Hua Yueling's strength, there is basically no place in this world that he cannot go, and no place is dangerous for her.

Huayueling can go anywhere, and he can guarantee that no one can threaten him.This is the function of strength. Other people in this world, it's not that there are no people with strength, but those who use strength are not worth mentioning for Hua Yueling.

In this world, there are no more powerful guys except for those who have followed them to learn the mind.Hua Yueling's words may seem a bit too arrogant, but Hua Yueling doesn't think so. It's very normal for Hua Yueling to think so.

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