Hua Yueling reckoned that if the people inside the palace knew that someone was even able to sneak into the palace without being noticed, they would be scared to death. Of course, the emperor was, after all, the emperor, so it was impossible to say that there was that much incompetence, but Hua Yueling felt that if he knew that, his face would never look too good.

In fact, Hua Yueling really wanted to see what kind of a look the other party would have when the time came, but after thinking about it Hua Yueling gave up on that plan. There was no need for that, after all, he came here with his own thoughts, and he had things to do after this, being discovered would not be a good thing for him.

Hua Yueling and Sai'er hadn't been hidden for long, they moved to a different place. Although Hua Yueling was quite familiar with this place, but after all, he still meant that he had been here once, and there were still many things he didn't know.

Needing to spend some time to do something, Hua Yueling had to go find out where the emperor was now. The emperor's bedroom and the place where the emperor usually worked seemed to have been there, but he wasn't sure where it was.

There was no way, after all, no one had introduced him to these last time he came here, so it was quite normal for him to get to know everything here on his own, not knowing what those places were like or where they were.

Hua Yueling moved around with Sai'er in different places, and the two of them circled the many places in the palace. Sai'er was very interested in everything here, after all, she had never been here before this.

Not to mention, the palace was a palace after all, and the architecture here would not be comparable to other places.

From this point on just visiting here once was considered to be enough money for them. Hua Yueling was taking Sai'er around while searching for where the emperor was.

Even Hua Yueling used illusions to understand, but then he realized that illusions were really useful, and it would be wonderful to use it to gather information.

In such a world that kind of legendary power or power that didn't even exist in legends was really useful, especially for those ordinary people on the other side. In fact, even if it wasn't used against ordinary people, even if it was used against people who were very powerful in this world, there was no problem, those people wouldn't be able to detect such things.

Nothing is simpler than using illusions to deal with those people, Hua Yueling can do a lot of things using illusions and relying on her mental power, she can use this method to modify their memories and make them pretend that nothing has happened, in fact this is still a very simple thing.

It was even simpler than many things, and this was no joke, but it was the truth. It wasn't that people in this world didn't have mental power, there couldn't be that kind of thing, even people in this world also possessed mental power, but just possessing mental power wasn't enough, that was something that needed to be clear.

In the original Hua Yue Ling also possessed spiritual power, not that he didn't, but he was still caught in the illusion. This is not so much related to whether or not you have spiritual power, what matters is your use of spiritual power and whether or not your spiritual power is strong enough.

At this point Hua Yue Ling was unrecognizable two, there was a significant improvement in mental strength, while there was also progress in illusionary skills. These two aspects were the important ones.

Without enough spiritual power, then your spirit could easily be invaded, and even if you fell into an illusion, don't even think of being able to crack it. Even a commonplace illusion can trap you for a lifetime.

For example, with the strength that Hua Yueling possessed now, dealing with the people here could easily trap them in an illusion spell for the rest of their lives using an illusion spell.

Soldiers were patrolling the palace, these soldiers were still different from the ones patrolling the city. Even in the middle of the night, it was obvious that the armor they wore was different from the ones outside.

These soldiers inside were definitely stronger, but Hua Yueling was not prepared to clash with them, so whether they were stronger or not was actually nothing. And even if they were stronger, so what, Hua Yueling could defeat them all with a single illusion or even a single magic.

Not to mention that the illusions could still control them, and then they wouldn't be themselves, but accepted by Hua Yueling. It was just that Hua Yueling didn't have such thoughts, after all, these people were nothing to him, here he could be called a peerless man.

Pulling Sailor's small hand to hide on top of the city wall for a while, both of them quietly got up to look outside and observe the situation outside. It could be seen that it was very calm outside, and there was basically no one else after those soldiers left.

"You can go down now, Sai'er, remember to cover your mouth later, but don't shout."

Hua Yueling reminded Sai'er, after all, she hadn't experienced this before this, compared to with Lin Qianren it was the first time. Although Lin Qian Ren had only experienced something like this with him just once, but after all, she had also experienced it, if she came along naturally she wouldn't need to worry so much, but Sai Er still needed to be careful in this regard.

Sai'er nodded her head heavily, having experienced what happened before, she knew in her heart what Hua Yueling wanted to do. Although this kind of thing was dangerous, somehow, inside she was eager to try it out.

Such things like this that no one had ever experienced she was quite looking forward to inside, but actually thinking about it, she knew that this kind of thing was actually meaningless. But it's just a turn around in a place you've never been to, at most it's just a trip to travel.

Hua Yueling probably thought so, but he didn't come here to travel, but to do something, in order to be able to better gather information, to Hua Yueling this could be said to be a necessary thing.

The two of them jumped down from the top, during which Sailor covered her mouth with her hands, trying not to make a sound. But she was really too nervous, and the good thing was that she could still control herself, so in the end, she didn't make any noise.

The two of them jumped down from above and landed on the ground, where Hua Yueling's feet were steady on the ground. He looked towards Sai'er who was being held in his arms, and Sai'er had a very nervous expression, but it could be seen from her eyes that she was also very relaxed and excited.

Hua Yueling could understand this feeling, the first time she did something like this was similar.

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