Hua Yueling hadn't really paid too much attention to this earlier, and now that he thought about it he was actually wrong in all his previous thoughts. But the mistakes were the mistakes at that time, and it was already good to realize that he could only say that he would fix the mistakes in this area afterwards.

Hua Yueling needed to think about more things, needed to find more things that she had forgotten about. There were so many things that needed to be done, sometimes it was quite normal to forget or ignore some things, at least Hua Yueling thought it was quite normal.

After all, he wasn't an omnipotent figure, and couldn't possibly say that he could know everything very well and get everything perfect without problems.

Hua Yueling was indeed very strong in terms of power, but only in terms of power, while the other aspects were not enough.

There were still a lot of things Hua Yueling needed to do, but right now he was just focusing on the matter at hand. There were still more things to be busy with, and there was no telling what was going to happen in the city next, Hua Yueling had already sensed that there were too many forces in the city that were stirring, waiting for that moment.

The specific moment is probably still unknown, this is also normal, Hua Yueling is not too familiar with these. But Hua Yueling knew very well in his heart, as time passed that moment was gradually approaching, when would it arrive, even so he couldn't tell.

The two people within the palace unbridled sightseeing, at the beginning Sai'er is indeed very curious about every place here, but gradually her thoughts underwent some changes, in fact, this is also very normal, Hua Yueling can understand her mood.

Thinking about the fact that she was actually like this, there was no difference between the two people in this regard. The feeling that the palace's interior gave was that ordinary people could not be tainted, and could only stand at a distance forever watching unable to enter it.

But when you enter it, you will find that everything is just like that, there is no big difference. The dwelling place is different, the feeling of dwelling will be different, and that's all.

Ordinary people would definitely be willing to rest in this kind of place if they came to it, but to Hua Yueling and the others there really wasn't any difference. Hua Yueling's family also had a lot of status in this world, which was something that needed no further explanation.

Because of this, the condition of Hua Yueling's home was actually quite good.

Sai Er felt good just by living in Hua Yue Ling's home, she didn't need much, but what Hua Yue Ling gave her was already very, very much. For Sai'er this was enough, as for the inside of the palace, just looking at it was enough, there was no need to ask for more, that wouldn't be interesting either.

It was purely with an appreciative eye, or rather with the look of going to understand, to see all that was in front of her.

After seeing some of it, one felt that this place wasn't really interesting. But if it was a place to live in terms of a place to live, it must still be very good to live here, after all, the environment here is not comparable to other places, there is no place that still sends so many people to repair or to manage such an environment.

Places like the palace were very special, Hua Yueling could understand this.

Hua Yueling found a few maids and then used her illusion skills to scrape out quite a bit of useful information from inside their heads. After all, they were the ones who had been living here all along, and they were still very knowledgeable about the situation here, allowing Hua Yueling to easily find the information she wanted.

After obtaining enough information, Hua Yueling left from here with Sailor, Hua Yueling still had important things to do right now. We'll see what Sailor thinks when she finishes her business, Sailor can take her around the place if she wants to continue walking around here, or they can just go back if they don't want that.

The place where the emperor lived was actually quite easy to find, after all, the place where the emperor lived was the most luxurious place in the place. But without using the illusion skill to get information from those maids, Hua Yueling couldn't be sure of that.

After all, it wasn't that easy to get information that needed to be gone over to be able to know.

It was easier now that Hua Yueling could confirm what place to go to, his problem before this was that he didn't know what place to go to. After all, although he had an understanding of this place, it was too big, it wasn't like you could understand it clearly after coming here once or twice.

Even after having been here several times for this place is still unable to understand clearly, these are all possible.

Sailor walked a little dizzy, don't know where is where, for everything here is very confused. Hua Yueling almost felt the same way, but he was actually better off compared to Sai'er's situation.

In fact, HuaYueLing and the others hadn't even been to many places here, not even a tenth of them, after all, this place was too big, and it wasn't that easy to understand.

Sai'er felt really incredible, was this what the palace was like? Thinking outside, such a palace was equivalent to how many people's homes outside.

Hua Yueling took Sailor to find the emperor's residence, thanks to the information received from the maids, otherwise even Hua Yueling would probably have a hard time finding where the emperor was. But the emperor wasn't necessarily at his own residence, except that those maids didn't know where the emperor was.

Now they were going to go to the emperor's residence to take a look, and if they couldn't find the emperor there then they would go to another place to look for him.

There were quite a few people in the palace anyway, so it didn't matter if they couldn't find the emperor, they could always find some people around the emperor. Even if you couldn't find the emperor's side, you could still find some characters who might know where the emperor was, and these would be very useful to Hua Yueling.

At the emperor's residence, Hua Yueling didn't find the emperor's figure, which meant that the emperor wasn't here at all.

"Looks like we'll have to look elsewhere."

Hua Yueling thought in her heart, she thought that she could find it in one go, but it looks like she was still thinking too much, or she needed to look elsewhere.

Sighing, Hua Yueling had no choice. There was no one here again, so it was just a matter of wandering around, and if you were lucky you might be able to meet someone who knew the emperor's whereabouts.

But that was if you were lucky, if you were unlucky you wouldn't know how much time it would take.

"Let's go, the emperor isn't here. Let's just say it's bad luck, let's go look for places where there are people, someone always knows where the Emperor is."

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