
Listening carefully, whether it is inside the palace, where the emperor and his courtiers went to the early court, or Hua Yueling outside can clearly hear the sound.Based on these voices, he judged what happened, but at the moment it seemed that there was no big problem, and there was nothing to worry about.

Looking inside, Hua Yueling recalled what the emperor had done before. He didn't know what the emperor thought, and he didn't want to figure out what he thought.For Hua Yueling, these are not important.

A lot of things may happen next, too many things, Hua Yueling feels that she only needs to grasp the most important things.Things on the emperor's side are obviously the most important.

To say that Lin Qian pity their organization is the most important thing, Hua Yueling believes that it is definitely related to the emperor.

The emperor is definitely their ultimate goal, but Hua Yueling also believes that it is basically impossible to do such a thing with their demonstrated strength, unless Lin Qianlian takes the shot himself, and then something happened here, they Fish in troubled waters, you might be able to do that.

"But I don't know what their plans are."

Hua Yueling is not so clear about the situation in this world. In this case, he doesn’t know much about the recent situation. If he has more understanding, he may be able to understand what is happening now What happened, what might happen next.

"Why are the footsteps so messy?"

Hua Yueling heard the chaotic footsteps, and it was certain that the footsteps could never come from inside the palace.You must know that now, during the early dynasty, no one dared to do that, it was looking for death.

In this case, the most likely sound is that the sound comes from outside.Hua Yueling looked at the entrance. Something seemed to happen there. There were arguing voices, but these voices quickly disappeared.

Hua Yueling's expression moved, it seemed that the matter had already begun, but she didn't know who was leading the matter this time.Hua Yueling didn't stay here at all, and quickly moved to the door of the palace, hiding on the wall and looking outside.

I saw a group of soldiers in armor standing at the entrance of the palace under the leadership of a general, seeming to be arguing with the soldiers guarding the gate.The general wanted to take his soldiers into the palace, but was refused by the soldiers at the door and prevented them from entering.

"Boys, give it to me!"

In the end, the general couldn’t bear being so rejected by the opponent, and waved his hand to signal that the soldiers following him rushed up directly. Anyway, the door itself was open. They didn’t need to tell the other party about this and that, just rush in .

The soldiers guarding the gate realized that something was wrong, and it was more troublesome than they thought. They hurriedly ordered their companions on the tower to close the gate, but their reaction was still a step slower. Under the general's order, the soldiers who followed him Have rushed out.

How could the few soldiers at the door be the opponents of so many soldiers, they were easily suppressed by them, and there was no ability to resist at all.The soldiers on the tower just wanted to close the gate, but they couldn't move so fast, they could only watch the opponent invade into the palace.

There was no way to close the city gate. A few soldiers on the tower rushed down, trying to stop those advancing guys. Unfortunately, there was too much difference between the two sides, and they didn’t realize that such a thing would happen. There was no preparation at all, and it was too late to respond.

"Damn it, how did they come all the way, there is no news at all."

Realizing that his situation is critical, the soldiers on the tower still rushed down the tower and ran down, trying to stop the invading soldiers.

"Quick, look over there!"

At this moment, a soldier suddenly shouted loudly, and everyone followed his line of sight, only to see that there was another brigade marching here in the distance.

"Will it be a rescuer?"

"Impossible, where can it be so fast? How long have they just been here? Other people have arrived. People here may not figure out the situation yet."

"Then what shall we do?"

"No, you can't let them rush into the city gate. We must find a way to close the city gate and block them out. When those people come in, we really won't be able to recover."

The soldiers on the tower also wanted to do something, but soon they realized that in fact they couldn't do anything, there was no way at all, they could only watch people rush in and take control of the city gate.

If they want to regain control of the city gate, they can only rush down and fight with each other, but if they do so in real life, they don't even have to think about it. They will definitely lose in the end.

The number of them here is smaller than that of the other side. In this case, the other side still has an advantage. Although they say that they are on the tower, the other side does not need to care about them at all. Just hide and wait for their companions to come. At that time, I will be powerless.

The soldiers felt increasingly desperate. They didn't think they had any way to solve the problems before them.They are just ordinary soldiers, not those heroes, and even a hero here probably has no way to solve this problem.Too many people came.

Hua Yueling frowned and watched this scene. To tell the truth, he felt something was not quite right. At least seeing that the situation now is different from what he imagined, the other party seemed very confident, but Hua Yueling felt that the emperor shouldn’t be a little bit more confident. No reaction at all.

The emperor should have been prepared. This was Hua Yueling's guess after previous observations. As for the specifics, no one can answer this question for the time being, Hua Yueling can only be a guess.

"Speaking of which, I have observed the emperor for a period of time. It seems to be relatively smart, and it should not be that easy to deal with. I don't know if he knows this."

Hua Yueling thought about this in secret, but there was no way to get the answer for the time being, so she had to talk about it then.Anyway, when the soldiers rushed in, Hua Yueling believed that she would be able to see what the emperor had planned.

Now naturally there is no way to see it. The emperor could not let his thoughts be exposed so easily. Maybe everyone was kept in the dark by him, but it was also possible that he didn't know this at all, and Hua Yueling could not judge where it was. One kind.

However, based on his observations, he thinks the first possibility is greater.

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