It didn't take long for people from outside to break in, and those who Huayueling didn't know were still coming. He looked at those people and didn't know which group of forces had sent.

It was really enough, he had already seen this afternoon, he didn't know how many teams, and he didn't know what to say.

Hua Yueling thought about this in her heart, and found it really interesting. These people have chosen today, and they don't know what they think.Hua Yueling thought it was incredible, it shouldn't be like this logically, but the situation is like this.

What is going on? Those people chose today as the day. Did they get the news in advance or there are other reasons.

Hua Yueling felt that it might still have something to do with the existence of the world itself, but he was not sure that it must be like this. These were all his guesses, and he himself felt that his guesses still had a lot of credibility.

If this were not the case, it would be difficult to explain what is happening now, it is simply incredible.Logically speaking, such things shouldn't happen. Things should happen one after another, and teams come one after another. This should not be the case.

Everyone knows what will happen and come here, what those people think, and where they get the news.They are really good enough, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart.

These things that happened made him a little incomprehensible, but Hua Yueling could feel it, as if there was a big hand pushing behind, or controlling everything from behind, Hua Yueling guessed that big hand was getting him. The spiritual power from this world, but he didn't know why the other party had to do this, it was not necessary at all.

Hua Yueling didn't understand the other party's thoughts. He felt that even other people would find it difficult to understand these things, and didn't know what they were for.

Hua Yueling felt that all these things happened to be meaningless, there was no need at all, why so many things happened, and to make the situation so chaotic, it made people not clear what happened.

Very strange, the other party's thoughts are very strange, Hua Yueling thinks that perhaps she and the other party are different in this respect, she is a human, and the other party is just a kind of spiritual body, maybe it is caused by this difference.

Hua Yueling guessed like this in his heart, but he wasn't sure that this must be the case, maybe it wasn't, there were other possibilities.

But Hua Yueling wasn't so interested in these.Anyway, things have already happened. At this time, it doesn't make much sense to think about why something happened. What needs him to think about is what to do next.Do you just watch things continue to develop, or think of ways to do something on your own.

For the time being, Hua Yueling hadn't thought about this training yet, and he felt that he didn't actually need to intervene.In fact, the most important thing is that none of the people here know him. The emperor knows him, but he is not very familiar with the other party. Under such circumstances, there is no need to care about him, and Hua Yueling feels that he is even There should be nothing wrong with him regardless.

Hua Yueling felt that he must have been prepared, not as if he was not prepared at all as he showed now, that was just what he showed.In fact, the emperor might not know that so many things would happen. Hua Yueling believed this, but if he had no idea what might happen today, Hua Yueling felt that it was impossible.

He just pretended not to know, and wanted to see what would happen, and then tried to catch it all. He was the emperor of this country, and he himself had the greatest advantage.

However, the situation now seems to have nothing to say, the next step is the emperor's home game, just don't know what he will do.

Hua Yueling looked at the second team. This team was actually a bit strange. I didn't know who the leader was, but there were indeed a lot of soldiers. It seemed that he had mastered a lot of power.But this is certainly not enough.

The emperor’s power is the greatest, but it also depends on what the situation is. For example, now, why the emperor has no power, and he cannot mobilize so much power in the event of an emergency.

But you also have to see if it is a sudden situation that the emperor does not know. If the emperor knows, all this is just an illusion for you.These all need to be considered. Hua Yueling doesn't know what the emperor thinks, but he thinks that the emperor has his own ideas, and he is not the kind of emperor who knows nothing, he is actually prepared long ago.

As he thought, after the next group of people rushed in, there was no suspense in the battle at all.There is a big gap between the two sides, and the inside is still in chaos. The battle inside has not ended, and the army outside has already rushed in.

In fact, the people inside had already taken an absolute advantage, and they had to wipe out all of the sixteenth princes' subordinates, but they had not done this yet, and the enemies outside had already rushed in.

It's all right now, the people inside have not been wiped out, the people outside have already come in, and the enemy has suffered.Although the enemies inside will be wiped out soon, it does not mean that they will be wiped out immediately. It will take time, but people outside will not give them this time.

The enemy from the outside rushed in. With just one shock, the soldiers inside could no longer hold it.The group of people after that can only watch the victory that is about to be won just like this.They were dispersed and the team became chaotic. Although the leader is still doing his best to ask everyone to calm down, no one can do this.

The situation was extremely chaotic, and some soldiers even fled to the chapel without knowing it. At this time, those generals could not be regarded as unseen. One of the generals at the lowest hand stood up and grabbed the soldier.

The soldier was taken aback, but after seeing the person who was holding him, he was even more scared to move.

I can't see such a big person. I didn't expect to see such a big person now, but this is not a good thing.

The other party didn't speak, so he threw it to the ground.

The emperor didn't care about these. For him, one or two soldiers was not necessary to care. He wanted to focus on the overall form of the outside, not the one or two soldiers.Even if they are dead or not, it will not have any impact on the development of the whole thing.

These are not important things, the most important thing is how the situation outside is.

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