The girls are not alone now, on the contrary, they actually feel warmer than anyone else.After all, they have a lot of family members, which was never imagined before. They were just girls that no one wanted before. They had no friends and no home to live in. Even if they had a place to live, their life was very bad.

But now it's different. Everyone lives together and can see each other every day, and since their experiences are almost the same, they can understand each other.This is also what Hua Yueling thinks, let them become family members and have feelings, so that even without their help, these girls can live well in the future and help each other. There is nothing better than this.

The girls left with the two girls beside Lin Qianlian, and then Hua Yueling and the others also left.Sai'er and the others also need to go to the places where other children live to see the situation, and at the same time, they need to inform those children that there are still a lot of children left, and they need to let them leave little by little.

Girls and boys, Saier and Hua Yueling's idea is to let all the girls go first, and then let the boys go.The boys don't worry.

There are still a lot of people left, so you need to have a strategy to transfer, and you can't use the same strategy to transfer every time. That would be too obvious.Although it was nothing even like that, it is estimated that the soldiers guarding the gate would not say what they found because of this, but it would be bad to cause others to suspect.

The children are quite energetic, and they feel relieved to see Saier.

"There is no need for these children to let them out in waves. You can try to get them out one by one. Girls can be more careful, but they can also try. People who go outside first will not walk too much. Far away, as long as you go out and follow one direction, you can find it without going too far."

"That's still a bit dangerous, and the children might get lost."

Sai'er is a little worried. Even if she is close, she feels that the children are in danger of losing. Although the strength of these children is worthy of recognition, if they are lost, even if they are strong, it will not be easy.

"It doesn't matter, otherwise I will wait outside, you can watch from inside, don't worry if I am outside."

Hua Yueling said so.Now that he has said it to this level, Saier thought about it and didn’t refuse any more. Instead, she was ready to try what he said. She was still a little worried, but just like Hua Yueling said, he Looking outside, you can actually relax for the time being, don't worry so much.

"Then give it a try, start with Nanhaizi?"

"Girls should be fine. Let’s start with girls, and put the boys behind. But the girls don’t leave one by one. We can go out together in two or three. This will be faster and safer. ."

Hua Yueling naturally hoped that they could all go out safely, and didn't want anything to happen to them.Thinking of this, Sai'er was somewhat relieved, and she nodded and agreed.

Hua Yueling wants to go out is also very simple, just use an illusion skill to control the soldier at the door, thinking of this, he suddenly feels that he must think so much, directly use the illusion skill to control the soldier at the door, and then take the children out. Nothing is fine, there is no need to worry at all.

Saying her thoughts to Sai'er, Sai'er was also a little surprised, but she should have thought that Hua Yueling had such an ability, but because Hua Yueling hadn't mentioned it, she didn't expect it.

"With such a method, it is much simpler."

Sai'er also thought of this, she had really forgotten this before, otherwise Hua Yueling would have been reminded, and she would not have been silent forever.

As she said, there is such a way that it is naturally much simpler, so there is no need to worry so much.No one can stop them.

"I'm going to call all the children over, do you need to talk to Sister Qian Lian."

"Xiaodie, go, I'll take the children out for a while, Saier, help me call the children over."

Xiaodie left and went to find Lin Qianlian.Sai'er is not idle either. The remaining girls live in several different houses. She must go to those places to call the children over to the place where Hua Yueling is now, and then let him take them. go.

There are still people waiting outside. What Hua Yueling has to do is very simple. Just take all these children out and hand them to the two girls outside.Regardless of the two girls being older, but there is no way to compare their strength. Together, they are not necessarily one of these girls' opponents.

The strength gap between the two parties is still quite large. After all, it was taught by Huayueling, and the cultivation techniques and magic that did not exist in this world were taught. The improvement was quickly taken for granted.

However, this world is not the same as the other world, so the improvement in this world is very fast, but there is still a gap compared to the other world. This is related to the two worlds themselves and not much to the people in the world. relationship.

These can not be decided by one person, Hua Yueling can't decide anything, and those who practice the exercises can't decide anything.Of course, the talents they possess allow them to cultivate more than ordinary people, but at the same time, people in another world can practice faster than them, regardless of talent.

After Sai'er brought all the girls, Hua Yueling was ready to take action. He didn't worry about being noticed by others. Anyway, he just needs to leave here. There are Saier and Lin Qianlian and they don't have to worry so much. Up.

"Young Master," Xiaodie ran back quickly. Hua Yueling and the others were ready to take action, but when Xiaodie came back, Hua Yueling stopped. "Young Master, sister Qian Lian said it's better not to It’s too conspicuous for so many people to act together. If the son wants to let them go, he will wait until the afternoon."

"Have you changed your mind again?"

Qian Lian hadn't said this before, so it was obvious that they thought of it after they left. Xiaodie went over to talk to her, and she just reminded her.

"Is there enough staff in her place? We still have a lot of human classes. If we act according to the current method of action, we still have to have at least three waves."

"Sister Qian Lian said, don't worry about this, she has enough staff, we just need to do as she says."

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