It's not that you can't earn money from monsters, but it's more difficult to earn.One of the most valuable monsters is the skin of the monster, of course it depends on what the monster is.

There is also the magic core in the magic object. The magic core is more valuable. The rarer the magic core, the rarer the magic core is, and the magic core is also earlier.

This is basically the situation, and even the meat of the monster itself is considered a resource, which can be sold for some money, but it is not very valuable.Unless it is a particularly powerful monster, the harvest at one time is definitely not as great as going to the bandit gathering place.

Hua Yueling thinks so, but they rarely go to the lair of monsters.

"Xiaoyu, Boqi, you two go ahead, be careful."


Xiaoyu and Boqi both spoke very energeticly, and the two of them have actually become the leaders of the team.The two of them walked in front, while Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong followed behind.

Although Hua Yueling was still investigating, she didn't want to remind the two little guys that there was something in front of them.He mainly wants to see how they will react.This is quite interesting, and Hua Yueling also believes that they can cope with all this, don't underestimate the two little guys.

The strength of the two little guys is not a joke, they are really strong, but they are limited by some circumstances, so there is no way to reach the strongest state.

The two little guys understood what adventurers should do during their several adventures with Huayueling. Both of them sneaked cautiously, making almost no sound along the way, but in the cave. There seemed to be nothing inside, and they walked a distance inside and found nothing.

There doesn't seem to be much here, but Hua Yueling can see the deeper situation through the exploration skills, he has discovered things that others have not yet discovered.There are monsters in it, and it is not the more common monster.

It may be difficult to deal with the monsters inside with the strength of Xiaoyu and Boqi, but this is also a trial for them.If they can defeat the opponent, it is still very good for them to improve.

Hua Yueling thought to herself, she couldn't help but look forward to it.

Xiaoyu's ears moved, and then quietly put her fingers on her lips to remind Poqi to stop her making noises.Although Porch didn't know what she had discovered, Porch was still very obedient. As long as she was reminded, she would have no voice and watched carefully.

Although she didn't see anything, she believed that since Xiaoyu reminded herself, she must have found something.

Xiaoyu also stopped and listened.Hua Yueling and the others stopped behind, waiting for their reaction.

Xiaoyu's ears were stronger than Hua Yueling thought, and he could hear the sound coming from the depths even though they were so far apart and there was still something blocking them.

It can be said that they are very talented in this respect, but this kind of talent still needs to be cultivated, but now they have done very well.At least Hua Yueling didn't expect them to discover the depths of the cave so quickly.

Hua Yueling and the others stopped behind and waited for the decision of the two little guys, but hearing the sound was not very useful.It is difficult to rely on this sound to judge what kind of enemy is inside.

It's difficult for Hua Yueling to judge anything just by relying on this sound, after all, the sound inside still sounds a bit mixed.

It may take a very, very experienced and knowledgeable adventurer to be able to judge what is in it.

The two little guys became more careful. They lowered their footsteps and walked in quietly.They kept observing the situation inside, but there was nothing in the passage.

Some traces can be vaguely seen on the ground. Judging from the paw prints, the size of the monsters here should not be small.But the others are hard to see.

The more you go in, the more you can hear the sound inside. It seems to be the sound of a monster grinding teeth. At the same time, there are some other sounds, but Hua Yueling can't understand what kind of sound it is.Maybe it's just a random sound from a monster.

In any case, what Hua Yueling was sure of was that the monsters inside should not be weak.However, Hua Yueling didn't know much about monsters in another world, so she wasn't sure.But it doesn't matter, even if the two little guys are not opponents and they are there, in his opinion, the monster has some strength, but it is also for the two little guys, and it is nothing to him.

Xiaoyu and Poqi walked quietly, and they hardly made any noise.The monster inside did not notice their arrival, this is their advantage.The two little guys are still very small and their bodies are relatively light, so it is easier for them to hide themselves from making noise.

As long as you are not in a hurry to slow down, basically you don't need to control your actions, and there will be no noise.And unlike Hua Yueling and the others, they must be very focused on it, otherwise it is easy to make noises.

When he reached the depths of the cave, the sound coming from inside became louder and louder. Hua Yueling could hear the roar of the monster, not knowing what happened.Hua Yueling was still very curious about this. Through the exploration skills, he found that the monster inside should be full and he seemed to want to come out.

The monster shouldn't find them, just want to go outside. Hua Yueling was a little puzzled about this, but this was not incomprehensible.

Xiaoyu seemed to have discovered this, and she stopped abruptly thinking about something.If you continue to go inside like this, it won't take long for them to run into each other. In that case, the two sides will face each other head-on, which is actually not good for them.

Xiaoyu doesn't seem to face each other head-on, that's not what they are good at.The two little guys are not shields in front of them. They are assassins hiding in the dark.

Xiaoyu whispered something in Poqi's ear, and then Poqi kept nodding. Hua Yueling was quite curious, but he did not ask.The three of them continued to hide and observe from a distance to see what the little guys would do.

Xiaoyu and Boqi quickly found a place to hide. The cave like this is not like a place where the robbers gather with torches, so it is very dark and it is difficult to see anything.But for monsters, vision is only one aspect, and they rely on more than just vision to discover whether there are other creatures.

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