The group of people continued to march after they had cleaned up. As before, Hua Yueling and the others had no special goals, they just chose a random direction and started walking.After all, they don't understand the world so clearly. If there is a map nearby, it's okay. Without a map, they can only act according to their own ideas.

In fact, it would be better if Sister Zelucie could follow, but Sister Zelucie had her own things to do and it was impossible to say that she would be with them at all times.Or go find Karin with them.But speaking of it, Karin's understanding of the world itself is actually similar to them, there is not much difference.After all, Karin himself is considered a family squat, and the elves themselves rarely communicate with the outside world, so it is normal to not understand the outside situation.

Hua Yueling and the others can only walk around and walk around. In fact, it is very difficult to find a target. Maybe someone will understand the situation around here, but it is definitely not them.

Hua Yueling didn't think about where she would go next, but Hua Yueling and the others must leave this place.After all, there is such a powerful monster nearby, so the possibility of other organizations existing nearby is relatively small.

Robbers can't survive here, after all, living with that kind of monster is very scary when you think about it.If the robbers lived in such a place, they would have been killed by monsters a long time ago, and they would not be alive.

Hua Yueling understood this, so he decided to search further away instead of staying here to search. After all, the possibility was too low.

The equipment Hua Yueling received was exchanged for gold coins, but just as he thought, those dilapidated equipment could not be exchanged for many gold coins.Hua Yueling was somewhat disappointed. Although they said that they still had the corpse of a monster in their hands, Hua Yueling didn't think how many places that monster could be exchanged.

The material of the monster may have other functions, Hua Yueling thinks this way, if it is really like that, then don't think about being able to exchange it for gold coins.

Following the mountain road down the mountain, Hua Yueling and the others returned to the road, looking at the continuous mountains on the right, they didn't know what else was on this mountain.But Hua Yueling and the others didn't have time to explore this endless mountain range, it would take too much time.

Hua Yueling felt that there was still room for improvement in her exploration skills, but this was not enough, and she needed to make her exploration skills more useful.For example, you can draw a map directly based on what you see. Anyway, the exploration skills that Huayueling needs are more useful. The current exploration skills are actually good, but they are not enough.

However, Hua Yueling was also very clear in her heart that she was delusional, that kind of skills could not be obtained so easily, it was not so easy.It takes I don't know how many gold coins to do this. Hua Yueling doesn't have so many gold coins on hand. He needs gold coins, but gold coins are not so easy to obtain.

The group was walking and chatting about the battle just now. Although the two little guys said they had defeated the monster, they didn't seem to be in a good mood.Hua Yueling could understand them. After all, the monsters were not actually killed by them, although they could be counted as those who gave the monster a fatal blow.

The road is very clean, and I feel that the other world and the modern world are completely different in some respects.For example, you can hardly hear any sound on the road or see other people. This is hard to imagine in modern society.

Although there are sometimes no people in many places in modern society, it is only sometimes, not all the time.It is relatively rare to see no one.

However, it is different in another world. It is difficult to see people in other places except cities.It’s not that there are no people outside, but there are fewer people. Hua Yueling also understands what’s going on. The world like this is very big, and the way people move is the fastest way It is the use of a carriage, but the speed of the carriage is still very slow. Anyway, there are various reasons that cause this situation.

There are not too few people in the different world, but there are definitely fewer people in modern society. This is also a very important reason.The overall area of ​​the other world is quite large, there are not so many people, and the transportation method is also primitive and backward, so it is understandable that it is difficult to see other people outside.

Although Hua Yueling doesn't like to get along with strangers, he feels embarrassed when facing strangers, but now the situation is much better.

Hua Yueling looked into the distance, and Li used his exploration skills to gain some understanding of the nearby situation. There was no other noteworthy place nearby, so he needed to go farther.

As for whether she could find what she was looking for on the next journey, Hua Yueling was not sure, so just continue walking.Anyway, it has no purpose in itself, just take it slowly, wait until noon to go back, and don't think too much.

Hua Yueling and the others were moving in one direction like this. Among them, the busiest one was Hua Yueling. Don't look at him as if he was doing nothing, Hua Yueling had been using exploration skills to explore.He explored many places, from the top of the mountain to the grass next to it.

Hua Yueling feels that such a scene is hard to see in modern society. Hua Yueling likes such an environment and wants to try to live in such an environment.Although he has tried it, his life with Jeruxi is like this. He feels that life there is still very good, and it is very lifelike, very good.

However, life in Jeruxi's place is still a bit different, and some of the things that have been transformed there are too modern.Although the impact is not great.

Hua Yueling still likes such a place very much, in fact, the life with Jieluxi is the most characteristic of the fantasy world.Think about how it is possible to live in a tree house in modern society.Not to mention whether it can be done, just say whether there are such big trees. In fact, this is very difficult.

Such trees are not easy to find. It is important to know that the tree house that can live in the next person must be very large, otherwise it will feel crowded.

There are such trees in another world, but in the real world there are no such trees, or not at all. It can only be said that it is difficult to find, or almost impossible to find.

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