Hua Yueling and the others were casually walking here, and since they were not sure where the road was, they still needed to spend some time looking for it.

The choice was just a random one, and there was no special intent. Hua Yueling also tried to use his scouting skill to understand the situation nearby, but it was a very difficult thing to do.

Hua Yueling found that this world was actually very different from the game world, and this was something that needed to be understood. Even if the game world is made bigger, in the end it takes less time to walk through the entire world, which is something to understand.

Don't look at the game world and say do much big, but that is only a game world, not the real world, the two should not be confused.

In the real world you need to spend a lot more time, a day can't actually travel far, and even if your feet are fast, the distance you can travel in the end is limited.

Without transportation, it is unrealistic to walk the whole world on your own feet. It's not that there's no chance of reaching such a goal, it's just that it's less likely. Such a thing is actually quite normal, and if you think about it carefully, you will be able to understand this point, there is nothing to say.

Hua Yueling looked into the distance, and what she could see from here were things she was not accustomed to, such as mountains and the ground, steam rising from the air, and monsters running around.

This place did not look like it was inhabited. Generally speaking, there would not be so many demons in an inhabited place. It's hard for ordinary people to survive in such a place, and even bandits and the like wouldn't choose such a place.

When the time comes, they haven't done anything yet, and a bunch of demons make them suffer heavy losses, so what else can they do, they can't afford to consume.

It is the only place where it is easiest to find what they are looking for. The likelihood of finding a bandit's nest in such a place is not very high, but it is possible to find the place where the demons live here.

Hua Yueling was somewhat interested in this, but not very interested.

The air was hot, and Hua Yueling did not like this hot and humid place. A drier and colder place would be better, he thought. After all, you have to know that the environment is impossible to actively adapt to you, there is no such thing.

Only you have to actively adapt to the environment, so don't think that the world revolves around you, that kind of thing simply can't happen.

Hua Yueling looked into the distance, and at the same time explored her surroundings with all her might with her scouting skills. There are no nests of demons here, and if you don't see a lot of demons, you will encounter a few if you walk for a while.

Those demons are quite difficult to deal with, and if they find or notice you, they will just come and attack you. In this regard, they are actually no different from bandits, and even more powerful than bandits.

On the way forward, HuaYueLing and the others have tried to have as little contact with the demons as possible, trying not to fight them, but this is obviously not easy. As long as the demons see you, they will come and attack you, no matter how you think about it.

Dodging these demons is not an easy task, and Hua Yue Ling and the others have to put a lot of thought into it, which is somewhat troublesome. The main thing is that there is not enough revenue, if there is enough revenue, without them coming to the door, HuaYueLing will take the initiative to attack towards the other party.

After stepping on the uneven ground, they gradually got used to this kind of terrain, and although their walking speed was still much slower than usual, it was already much faster than before.

HuaYueLing and the others looked into the distance, hoping to see something, but it was very difficult because there was nothing to see here except for the demons. Moreover, many places were blocked by low mountain ranges, making it even more difficult to see what was happening in the distance.

There is nothing we can do about it, but he would like to go to those mountains, because in the game, there may be powerful monsters in those mountains.

I don't know what it's like in reality, whether or not you can find similar demons. Hua Yueling is still looking forward to it, he really wants to go to see it, just don't know if he can see something interesting.

But if you follow the setting of the game, of course, it's just one of the games, you can find dragons on the mountain, and to say that in the game the dragons are actually not that strong. But the real dragons are different. Just the sight of a huge body that can cover the sky is enough to make you feel oppressed.

No one would want to fight a dragon if they could, and that's scary enough just thinking about it.

HuaYueLing and the others are actually not as strong as this, but they are still willing to challenge things that others don't dare to challenge. And not to mention the fact that dragons are not necessarily their enemies, which is naturally different from the game.

A group of people found a higher mountain nearby, HuaYueLing looked up, there is nothing to see from here, there is no road on the mountain, but this mountain is not so slanted, so it is still possible to go up, not so much trouble.

"Come on, let's go up and have a look."

Hua Yueling said, pointing to the top of the mountain, and the others nodded their heads. They walked up along the edge of the mountain range where they could step.

There wasn't a single road on the mountain range because no one was walking, and this aspect was also very normal.

Hua Yueling felt quite normal about it, nothing at all. But it was just that it was a little more troublesome for them to walk, and they had to make their own paths, which was what they came here for anyway, so it was nothing.

Stepping on the sloping slope of the mountain, Hua Yueling and the others were looking for any better place to go, this mountain looked quite easy to go up, compared to the other mountains. At least you can still see a flat landing point, where it is possible to go up, but this road is not directly connected to the top, you need to look for other roads, and it is very difficult to just walk all the way up.

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