Anyway, it is always possible to find something, Hua Yue Ling is thinking, perhaps this idea is not very correct, but this is normal. Not every time you can find something.

Sometimes adventures are like that, but obviously adventures can't be like that all the time, it still depends on whether you are well prepared. If you are accurate enough about what you are looking for, then it is naturally not so difficult to find. But if there is not an accurate direction, only a general direction, then this will be the case.

Walking along the road, Hua Yue Ling they did not know how far they had walked, Hua Yue Ling looked up at the sky and

"It's been quite a long walk too."

The flower moon Ling heart so thought, he was thinking about whether to go home next. But after thinking about it he just gave up the idea, there is really no need to go back, after going back he will have to come back, anyway, also talked to sister Yun, so do not continue to waste time for this.

After changing his mind Hua Yue Ling and the others talked about their ideas, Mu Ningshan and Lu Yuetong also thought about it, but their problem is that they did not talk to their families about these things. But after all, there have been such things before, so there is no need to worry too much, their parents should still understand the situation and will not be particularly worried about it.

"So be it, let's focus on this side of the mission first."

After a short exchange, Mu Ningshan and Lu Yuetong decided to stay here like Hua Yue Ling and not go back first.

After all, if they worried about these things and thought about them while acting, they wouldn't be able to act properly.

Besides, they do not know how much time they have to spend here to act, at least they need to be busy before completing this task.

A morning passed very quickly, flower moon ling they follow the established direction, a morning walked an unknown distance. But up to now there is still nothing to gain.

This is also normal, originally Hua Yueling they did not think to be able to harvest so quickly, the possibility of that kind of thing is too low, not so easy to be able to do. This point is still to be clear.

The dragon flew over and did not leave too many traces, which makes it more difficult for people to find it. So Hua Yue Ling they can only follow what they know to find.

So the time spent on rushing, a day passed, Hua Yue Ling they walked a long distance, but they did not have any useful discoveries. This is definitely not good news for them. But Jeluzi does not think this is a problem, this journey she is the most serious inside all of them, even more serious than the flowers Yue Ling them.

The moon ling found she seemed to be studying something, incessantly thinking about something. But all the way she did not stop, but you can clearly see that she was thinking about the problem, rather than just walking in that direction.

In fact, if only to do so how much time is wasted, after all, the road does not do anything else, is basically just in a hurry.

A dragon appeared here represents what, no one can say clearly. But what is clear is that this can certainly represent the arrival of danger. A kind of danger that may erupt at some point, that is the case.

Do not think that the dragon flies away there is no need to worry, there is no such thing. Even if the dragon flies away, the danger is actually there, there are many things to think about. The existence of the dragon is in a way the most terrifying.

As long as it exists, no matter what kind of place it is in, what kind of way of action, or even if it does not do anything, just appear here, it is also extremely dangerous thing.

Hua Yueling understands this point very well in his heart, but these are of little consequence to him. Flower moon ling do not care about these, after all, these are really not much to do with him.

But it must be said that the lord certainly cares about this, the lord is worried about his territory. The territory will be threatened by the dragon.

The dragon may not do anything about it, but you can't be sure of that, you can only guess if that's the case. As for how exactly, that depends on the situation.

The lord naturally does not want such a thing to happen, he definitely does not want to see the scene of his territory being attacked by the dragon, so must be prepared for everything in advance, do their best to keep things under their control.

Or not so much, but to learn more information, just so it is also useful, better than nothing to do. That's why the lord is willing to spend more money to hire Hanazuki Ling and the others to scout for information about the dragon, because of this.

Spend more money to do this thing. Because the existence of the dragon is not only a threat to the people in the territory, it is also a great threat to him, there is no way around it.

No matter what it is for, this thing itself is definitely to do, in front of the safety of life, there is no other more important thing.

However, this matter is really troublesome for them, and it is very difficult to find more clues. So far they have not found anything.

Until late in the evening, Hua Yueling they still have not found anything too good, which is what Hua Yueling did not expect, he thought he could find something, but now it seems that they still think too much.

This matter is not so easy, but if the dragon left here to the very far, then the task itself should be even completed.

The moon ling they put their eyes on the side of the sister Jielu Xi, want to see what kind of reaction she has, after all, because this came with them, but in the end nothing found, to say that she is not disappointed flower moon ling is not believed.

After all, even Hua Yue Ling himself felt a little disappointed, he naturally hoped to find something, but now see this is very difficult.

The team stopped moving forward and prepared to use the teleportation array to go back. However, Mu Ningshan and the girls still recorded the current coordinates and prepared to continue their search tomorrow.

When they returned to the tree house, they ate their dinner, and then the group went around the tree house. The tree house is still very lively, whether it is Xiao Yu and Bo Qi or the other girls are quite lively, they are talking and laughing, look very happy.

The tree house is a very good place for them to walk around the tree house and then go underneath the tree house, the autumn and winter seasons, even the tree house here is also cold, but the impact on the flower moon ling them actually is not very big.

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