"Xiaoyue, your idea, my thoughts, I am not can't understand, but this time you first help my sister, I solve how it is, then my sister, I recommend a few good places, I can definitely find a good thing, to ensure you Earn the potted festival. "

"Arahlin sister, don't lie to me."

Saixing said, he felt that these words that Aulin said were completely untrustworthy, only from the tone of her, anyway, in this way, it seems to speak in this way, it is definitely Arahlin 's sister "is not good".

Hua Yuling believes that Aulin is definitely thinking about what pit people's tricks, or is lie to yourself, this is definitely not a deception.

"How is it possible, Xiaoyue is too cautious, how can my sister I will lie to you, let alone Xiayue Ling you talk about it, when is my sister, I deceive you?"

Ararlin's hands on the hands of the hands, and I went out of my anger. However, her response, but she swindled the spring, and only see the larv of the moon, and did not say a word. It is still very obvious.

This is very dissatisfied with this, I feel that the Shu Moon does not cooperate with oneself. This is not the most important, the most important thing is that Xiayue Ling actually does not believe in yourself, how can this.

Ararin is extremely dissatisfied, but the moon is not cooperated with her.

"Hey, Xiao Yiling, don't think that my sister can cure you. If Xiaoyue, you are still like this, this mission, my sister, I will give others. After that useful news, I don't say it, I am myself. go with."


Listening to her, she said that there is some credibility, but he is still skeptical about the authenticity of Aulu's discourse.

Since Ararlin said, since he said something, some can't say it, since it is still the same, it will continue to act, according to the task of her given it in accordance with the sister of Aulu.

"Ok, let's hand it to us."

The moon is so saying, it is accepted this task.

"My sister knows that Xiayue Ling will definitely promise, Xiaoyue Ling really did not let my sister disappoint, then, my sister, I will tell you the place, then you have passed it directly. There is still some distance here. Direct past some far, it is best to transfer it directly, and it is more convenient to transmit to the vicinity. "

"That's the case, but how should we pass the past, Arairle, sister, you should be ready."

"I have already prepared it, but I have never been to do this. Since you are coming, since Xiayue, you are not just, my sister, I will wait. Other people, I am also worried, after all, we here The person is still too little, there is no way to compare the other party, and some strength has other things to do, there is no way to let them do this, my sister, I am more impossible. "

Hua Yue Ling is quite speechless about Aulin sister, but he can understand it. It is true that this kind of thing Aululie may think about it. The strength of Ararlin is not a small amount of problem, which is a waste of resources.

It's because I understand, so I didn't say anything, I just agreed it directly. Anyway, I didn't help, and they didn't have anything. Although they came here, although it was not for help, but there was n'thing, or there is also It should be.

"Xiao Yuling, the things there will be worship you, remember to resolve them, then hide, then come back."

"Don't worry, Aulu, we don't know, since this kind of thing is given us, you will wait."

"That is said, this kind of sister can give you to you, don't let me down."

"Will not."

The moon is very confident, I don't think there is anything, after all, they are so many people here, and if it is just what is not dangerous, those ordinary enemies are connected. They can't make a threat.

However, there is also a place to pay attention to the other side, that is, it is best to make everything clean, don't be discovered by others.

This is something like assassination, but it is still a bit different. It's not a problem for the flowers of the moon, after all, their strength is there, do not need more, but other respects do need to pay attention, such as how to deal with those enemies after fighting.

In the past, they didn't have to think about it, but now there is a bit different, and now they must think about it clearly.

But how is it just now? It's still not enough, or you need to do something personally, otherwise, you will never learn anything. The moon did not experience in this regard, but no matter what experience is available.

The flower moon is followed with Aralen to the place where the transfer array is located, as in the past, they must be transmitted to the place with the transfer array. As for where the specific transfer is, Aulin is not saying, just telling them to know after the past.

"Don't tell us what is going on? If there is no orientation, we still need to spend a lot of time to find it."

"The place is easy to find."

"Well, okay, I know, let's go."

The flowers are ready to say to the place. After the place, I went to observe the situation, I couldn't be sure about it, where is it, the flowers, they must understand the situation through observation, if you don't understand what it is clear.

When they were brought to the place where the transfer array was sent, the transfer array was hidden. This is a fact. They did not think that the transfer arrays will be hidden in such a place. This is really quite surprised. . But this is nothing, anyway, it is important to find the place where the transfer array is located, but what is going to confirm that the other side of the transmitted array is, there is no more important than this, at least it is currently So.

When they arrived in the place, then they were transmitted with the help of Ararlin, and they were still uncomfortable.


When the flower moon, she can't stand it in the moment of passing through the transfer array, and the head has some pain. This transfer is somewhat surprises, perhaps because of the difference between the world, the flowers are not clear about what is going on, but it is not important to him.

Looking up, look forward, I can't see anything, it is very calm.

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