"Arahlin, you are back?"

What is the accident is that he has gone to the land, he actually saw Ararlin, how much it is much. When I wanted to find her, I saw her when I didn't expect it.

"Uh, my sister, I have come back."

Aulind put down the fork in his hand, see the situation, she should have just returned to not have long, and I am having lunch.

"Arahlin, you have harmed us, this time it is really troublesome. We are so hard to run back."

"Hey, that can only explain that Xiayue Ling is not working. My sister, I will give you the benefits. Can you get the sister, I can manage it."

"The monster is too difficult to get wrapped, we try to attack it, use a variety of ways to attack, but there is no way to cause harm. So we must win, so I have to come back first. "

The larvarrown shrug said helpless.

"Yes, there is really very difficult to say from this point, or how can you live now. It is said that the guy is not so strong when it is still small."

"I also think about finding the weakness of it, the result can't be found. The other side can be called the weak point. There is no other place in addition to the eyes."

"That is sure, otherwise, how can the guy will be so difficult to deal with. Don't say Xiaoyue, even if you are a sister, I have to spend some effort."

Alan said smiled and said that the flowers could only swite helpless.

"For, the guy is still temporarily letting it live a while, I am going to find some information here, then go to other places to find other monsters."

"This is a good idea, you want to have something to gain yourself, good, Xiayue Ling, you are also open. If you want to find information, let her help you, about these, I know more than my sister. More."

Ararin said that he refers to a young girl standing in the distance.

"please follow me."

"Then please pay you."

The flower moon looked away with the girl, and Aolin is staying to continue to eat his lunch. Look at her is still quite fragrant, the food in this world can say that there is a flavor, may not be suitable for everyone's taste, but if it can be adapted, it is also good.

The lady looked with the girl in a room, this room seems to be a study, there are a lot of books that have a lot of books. These are what they need for the flowers.

"What do you need can tell me directly, I can find it."

"I need it, um, have there be a map of the monster information, and where to find what kind of monster, these are what I need."

"This information is the most, and the monster's information has many records here. I will find it."

The girl said so, quickly find it, she is looking for the top of the bookshelf, and she will find a lot of things. It seems that there is a lot of things that can be used here, this is a good thing for the spring, but it is obviously not a good thing.

From the girl's hands, the flowers were in the moon to find and understood. There are also maps, some of which are placed together, which are always related to each other, and you can understand a lot of things.

"Hey, the monsters here are more than I think."

Hua Yue Ling quickly browsed, but he was more curious about what is worth noting nearby.

"There is no map near this. We are ready to start from this vicinity. If there is any news nearby, you can give it to me."

The flowers said to the girl. The girl nodded, and then no longer looked for the original place, turned to other places to find.

It can be seen that the girl is indeed a very understanding here, otherwise, if you look for it, you will not be like this light car. The girl is very understandable here, I know very clearly, I want to find anything else.

The girl quickly gave the things he needed and gave him. The moon is grateful to the girl. He is really grateful to the girl in this respect, although he can find it, but it will not find such an easy to find like a girl.

Anyway, this is a very good thing to the Moon Ling, what you have to do is looking for it, just find what you want to find.

Flower Moon is on a map, found that this is a place that is a base, this is a very hidden place, hidden in the dense wood, it is estimated that the average person will not think that there will be a village here.

As for what is worth careful nearby, there is not much place in the opinion of the flower month. At least he has not found some place to care.

"Hey, some troubles, it seems that it seems difficult to find monsters."

So Yue Yue is so thinking, he browsing nearby situations and is not particularly worth careful.

Flower Moon Looking for the information you need in a variety of information, about the situation nearby, not only nearby, but it is very important for her. However, Hua Yuling is still interested in other places in this world, for example, there are still many places in this village to understand. However, Hua Yue thinks that there should be not too dangerous place near this, otherwise, here is not exposed here, that kind of thing is impossible. However, it is definitely in this vicinity, I don't know how much it is.

The moon is still curious about it, I want to know this, these things can be learned directly from the map. The information used above the map is really a lot, and the Moon Ling has a book through the map. It has learned a lot of things that have not been understood before, and these things are very useful for him.

The moon is ready to move here in the next time, then compare the gains in the two worlds. The harvest is not so easy to compare, but as long as you exchange something into gold coins, it is easier to compare. When you can know which side of both sides have gain more.

But in this side, I want to harvest what is more difficult, not only to face more powerful enemies, but also learn some skills to better access material and exchange.

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