The days passed in a flash, and at the end of June, Jiang Xiaohu's farm was completed ahead of schedule.

Although it spends a lot of money, this little money, in such a large place, the infrastructure is actually very rough.However, people in rural areas pay attention to the facts and do not pay attention to bells and whistles.In Jiang Xiaohu's view, once the basic functions are available, it can be launched.

There was still more than half of the time to get the chicken seedlings, and Jiang Xiaohu decided to bring the chicken seedlings back.For some reason, he always felt that if things were not done, he would have dreams of right and wrong.

The next day, Jiang Xiaohu contacted a transport truck and came to Ziqiang Farm.In fact, the Ziqiang Farm has a transport vehicle, which is responsible for transport.But he didn't want to use it. The specific reason is very mysterious because of intuition.

Jiang Xiaohu felt that it would be very difficult to transport 20,000 chicken fry from the farm.

Sure enough, Jiang Xiaohu was in big trouble when he came to the farm for the second time.First of all, the security guards at the door refused to let in. They pointed to the sign beside them and shouted, "Idlers are not allowed to enter, have you seen it?" The attitude was very bad.

Jiang Xiaohu took out the contract and said that he was not an idler: "I am our customer here."

"What a customer, I'm dizzy at my age and don't know how to read." The security guards said.

Indeed, they both have gray hair and look at least in their fifties.With this age, Jiang Xiaohu was too embarrassed to come true.

"Then why can't you enter suddenly?" Jiang Xiaohu asked.

The two cars called Didi and turned out from the small road. They were customers who came here to shop and play.

"Without the invitation letter, no one can enter today." The security guard opened his eyes and said nonsense, because they were blocking Jiang Xiaohu.

"Then how can they get in and out?" Jiang Xiaohu asked, pointing to the cars that were going away.

"I'm a member, come here for vacation." Baoan said, "You have to be rich, and make a member to ensure that you can get in and out freely." After speaking, he glanced at Jiang Xiaohu.

"Oh hello, it's so hot this day." Another security guard fanned his hat and hid in the shade of the trees, still unable to prevent sweating down.

It seems that Ziqiang Farm has launched a new farmhouse holiday villa project, which is booming recently.

Jiang Xiaohu was not in a hurry, he smiled and took out his cigarette, scattered it to the two people, and said to them: "Big Brother, in this hot weather, is it a bit wronged to have to stand guard here?"

Although the temperature here is a few degrees lower than that in the county, the temperature of the general environment lies there.Wearing a security uniform can be unpleasant at all in such a hot steamer weather.

The two sighed and said, "It's not so bad!" He lit the cigarette casually and took a deep breath.

Seeing that it was a good smoke, the two of them relaxed a little.

"Hey, your farm usually has its doors open to welcome everyone. What's wrong with this place today?" Jiang Xiaohu casually stuffed the cigarette case to the two of them. "I can't smoke this cigarette. Don't worry, there is a box in the top 20. You two, help me digest."

The two security guards were more happy, took the cigarette case and divided the cigarettes.One of them said casually: "Hey, who knows who is being guarded? Anyone who rides a tricycle is not allowed in. Hey, are you riding a tricycle?"

Jiang Xiaohu rolled his eyes and nodded: "I came here on a tricycle, but I don't ride a tricycle. This is all right? Actually, I'm here to do business, and I have a cooperative relationship with you. Oh, I am here for Lihua. The hotel is here to buy the goods."

The status of the two security guards in the company determined that they couldn't know too much. Being fooled by Jiang Xiaohu, especially with this pack of cigarettes, he suddenly thought he was extremely cute.How can he not let in for such a lovely person with a heavy responsibility?

"As long as you don't ride in, you can do anything." A security guard said ambiguously.

Jiang Xiaohu slapped his face and said with a smile: "The two are really reasonable, then I will follow the car in! Next time I come, I will bring you good cigarettes if I meet them."

These two security guards are also based on the principle of multiple friends and multiple paths. Seeing Jiang Xiaohu doing this, they are not at fault. Anyway, this child looks harmless to humans and animals, and he came for the hotel. He will definitely not do anything special. Thing.Once they were added together, they were released.

Jiang Xiaohu got on the rented truck and drove into the park.After he arrived, he went straight to Zhang Qizhuang's office building and knocked on the door.

At that time, Zhang Qizhuang was holding a teacup and was telling a story with two female employees.What he talked about were all colorful jokes, and the two employees who heard it were red-faced and hard to avoid. After all, they were directly under the leadership.

Therefore, when Jiang Xiaohu knocked on the door, the two had a sense of relief at last, and quickly opened the door to let him in.

Seeing that it was Jiang Xiaohu, Zhang Qizhuang was shocked and frightened: "Why are you?!" His voice was a little bit eccentric.

Jiang Xiaohu grinned and said, "Why can't it be me?" He snapped the receipts on the table, "I want to pick up the goods."

Zhang Qizhuang was guilty and angry, and secretly said, "Damn security guard, didn't I tell you not to allow tricycles to come in?"

He didn't know that the security guard and Jiang Xiaohu took advantage of him.People didn't come in on a tricycle, they came in by truck at all.

"Well, doesn't it take a while to pick up the chicken fry?" Zhang Qizhuang took his butt off the table and returned to his seat.

Wang Ziqiang confessed: "If this guy comes to pick up the chicken fry, stop it, and you must contact me immediately!"

It's a coincidence that Wang Ziqiang is not on the farm today, but is going to his second child's house.Who is the second child?His little wife.

The red flag at Wang Ziqiang's house is not falling, and the colorful flags fluttering outside are already famous in the county seat.Because of this, the status of the representative of the other people has been knocked down.

But even if he is not a representative, he still insists on finding a woman.Zhang Qizhuang knows why, chanting for his son.

Now Wang Ziqiang has a family property of tens of millions, and Rijin Doujin is a big boss.He himself is healthy, young and vigorous, and his business is booming. He has no other regrets, but lacks a son.

That person is going to ask, doesn't he have two children and two daughters?The eldest son is about to get married now, so what's the complaint?

It turns out that this eldest son is not his biological son, but the son of his comrade-in-arms.His comrade-in-arms died of illness and his wife remarried. Not long after Wang Ziqiang was married at that time, he took the child and raised him as his son.

Although the father and son have deep feelings, they are not their own bones and blood after all.And the youngest son?Due to his dystocia when his wife gave birth to him, he was hypoxic and had mild cerebral palsy.

Although the younger son's condition is not serious, Wang Ziqiang still feels regretful.So I found a little wife.However, this little wife twitched her legs and gave him two daughters.

An abnormal son became Wang Ziqiang's heart trouble.Fortunately, he is very young and strong, and his wife is also young, so the two of them wondered how to make a son.

Today, Wang Ziqiang is going to make a son.

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