The crowd was in an uproar.

"Hey, this eldest sister, you're wrong! What people say you do, you are clearly moving closer to the fracture! You are an errant!"

"Yes, I'm so old, why don't you have a brain to do things?"

"You have a brain to do things, and would you bully a little girl here?"

Little Junior Sister sneered and looked at the woman, and raised her mobile phone: "I'm recording everything here, how did you fall just now, how blackmailed you. And, how'following the doctor's orders'~ Do you want me to let it out and give it to everyone? Take a look? Let everyone comment, OK?"

The aunt frowned, blushed, and she lowered her head and was silent for a moment, then suddenly shouted: "Okay, just let it go, I am not afraid of the shadow crooked!"

Before her voice fell to the ground, the little sister had already started the video decisively, and the phone screen was directed at everyone, slowly spinning around everyone, playing it over and over again.

The content of the video is as follows: In the small alley, the old lady hurriedly appeared.Seeing her whereabouts, she should have rushed out of the market across the road.With her belt in both hands, she went into this seemingly empty alley, which turned out to be to solve the problem of urination.

But just after the solution, when she got up, she accidentally stepped on a brick. There was a hole under one end of the brick. Her center of gravity was unstable and she fell down.At this time, Lu Xiaomei appeared, so the remaining few minutes of long content was a tug of war.

Lu Xiaomei kindly came to help her, but she took the opportunity to blackmail Lu Xiaomei.In the seesaw, more and more people were attracted, including Jiang Xiaohu.

After the broadcast, everyone sneered at the aunt.But the man lowered her head in a desperate manner. She originally wanted to fight, betting that the younger sister was frightening her.Who is so boring to come to make a video?

Coincidentally, the younger sister had a rest and nothing to do today, and bought a new mobile phone, so she went to the market on the edge of the county and took some videos of local customs.Just when this happened, she was at the other end of the alley.

These are all old buildings, which can recall her childhood memories when she was wandering around the village to be demolished.

After playing the video, the little sister turned her head and rushed to her: "It’s the fault of you to urinate and defecate anywhere, and you don’t need the toilet. You’re still a woman! You accidentally fell, and you slandered the person who came to help you, wrong. It's also with you. What can you say now?"

"You, you are more nosy, young and clever, you won't be able to keep you married in the future! Pooh! Pooh!" The aunt got up, the so-called body with a broken hip is actually very quick.

She viciously cursed the little junior sister, spit a few mouthfuls on the ground in a row, got out of the crowd griefly, rushed across the road, and disappeared into the dense crowd.

"Okay, okay, there's nothing to watch, everyone is busy! Oh, the fried buns at the market are really delicious, go eat! It's gone if you go late!" someone shouted, Everyone gradually dispersed.

Lu Xiaomei lowered her head with tears, walked over to the junior sister, and said to her: "Thank you, Miss Sister!"

"Thank me for what I did?" The little sister looked at her and sighed a little helplessly, "It doesn't matter if you are kind, you have to protect yourself while you are kind! When you encounter this kind of person in the future, you just ignore it."

"Yeah!" Lu Xiaomei nodded.

Suddenly the two felt that something was wrong, the shout just now disappeared, the voice is so familiar!

They all looked behind them at the same time, but saw Jiang Xiaohu approaching with a smile.It turned out that Jiang Xiaohu called out just now to let the onlookers disperse.

Jiang Xiaohu's grinning face seemed to condense all the sunshine around here, and he looked warm and comfortable in his heart.

Lu Xiaomei blushed when he saw that it was him, lowered her head and called out, "It's you, Brother Jiang!"

It turned out that she also remembered Jiang Xiaohu.

Little Junior Sister rolled her eyes: "Why are you here?" She has this attitude towards everyone, so Jiang Xiaohu is not angry.

"I have nothing to do. I wander around here, and I just meet you." Jiang Xiaohu said, "Let's go to the market together~"

"Who wants to go to the market with you? I'm just here to gather the scenery." Little Junior Sister said, "Since you know each other, let's go together. I'll go first, bye!"

She turned away very coolly, leaving Jiang Xiaohu and Lu Xiaomei with the backs of a violent girl.

When she was gone, Jiang Xiaohu smiled and said to Lu Xiaomei: "She's Wu Siyu, the younger sister I learned to drive with. Don't look fierce, in fact, I have a good heart, thanks to her just now~"

"Yes, this young lady is very nice." Lu Xiaomei said with great gratitude, "If she hadn't come out for me, I really don't know what to do today. That woman will charge me 1,000 yuan for medical expenses, I How can I give her any money~"

After speaking, she subconsciously weighed the bag behind her.

Jiang Xiaohu only noticed that she was carrying a black schoolbag, which was bulging and full of single pages.It turns out that she came to hand out flyers today!

"How much is there? Let me post it for you!" Jiang Xiaohu said.

"A lot, more than 700 pages!" Lu Xiaomei blushed, "I can do it myself."

"It's okay, I'll help you!" Jiang Xiaohu couldn't help but said, taking out most of the leaflets from her bag, and the two of them sent them as they walked. It didn't take long for them to finish.

Lu Xiaomei is very happy, these single pages are probably a whole day by herself.And now, it's done in an hour or two.That's a full seventy yuan!She was as sweet as she had eaten honey.

After sending the leaflet, Lu Xiaomei went to the foreman to collect the money.Jiang Xiaohu looked at the seventy yuan gross ticket in her hand, feeling a little bit sour.

"Xiaomei, how old are you this year?" Jiang Xiaohu asked.

"Seventeen." Lu Xiaomei replied.

Jiang Xiaohu was surprised: "It's only seventeen? Shouldn't you be studying?"

"Ang, stop reading." Lu Xiaomei smiled bitterly and said helplessly.

Jiang Xiaohu could see that it was a pity that she could not read.

"Has something serious happened at home?" he asked.

"Well, my mother is sick, breast cancer." Lu Xiaomei said.

Jiang Xiaohu sympathized with her: "Hey! There is a cancer patient in the family. It is indeed very disheartening. I know a friend whose mother seems to have this disease too, and is now hospitalized in the county hospital."

"Really? My mother is also at the county hospital." Lu Xiaomei said, "What is your friend's name? The patient's family, maybe we still know each other."

"Lu Dayong~" Jiang Xiaohu finished speaking, and suddenly wondered, one Lu Xiaomei and the other Lu Dayong, their mother has breast cancer, shouldn't these two be a family?Wouldn't it be such a coincidence that I can run into a family with two children?

Lu Xiaomei was startled: "He is my brother!" Then she looked at Jiang Xiaohu with excitement, "Are you the benefactor of my brother?"

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