Wang Ziqiang's Ziqiang Farm is located in the suburbs of Luliu County.Luliu County does not have many industries, the climate is pleasant, and the natural environment has nothing to say.

And his villa, located deep in the farm, is very quiet.Although it is a building resembling a nouveau riche, the interior is well decorated and the materials used are good. You can tell that the owner is very rich.

He was sitting in the living room of the villa, holding a newly purchased Cuban handmade cigar in his hand, which was more than two thousand and very expensive.

"Xiaohua, eat fruit." He pointed to the fruit plate on the coffee table and said to Zhang Xiaohua with a smile.

Zhang Xiaohua took the initiative to find him, but stubbornly refused to sit down.She just stood there for twenty-five minutes, but Wang Ziqiang remembered the time.

Hey, this girl is too stubborn, but he likes it.If you can turn such a girl into a woman, and then teach it a little bit to be what you like, wouldn't it be quite a sense of accomplishment?

Zhang Xiaohua didn't know what the other party was thinking, she had only one thought in her mind at this time-she must protect Jiang Xiaohu, no matter what the price.

"I won't eat, I'm here, you said you can let Brother Huzi go, now please go and detoxify his chicks!" Zhang Xiaohua said with a sullen face.

Wang Ziqiang laughed and put the cigar on the ashtray: "Little Flower..."

"You are not allowed to call me that, just call me Xiao Zhang!" Zhang Xiaohua said sharply.

She didn't know what Wang Ziqiang would do to herself. The matter of men and women was completely vague to her, like a mist in a tulle.But even if she didn't know it, she felt sick in her heart.

She is quite disgusted with Wang Ziqiang.

Wang Ziqiang is rather helpless. He has been the boss for so long and has always been the king in the eyes of his subordinates.In the company, everyone treats him respectfully, and no one dares to speak loudly to him except getting married.Zhang Xiaohua is a very special exception.

"Well, Xiao Zhang, can't I call you Xiao Zhang?" Wang Ziqiang smiled softly and helplessly. "Aren't you tired? Sit down, aren't you tired? I feel so tired when you stand. Don't resist me like that. , I’m not a heinous villain."

"You are wicked!" Zhang Xiaohua said, "I will ask you, if I promise your terms, will you let Brother Huzi go?"

"That's natural!" Wang Ziqiang said, "I will not only let him go in the future, but I will also help him in his career. What's the premise, you should be clear in your heart?"

"Yeah." Zhang Xiaohua nodded, feeling infinitely sad.

In Wang Ziqiang's heart, it was like a cat scratching.At first he made up his mind to get her heart first, and then her person.But now, he changed his mind.

This old fox knows that night long dreams are not empty words.He thought, to round up the room tonight.As for Jiang Xiaohu, as long as that guy is on the road, it doesn't matter to forgive him.

Wang Ziqiang looked at Zhang Xiaohua, who really looked at love, thought about beautiful things in his heart, and smiled like a trumpet flower.

He patted his thighs, got up and stretched his muscles and twisted his back, and said relaxedly: "Xiao Zhang, now that you are home, don't be frustrated. The room is on the second floor, and the biggest one is, you go up. Right. I have something to do. Go out first and come back for dinner in the evening. Oh, yes, you don’t need to cook the food. There is an aunt who specializes in cooking at home."

After speaking, he picked up his briefcase, changed his shoes and went out.

Zhang Xiaohua is the only one left in the huge house.The so-called aunt Wang Ziqiang said was actually a female worker on the farm.I will cook and clean at a fixed time every day, and it's just extra money.

The door slammed shut, Zhang Xiaohua shivered, and her heart slowly sank into the cold bottom of the pool.She thought sadly, could it be said that she would stay with this old man for the rest of her life?

Of course she didn't want to, but thinking of Jiang Xiaohu, she felt that she had to endure it.She knew that Wang Ziqiang was too rich, he was from another world.Zhang Xiaohua couldn't imagine what Wang Ziqiang really thought.She just knew that if Wang Ziqiang wanted to engage Jiang Xiaohu, they would be unable to fight back.

This kind and simple rural girl, before she knew it, put herself and Jiang Xiaohu in the position of the little sheep.She subconsciously felt that as long as her little sheep feeds the big bad wolf, then the big bad wolf will let go of Jiang Xiaohu's sheep.

She walked up to the second floor with a suitcase, and found that there were traces of a man's life in the largest room.There is no doubt that this should be Wang Ziqiang's bedroom.At this time, she still didn't quite understand a proper term called the master bedroom.

Zhang Xiaohua resisted this bedroom, so she found the smallest room in the entire villa.This is a nanny room, just a 1.2-meter single bed, which occupies half of the room.But she is very satisfied with this place, the smaller and more enclosed the room, the more it can bring her a sense of security.

Zhang Xiaohua stuffed the suitcase under the bed, then fell on the bed and fell asleep.Wang Ziqiang went out and drove directly to a club in the city to have a kidney-tonifying meal.Tonight, he must redo as the groom's official.

And the other one, Mr. Jiang Xiaohu, was groping on the farm with his feet deep and shallow.

Although he remembered the approximate location of the farm, he did not expect that the roads in the living quarters were so complicated.Coincidentally, the layout of the farm changed slightly during this period.

Wang Ziqiang found someone to look at Feng Shui and said that a gossip array around his office building could change his fortune.So he got a bunch of rockery and built a garden near the office building.Now the garden is only a preliminary framework, and it is messy everywhere.

Jiang Xiaohu climbed the wall and walked in. He was confused by the mess and accidentally took a long way.When he came back, it was getting late.In addition, there are working people and cars everywhere on the farm. In order to avoid people's eyes, he had to choose a place with dense trees.

Then Jiang Xiaohu suddenly figured it out: "Am I stupid? There are so many people on the farm, how many people know me? I just leave openly, no one will care about me!"

After he figured it out, he was generous and wandered around the farm with his mobile phone.Finally at half past six in the afternoon, he saw a small villa a hundred meters away.

Jiang Xiaohu's heart suddenly tightened, and he secretly asked, "Is Xiao Hua inside?" He subconsciously picked up the phone and called Zhang Xiaohua, but unfortunately he was blacked out by Zhang Xiaohua and couldn't get through.

Ding Dong!

A message pops out from the phone, it's from Xiaolu.

"How is it? Did you find it?" Xiaolu sent several messages and warned him not to do anything illegal.

Jiang Xiaohu was about to reply when he suddenly heard the sound of a car motor behind him, and turned his head to see that it was a rather aggressive off-road vehicle.The driver is Wang Ziqiang.

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