Got it, got it!

The new cicada screamed on the tree, heralding the arrival of summer.

Fortunately, Jiangbian Village is a mountain village, and it is bordered by the river, with a pleasant climate, warm in winter and cool in summer.Everyone in the city turns on the air-conditioning, so thin quilts have to be added at night.

A bunch of idle men surrounded the gate of the village committee compound, laughing and making noise.

"Don't run, just wait for me!" Jiang Xiaolong pointed at Jiang Xiaohu immediately.

Without knowing it, Jiang Xiaohu raised his chin at him: "Wait for you, come on."

He thought that his cousin was going to come up and fight, but he turned his head and ran, running faster than the rabbit.People who didn't know laughed, Jiang Xiaohu was annoyed and panicked.Don't worry about the two people's trouble, after all, it is his cousin.

"Counsel, lose the face of the ancestor!" Jiang Xiaohu cursed.

After cursing, he regrets a little bit, why be angry with Jiang Xiaolong?It's better to post the notice back, so as not to delay those who really need it.Anyway, this land, he doesn't want it, it's too barren.

Before posting it back, Jiang Xiaohu heard an angry scolding from behind.He looked back curiously, it was the old secretary.

The old party secretary was wearing faded army pants, holding a rolling pin in his hand, and yelled as he ran: "Little bunny, I can catch you! Don't run, I can't kill you!"

The idlers dispersed in a rush, and no one poked the old branch secretary far.

Only Jiang Xiaohu felt that he didn't need to run and didn't do anything wrong.Only seeing his cousin running behind the old branch book, he felt quite puzzled. What is this guy doing in secret?

Looking at the old party secretary running out of breath, Jiang Xiaohu took a few steps forward thoughtfully.

"What makes you so angry? Where is the bastard?" When he came to the old party secretary, Jiang Xiaohu turned his head and looked around.

Unexpectedly, the old party secretary slapped him on the back: "It's you, don't pretend to be with me! Who makes you mess up and tear off the notices I posted?"

It was then that Jiang Xiaohu suddenly realized, oh, that's how feelings are, no wonder Jiang Xiaolong ran like a rabbit just now, no wonder the old branch was so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring.It must have been messed up secretly, which is really annoying!

Jiang Xiaolong dodges a few meters away, leaves himself clean, smokes and chats with the bum, pretending to be okay.

In fact, he kept staring at Jiang Xiaohu, gloating in his heart, thinking: "Aren't you capable of patience? If you have the ability, you can call the village party secretary! You also contracted ten acres of land. Do you know what two thousand pieces are?"

However, Jiang Xiaohu hurriedly took a cigarette and handed it to the village party secretary.He didn't like to smoke before, but after taking 60,000 yuan, he had some money in his hand, so he wanted to buy a cigarette and learn how to smoke.

No, it will come in handy today. The old secretary is a famous old smoker.

When the village party secretary saw that the cigarettes were ten yuan a box of'high' grade cigarettes, his face was not so ugly.

He took the cigarette and said to Jiang Xiaohu: "Huzi, Huzi, your boss is not young, why do you do what these yellow-haired dolls do? What do you want me to say about you?"

"Old party secretary, you have wronged me, in fact I..." Jiang Xiaohu wanted to defend, but the old party secretary, Barabala, didn't give him a chance at all.

"Do you know how bad our Murakami is? I rushed to rent out the land so that I could buy some seed, fertilizer, etc. for the five-guarantee households in the village. You said you tore up the notice to me. If you have the ability to rent land, People can’t see it, what if I miss it?"

The old party secretary complained to him, Jiang Xiaohu said with a smile and nodded.When the old party secretary finished complaining, he said, "Don't worry, I will rent this place."

Do not steam the steamed buns to fight for your breath, besides, the soil in the mountains and rivers, and the barren land, can become fertile soil.

"Huh?" The old secretary stared at him with a look of distrust.

It's not that he looks down on Jiang Xiaohu, it's that the Jiang family has been poor for too long.Not to mention two thousand yuan a year, even if it is two hundred yuan, I'm afraid Jiang Xiaohu can't afford it.

"Little Tiger, this is more than ten acres of land, and it costs more than two thousand a year." The old secretary said.

"You don't believe it? I will give you this year's rent." Jiang Xiaohu said.

The old party secretary still couldn't believe it, shook his head and said, "You should go back and discuss it with your parents."

"My family's affairs, I have the final say, you wait, I'll go home and get the money." Jiang Xiaohu stuffed the notice into the arms of the old branch secretary, turned and ran home.

Looking at his cousin's back, Jiang Xiaolong laughed, and said to the bummer: "See you, oily feet, slip away! You are still taking money, a poor family! Hmph, I think he will dare to brag with me in the future , I'll go to his house later in the evening and taunt him."

"You can't just ridicule, you have to ask him to apologize to you and your mother." The bum cheered up.

"Yeah, I have to let him kneel down to my house to make amends to my mother." Jiang Xiaolong nodded.

The two were chatting, but they saw Jiang Xiaohu ran back like another gust of wind, holding a red plastic bag with something heavy in the bag.

"Old Party Secretary, let's go through the procedures!" Jiang Xiaohu ran to the old Party Secretary and said to him.

The old party secretary widened his eyes in surprise, and looked Jiang Xiaohu up and down, feeling that he didn't even know this young man.

Next to him, Jiang Xiaolong was also dumbfounded. He rubbed his eyes and looked carefully, confirming that the colorful ones in the red bag were indeed banknotes, including fifty and one hundred.

To say that his eyes are bad, everything can be wrong, he absolutely admits this.In recent years, despite his poor family background, he did not pull down like eating, drinking, and betting, and his health had long been ruined.However, there is only one thing that Jiang Xiaolong definitely looks good at, and that is money.

Money!He likes money so much!Now, seeing the pockets in Jiang Xiaohu's hands, Jiang Xiaolong's eyes can't wait to pierce two small hands and grab them directly.

"Mom, where did this kid get so much money?" He touched his chin and wondered to himself, "His parents gave it? No, don't I know my second uncle? I'm not in good health, and I earn a monthly amount of money. Two dates are saved for him to marry him. I earn it by myself? I can’t. Why can I make so much money at once? That’s a few thousand, right?”

Thousands, in the eyes of anyone in Jiangbian Village, it is definitely a huge sum of money.

The old party secretary was stunned for a long time. Under Jiang Xiaohu's urging, he led him into the office to go through the formalities and measure the land.

Jiang Xiaolong and Er Laizi also followed in, but they were stopped by Jiang Xiaohu: "Wait a minute, let's do business, what are you doing with you? What's up with you? Didn't I mean that I have no money to rent a land? I just rented it to you, what land? Not only renting these land, I'm going to make a fortune, Xiaoye! Go and go, no one can wait to get in! Otherwise, I will lose my money and I will ask you to settle the account!"

Jiang Xiaolong blushed, his neck bulging with anger, but he was helpless.He watched Jiang Xiaohu closing the door alively.

After finishing speaking, he gave Jiang Xiaolong a stern look, and paid back all the humiliation that the uncle's family had brought them in this life.

The bum grinned happily, just smiling and not talking, which made Jiang Xiaolong angry, and raised his hand to slap him: "Idiot, what are you laughing?"

"No, it's not..." The bummer was slapped and stammered irritably. He said with a flattering smile, "I, I, I just think it's funny, your brother is like a fool."

Jiang Xiaolong was so angry that he vomited blood: "Just you, you still say other people are fools? Humph!"

"But, isn't it? No one likes to throw or throw that piece of land..." The bum stammered even more.

Inside the house, Jiang Xiaohu pressed his handprint and signature, and paid the money.

He had planned to pay once a year, but the old party secretary refused.This wasteland is so easy to rent out, and the village has a relatively stable income. He can't let the big fat fish Jiang Xiaohu go away.

"Xiaohuzi, since you want to rent, you have to show some sincerity. Let's pay the contract every three years and sign it for 15 years?" The old party secretary blinked and looked at Jiang Xiaohu with a hey smile.

In fact, he and the bum's thoughts were similar, and he also felt that Jiang Xiaohu was a little dazed.

These years, making money is not easy, especially for people with disabilities like Jiang Shizhu.Two thousand, just give it to his son?

He deliberately said hello to Wang Xifeng and Jiang Shizhu to see if they knew what his son was doing.But after thinking about it, let it go. People don't kill themselves for their own sake.He is a little bit selfish, which is tantamount to benefiting the whole village?

Thinking of this, a cunning light flashed in the eyes of the old party secretary, and it all fell into Jiang Xiaohu's eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaohu didn't know if it was worthwhile to earn a breath.But with the mountains and rivers map to guarantee the bottom, he is more confident.

"Okay, but you have to give me one year's rent free." Jiang Xiaohu said, "I will give you four thousand, how about three years?"

The old Party secretary's eyelid Balabala blinked, hey, this kid has learned to bargain?

"That's not good, it's more than two thousand a year, too much. The above said it was ten acres, but in fact, I think eleven acres are about the same." The old secretary shook his head.

Jiang Xiaohu picked up the plastic bag and was about to leave: "You have no sincerity, old branch secretary. If you don't have sincerity, forget it. I'm not bad for your land, right? Why should I go if I have money?"

He turned around and made a gesture to leave, thinking that he would leave as soon as he left, and this shouldn't happen today.With this money, he was thinking about buying a tricycle for farming, and then he could buy vegetables and department stores to go to the market to sell the money.

The old party secretary looked panicked, and the duck that had reached his mouth was going to fly, it won't work!

He hurriedly stepped forward to hold Jiang Xiaohu: "Why are you so impatient? Okay, just rely on you!"

"Hey, come on!" Jiang Xiaohu ordered four thousand to the old party secretary. The old party secretary muttered very uncomfortably, and took the ruler to go out with him to measure.

When measuring the land, someone ran to inform Wang Xifeng, and this person was a bummer.Needless to say, Jiang Xiaolong must have ordered it.

At the foot of the mountain, the shade, even in summer, is chilly.Jiang Xiaohu looked at the river in the distance, and then at the barren land near him, with a little drumming in his heart.

The old party secretary surveyed the land and recorded the boundaries, while saying: "Hey, let me tell you, your kid has foresight. The old people say that there is gold in this underground!"

"Yes, I believe in your mouth." Jiang Xiaohu leaned against a tree, grinned, touched his pocket, and there was a box of cigarettes. He simply took it out and threw it to the old branch. The root."

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