The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 501 Assassination (2)

Zhang Hui looked intently, and sure enough, another black-clothed man appeared in front of him, with his knees slightly bent, his hands placed in front of his chest, and then he dropped naturally after a little adjustment.

It was this person who used his true power to stop the carriage from moving forward. It seemed that Chang Tong was really in the tactic of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain. This person's skill seemed to be superior to the man in black who had just provoked Chang Tong.

The man in black didn't bring a weapon, and he was a bit older than the man in black in front of him. He looked over here coldly from a dozen steps in front of the carriage.Zhang Hui saw that these were eyes with his upper eyelids a little drooped for years, and these eyes seemed to be staring at his target so coldly and confidently.

This person is like a skilled and sure killer!

While Zhang Hui looked at the man opposite, his ears were paying attention to the movement in the carriage.

Ji Yuan whispered in the car: "Don't panic, avoid him, keep walking forward."

Ji Yuan seemed to be deliberately controlling his voice, so low that Zhang could hear it clearly.Zhang Hui could hear the worry in Ji Yuan's voice, and thought: "His Royal Highness is not weak even if he thinks about it. Is he still afraid that he can't match the person in front of him?"

Zhang Hui quickly turned his head and glanced at the carriage. Ji Yuan didn't even lift the curtain. It seemed that he didn't want to work with the man in black.He guessed that Ji Yuan might really be no match for this person, so he wanted to pretend to be calm, so that he could delay for a while.

The man in black saw Zhang Hui ignoring him and continued driving without squinting. His brows suddenly frowned, and his eyes on the carriage became particularly sharp.But the fingers of both hands were folded into a fist, as if he wanted to move, but his face flashed with hesitation from time to time.

Zhang Hui pulled the reins, and the carriage moved to the side away from the man in black.

The man in black hurriedly approached the carriage, and a palm force lifted the curtain on the carriage, as if he wanted to see the true face of the person sitting on the carriage.When Ji Yuan looked at him, he took a deep breath and leaned his head back, still hesitating, but there was still killing intent in his eyes.

When Zhang Hui came to this juncture, he already felt that he was going to be strong enough to survive. Even if he worked hard with this strength, he would definitely not be the opponent in front of him.He had to swing a whip on the horse's back vigorously, let go of his voice and let out a long roar, hoping that someone could hear the shout and come to help.

The man in black leaped into the air, jumped into the carriage and kicked Zhang Hui and Ah Si at the same time.Na Ah Si had never seen such a scene. She was so frightened and rolled to the side holding her head.

The pain in Zhang Huijue's back where he was kicked by the man in black was unbearable. He held the whip tightly in his hand, and struggled to stand up straight, trying to pick up the whip and draw it towards the man in black.

At this moment, Ji Yuan had broken the window and was avoiding the men in black who were constantly pressing on him.

Ji Yuan's body is fast and skilled, and he can see the next movements of the man in black very accurately, but he just can't use his exercises to resist, he can only hide away.

Zhang Hui is secretly anxious for Ji Yuan. If the man in black hits him with one move, he will be killed immediately. Zhang Hui cannot understand why Ji Yuan can only hide. Even if Ji Yuan only has the talents of ordinary people, he has practiced in Lushan for two years. It is not so helpless at this critical moment.

The palm of the man in black still fell between Ji Yuan's shoulders, hitting him and fell forward.At this time, Zhang Hui couldn't stand up anymore, even though he didn't know what he could do, he didn't want to watch Ji Yuan die under the man in black.

Just as he raised his whip and walked towards the man in black, he saw Chang Tong rushing towards this side.He was holding a black iron sword in his hand, and blood was dripping from the tip of the sword. Seeing this, he had just subdued the man in black that appeared earlier.

"You are all disciples from Lushan, who sent you here?" Chang Tongjian pointed at the man in black and shouted sharply.

The man in black saw Chang Tong coming, his eyes flashed with hesitation. It seemed that he knew Chang Tong's details, and he had to be jealous of this Sword Sect master in Lushan.

The man in black jumped into the air and changed direction from the sky to attack Chang Tong. Chang Tong felt that he was rushing in four or five directions.He danced the black iron sword so that the sword energy formed a protective circle around him.

Zhang Hui saw Ji Yuan leaning against a rock and hurried to help Ji Yuan.At this moment, Ji Yuan's face was pale, as if the palm on his back hurt him badly. Zhang Hui saw that Changtong and the man in black were fighting, and wanted to take the opportunity to take Ji Yuan away.

The man in black knew that if he continued to fight with Chang Tong, he would lose the opportunity to kill Ji Yuan, so he shook off Chang Tong and chased Zhang Hui.

Chang Tong immediately picked up his sword to chase the man in black.

The man in black looked back at Chang Tong, then fixed his eyes on Ji Yuan, trying to quickly end Ji Yuan's life before Chang Tong could catch up.

Although Zhang Hui held Ji Yuan in his hand, the horse whip was still pulled on the other hand.

At this time, he heard an old voice ringing in his ears: "Pick him with a whip."

At this juncture, Zhang Hui could only listen to what the voice taught him, and strenuously picked up the whip and drew it towards the man in black. As the whip was shot out, he felt an external force attached to his hand, and then hit it with the whip. .

He thought he had the skill of the man in black. Not only could the whip not hit him, but he might have taken the whip away.

Unexpectedly, the whip hit the black-clothed man's exposed eyes directly, and the pain caused him to tilt his head back and yell.

Zhang Hui was dumbfounded, and once thought of the old voice he had just heard, he felt a little familiar.

"Uncle Master?" Zhang Hui's mind suddenly appeared like Xie Zhuo, and this place was not far from Xie Zhuo's vegetable field. It was undoubtedly Xie Zhuo who just secretly helped.

Zhang Hui looked at the man in black with his eyes hurt, and thought that the man in black would be a cautious and suspicious person because he was too late to take action against Ji. He took the opportunity to scare him and shouted towards the sky: "Uncle Shi! Are we right, don't torture this person secretly, come out and give him a clean break."

The red eyes of the man in black were full of panic, and he looked at Zhang Hui and Chang Tong, knowing that he was inferior to the unseen Xie Zhuo.

In despair, he yelled, and then hit Ji Yuan with a palm.Before his palm strength was released, his head jerked to one side, as if he was slapped heavily, and his body flew out, falling to the ground and spitting out blood.

When Chang Tong tried to go up and kill him, he had closed his eyes and lay weakly on the ground.

After Chang Tong's sword tipped his neck, he squatted down to tear off the black cloth on his face.

The face was already covered with scars, and it was impossible to see the original appearance.Chang Tong probed his nose, touched his wrist, and said, "He has broken his spiritual veins and died. Like his companions, they are all disfigured, and they are all disciples from Lushan. A Jianzong for repair, and Qizong for repairing."

Zhang Hui once heard Gou Xin say that a practitioner will form spiritual veins in the body. After a person absorbs the vitality of the heavens and the earth, he will form true power through the movement of the spiritual veins. If the spiritual vein is broken, the body will die instantly.

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