What happened on the day Ye Xiang came to Lushan quickly spread throughout Lushan, and the disciples of Lu Mingtang gathered around Yuan Zhixing's room the next day to inquire about Ye Xiang-related matters.

Yuan Zhixing has always been friendly, even if everyone crowded his room with nowhere to stand, he still patiently answered everyone's questions.

Zhang Hui always felt that Ye Xiang would not easily let him go to Lushan this time, and wanted to hear some clues about Ye Xiang from Yuan Zhixing. He stood at the door of Yuan Zhixing's room and listened carefully to what Yuan Zhixing was talking inside.

Someone asked, "Senior Yuan, are you leaving Ye Xiang aside today?"

"It's raining today. I told Uncle Xiang that it is not suitable to meet guests on a rainy day. Ye Xiang wanted to see Uncle Xiang and didn't like to go anywhere else, so they needed to rest and recover their strength today." Yuan Zhixing replied with a smile. .

A group of people laughed when they heard that Xiang Yan would not be a guest on rainy days: "Uncle Xiang said yesterday that he would like to taste tea, but he didn't come out to see Ye Xiang, and today he said that he would not be a guest on rainy days. He didn't intend to tease Ye Xiang. Uncle Xiang is more famous, this is enough for Ye Xiang."

After Zhang Hui came to Lushan, he learned about Xiang Yan from the east and the west. He probably knew that Xiang Yan was the sword master of Lushan, and his Luoxia sword was the only one in Lushan, but the disciples of Lumingtang talked about Xiang Yan. Shi always accompanies ridicule and laughter, and often speaks very vaguely when talking about those ridicules, which makes Zhang Hui very puzzled.

After everyone dispersed, Zhang Hui walked to Yuan Zhixing and asked, "Did Ye Xiang not mention me this time?"

Yuan Zhixing saw Zhang Hui’s concern, frowned for a while, and said, “I didn’t mention it, but you should beware. Ye Xiang hid it very deep. I’m afraid he still wants to take you away. You come to draw Gou Xin out."

Zhang Hui nodded and said, "Yeah, Ye Xiang is not reconciled, so he came up with Lushan again soon after coming up with a start."

Yuan Zhixing stood at the door and looked outside. The rain was a lot lighter. The sporadic light rain had no effect on people walking outside. After a rain, the new green on the trees in the courtyard was brighter.

Yuan Zhixing muttered: "This rain is about to stop, I don't know that Xiang Shiboken will not see Ye Xiang. Just now a swarm of people was crowded here. At this moment, I want to ask someone to ask, but one is gone."

Zhang Hui was originally curious about this Xiang Yan. At this moment, I heard Yuan Zhixing was going to send someone to find Xiang Yan, and he immediately replied, "Let me go and let me see Uncle Xiang too."

"It's proper for you to do things. It's fine if you go. Don't talk too much when you meet your uncle, don't make him angry." Yuan Zhixing explained, suddenly remembering something, and then said, "You go back to the mountain first. Walking over the lake, it has been raining and clear to Uncle Uncle who mostly fished there."

Zhang Hui walked to the back mountain lake that Yuan Zhixing said, and heard the voice of a middle-aged man singing a song. The voice was obviously thick and low, but he wanted to pinch his throat to learn from a woman. With a delicate voice.

Zhang Hui listened carefully and sang:

"Call the talented man to go away, and I can't help but feel like iron, tears like beads..."

The voice was awkward, but the singing was affectionate, Zhang Hui couldn't help but chuckle.

The singer stopped as if he heard Zhang Hui's laughter.

Zhang Hui passed through behind the bushes and saw a broken boat parked on the shore of the lake. There was a person sitting on the boat. It should be the person who just sang.

His whole body was covered by the robes and hats. Hearing Zhang Hui approaching, he turned his head to look towards Zhang Hui.

Zhang Hui could see that this man was thin and thin, his back was a little hump, his neck was stretched forward, and his chin was much more protruding than ordinary people.

"Why look like a chicken?" Such a thought flashed through Zhang Hui's mind, and then blamed himself again, so he had to stop looking at the man's face.

Before Zhang could speak, the man took the lead and said, "Lu Yan's son?"

Zhang Hui was surprised that this person could recognize him as Lu Yan's son so quickly.He paused and replied, "Yes, I am. Are you Uncle Xiang?"

The man nodded and lifted his hand to take the hat from his head and put it aside.Zhang Hui could see his face clearly. It turned out that he was not as old as Zhang Hui thought, he was in his early forties at most.

This face is a bit darker than ordinary people, with the corners of the mouth and eyes drooping, with a hooked nose, and the eyes are sunken so that it is almost invisible.

Zhang Hui glanced hurriedly, then turned his gaze away, because this face always made him have some strange associations and made him feel self-blaming.Only then did he understand why Lu Mingtang's disciple talked about Xiang Yanshi's tone of laughter. It turns out that this person is... really not pretty.

Xiang Yan stared at Zhang Hui, with a little contempt in his eyes: "It's a bit like Jun than Lu Yan, but it's still far behind me."

"Uncle Xiang is really good at joking." Zhang Hui blurted out because he was indeed amused by these words.

As soon as Zhang Zhuo finished speaking, he immediately felt bad, a gust of wind brushed his face, and then he felt a tingling pain in his mouth. The line that hit his mouth was the line of the fishing rod in Xiang Yan's hand.

When he recovered, Xiang Yan had already returned the fishing rod to its original position.

"A thin thread can come with such a powerful force, and it is so fast that I can hardly see how it came and how to take it back. It's no wonder that Ye Xiang must see him when he goes to Lushan. It really is a well-deserved reputation." Hui said in his heart, "I thought I was joking when I heard him just now. Does he really think he looks better than me?"

Zhang Hui just remembered that when he left, Yuan Zhixing had told him not to talk too much. It made sense, because Xiang Yan's temperament was unpredictable, and he accidentally offended him.

Xiang Yan looked at the float in the water intently, and said coldly, "I never make a joke."

Zhang Hui was still in a state of confusion for a long time, so he went straight to the topic and asked: "Senior Brother Yuan asked me to ask Uncle, when can I see Ye Xiang?"

Xiang Yan looked up at the sky, then turned to look at Zhang Hui: "Has the rain stopped?"

"It seems to have stopped."

"Does it stop or doesn't stop?" Xiang Yan's tone was a little impatient.

Zhang Hui was taken aback again. Is it so important that the rain stops?Could it be that Xiang Yan said that it is not suitable to meet guests on a rainy day and you must wait until the rain stops?He looked at the sky carefully and made sure that the rain had really stopped, and then said, "Stop."

"Stop, then call him over." Xiang Yan still said solemnly.

When Zhang Huizheng was about to leave, he saw that Ye Xiang was walking towards this side with two people, and turned his head to Yan and said, "Ye Xiang is here."

Xiang Yan stood up and held up the fishing rod to signal Zhang Hui to stand over: "One heart cannot do two things, come, you come and fish for me."

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