Xiang Yan took back the sword in Zhang Hui's hand, glanced at Ye Xiang, and said, "From the way you look at Zhang Hui, I know you two have a feast. I let you fight Zhang Hui. You are not convinced at first, then Involve private grievances again. During the whole process, what you have in mind is not a sword, you only have resentment towards your opponent. You seem calm and sophisticated, but you are narrow-minded. You are optimistic, I will let you pick me up today! "

Ye Xiang raised his head, and at this time, Xiang Yan was seven or eight steps away from him, and was in a position to attack him.He knew what Xiang Yan wanted him to see clearly, so he hadn't attacked him for so long.

Xiang Yan was wearing dark gray clothes, and his body was a little rickety and thin, but his whole body, from the hand holding the sword to the deep-set eyes, showed strength, like a goshawk about to grab its prey.

As soon as Xiang Yanjian recruited, Ye Xiang only felt that Xiang Yan was attacking him like a ghost. In the blink of an eye, he was trapped by a huge force, and his hope of counterattack was instantly shattered.At this moment, he could no longer feel where Xiang Yan's sword was, as if he was under the siege of this huge force, Xiang Yan's sword was everywhere, and there was a hidden crisis in either direction.

With a tingling sensation in his wrist, his sword fell to the ground with a pop.

Ye Xiang clasped his fists to Xiang Yan, bowed his head and said, "I'm not afraid of Mr. Xiang's jokes, your sword moves are too fast, I don't understand anything at all."

Xiang Yan raised his head and laughed, stroking the little sparse goatee and said, "The martial arts are endless, and the big ones are free. How can you get into the big realm with your narrow mind? Anyone who knows swordsmanship makes you scared, and he knows that he is not your opponent, but he is still not afraid, nor does he bring resentment in. If this continues, you will not be able to go far on this road after all. There is a big gap between you and me, and you and I are as big as you are. Think back to yourself when you and Zhang Hui are facing powerful opponents, why are you two different."

Ye Xiang was blushing when Xiang Yan said, and kept holding his fist for a long time and did not dare to speak.

Xiang Yan went on to say: "Nian has come all the way to you, and since I really want to see me, I want to wake you up despite the sect’s views. I hope you can achieve something one day to prove what I said today. It's all farting!" Xiang Yan finished, and left with his hands behind his back.

Zhang Hui followed Xiang Yan and walked away, leaving only Ye Xiang standing in place with his fists. He was told by Xiang Yan that he couldn't return to his original state for a long time.

In the early morning of the second day, Zhang Hui recited the "Gu Shang Yuan Zhen Pian" in the woods near the compound.

It has been some time since Gou Xin passed this book to Zhang Hui, but Zhang Hui has a habit of reading and literacy. You must read it yourself before you can write it down.In the past, when Gou Xin was there, Zhang would ask Gou Xin when he encountered something he couldn’t understand, but now he has no one to explain to him what he doesn’t understand, so he can only study it slowly by himself, so this book is a long time I couldn't remember it completely.

As for the actual benefits this book brings to Zhang Hui, Zhang Hui is also hard to say.He knew that this book was linked to practice, but it was definitely not a treasure or a secret book that could teach him exercises.However, this book is completely useless, and it is not true. When Zhang is meditating and adjusting his breath, sometimes a sentence or two from the book will suddenly pop up in his mind, which will give him a sense of openness.

So he guessed that this "Gu Shang Yuanzhen Pian" may be a summary of cultivation thoughts, which is the source of the thought.

Zhang Hui couldn't help but feel a little lost when he read the mysterious place in the book. He rolled up the book, meditating on the passage he had just read in the book, and walked back and forth in the woods with his head up.

"The big one needs a big focus, a big realm, no support, so there is no fear... there is everything in the eye, and the universe is in the chest."

Zhang Hui heard someone not far away reading the sentence he had just repeated, and when he listened carefully, it was Ye Xiang.

Ye Xiang smiled and walked towards Zhang Hui, with a triumphant expression on his face: "Recite our Bei Amen exercise mantra in Lushan, you are so brave!"

Zhang Hui looked at Ye Xiang as if confident, not like a casual false accusation, but he also felt that since Gou Xin hadn’t taught him any real martial arts for so many years, the "Gu Shang Yuan Zhen Pian" handed to him was not It will be North Amen.

"You are talking nonsense, what I am carrying is the stuff of this book, you take a good look, where is the practice of your North Amen." Zhang would hold the "Gu Shang Yuan Zhen Pian" in front of his chest and tremble towards Ye Xiang. Tremble.

Ye Xiang grabbed the book, turned a few pages in a row, snorted, and said, "Also quibble, this is clearly our "Xun Yu Jue" by Bei Amen. If you don't believe it, hold the book and I will carry it. I'll listen to you."

Zhang Hui was shocked. He didn't believe that such a coincidence happened. He took the book from Ye Xiang and asked Ye Xiang to recite it from the beginning.

Ye Xiang memorized several pages without hesitation, and when he saw Zhang Hui staring at the book, he felt very happy in his heart, and asked: "I didn't blame you, do you see if I am wrong?"

"There are discrepancies in small places, roughly the same." Zhang Hui suddenly felt a little lost. He didn't understand that since Gou Xin was afraid that he would get into trouble and didn't teach him Bei Amen's exercises, why did he want to "Gu Shang Yuan Zhen" "Pass it to him?"

At this time, Yuan Zhixing was walking towards this side.Yuan Zhixing saw Zhang Hui and Ye Xiang standing together, for fear that Ye Xiang would embarrass Zhang Hui, so he hurried over to see what they were talking about.

Ye Xiang was thinking about how to deal with Zhang Hui. Seeing Yuan Zhixing coming over, he couldn't take care of the feasts with Yuan Zhixing in the past. Instead, he was more polite than usual.

"Brother Yuan, Zhang Hui hasn't entered your Lushan mountain yet. Just so, I have to take him back, because he has memorized Bei Amen's high-level exercise "Xun Yu Jue" upside down. "Xun Yu Jue" cannot be spread, Zhang Hui Not going back to Bei Amen is a threat to us outside. Besides, his master Gou Xin is a traitor to Bei Amen, but what he learned is still taught by his master after all, and it is our Bei Amen after all, so He absolutely cannot stay in Lushan."

Hearing what Ye Xiang said, Zhang Hui knew that Ye Xiang had not given up his heart, and had been looking for an opportunity to bring him back to Bei Amen, so as to draw Gou Xin out.

Yuan Zhixing also felt a little embarrassed for a while, took the "Gu Shang Yuan Zhen Pian" in Zhang Hui's hand, and asked Ye Xiang a few places, and Ye Xiang could give a general idea.

Yuan Zhixing had difficulty making a decision right now, and he thought that Xu Gui had always been concerned about Zhang Hui’s affairs. If Ye Xiang wanted to take Zhang Hui away, Xu Gui would definitely find a way to keep him, and said: "This matter is for me. Report to Master and give you an answer."

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