Zhang Hui heard Yundou say this, as if he was saying that he was worthless, but everyone knows that someone must recommend to go to Lushan to participate in the assessment, so Yundou cannot be really useless, but has some strengths. Only then will someone be willing to recommend him.

When Zhang Hui thought about it this way, he felt that Yundou would not be that simple, and he started to be a little curious about this person, wondering what kind of person this would be.

"What book are you reading? Don't eat anymore if you are so fascinated," Zhang Hui asked.

Yun Dou heard that Zhang Hui asked about the book he had read before, got up from the bench and walked to the bookshelf: "Yes, the book is still here, don't find it."

After a while, Yun Dou came back from the bookshelf again, holding an old book in a yellow bookcase in his hand, and muttering as he walked: "This book is beautiful. Reading this book is like playing with yourself in your head. It takes my brain and excites, and it feels uncomfortable to stop."

Meimei grabbed the book in Yundou's hand, and placed it in his hand to read: "This book is hidden in the corner, and it smells old. I opened it and read it once before. It was all very mysterious things. Can understand?"

Eyebrows looked at Yundou with an incredible expression.

As soon as Mei Mei looked at Yun Dou, Yun Dou drooped her eyes, not daring to look directly at Mei Mei, and said sheepishly, "Is this...Is it that difficult to understand? I look pretty interesting!"

"Bringing, then tell me what is said in this book." Meimei still felt unbelievable.

Zhang Hui took the "Gu Shang Yuan Zhen Pian" out of his arms and handed it to Yun Dou: "Then look at this and see if you can understand it."

Zhang Hui thought of letting Yun Dou talk about "Gu Shang Yuan Zhen Pian", and seeing if he speaks like Gou Xin, he will know if he really understands it.

Yun Dou opened the "Gu Shang Yuan Zhen Pian". At first, the page turning speed was a bit slow, sometimes frowned slightly, sometimes smiled and nodded, seeing the middle page turning faster.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Hui seemed to have understood the book once, and said in amazement: "It seems that this is really a strange person. I can barely understand it only after the master has explained it, and the master also said that I have a good understanding. , And this person can understand it so easily?"

Meimei looked at Zhang Hui, and then at Yundou. He couldn't restrain his curiosity, and urged: "After watching so much, let's talk about it and see if I don't understand it."

As soon as Yun Dou heard the brow and brow talking, it was as if he was suddenly awakened, his eyes suddenly lifted, and he smiled shyly at brow and brow.

Yun Dou closed the book, rubbed the cover a few times, and said: "Good book, I think this book should be about the basic laws of the movement of everything between the heaven and the earth. The book was written a bit early, so it is a bit difficult to read it. It is too in line with our usual habits, and it is also about some very mysterious truths. There is no specific description and explanation, which is not easy to understand. The words here really wake me up at once, I can take it back and carefully Read it again?"

After Yundou finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Hui expectantly.

"Of course." Zhang Hui replied.

At this time, the young man who brought Zhang Hui and Meimei brought a bun to Yundou and called his Meimei down by the way.

Before Meimei left, she pretended to be angry and said to Yundou: "Fool, don't stay here today. Go back and take a good rest."

Yun Dou heard what Meimei said, biting a piece of bun in her mouth, and nodding towards her eyebrows as if choked.

Zhang Hui saw Yun Dou's stupid head and couldn't help but smile: "Why are you afraid of a little girl like this? In fact, she is not that scary!"

Yundou chuckled twice: "I am not afraid of her, I am... I am afraid of all women except my mother."

"Fear of women? Why?" Zhang Hui has not seen anyone afraid of women.

Yun Dou smiled shyly at Zhang Hui, and said: "I feel uncomfortable when I see women, and it's not easy to speak. My family sells rouge gouache, and the sisters who come to buy things always laugh at me. , The more you laugh at me, the more uncomfortable I will be.

Zhang Hui glanced at Yun Dou's face abruptly. This face was a little fairer than an ordinary man, but his fleshy nose and small eyes really couldn't say how handsome.Zhang Hui said mockingly: "Oh, is it that you are too handsome and you were molested by a woman?"

Yun Dou nodded seriously: "Well, my mother said that like you."

Zhang Hui saw Yundou's serious and innocent appearance, and only felt a shock in his heart, dull, unable to speak, that feeling was speechless.

After Yun Dou borrowed Zhang Hui's "Gu Shang Yuan Zhen Pian", he returned the book to Zhang Hui two days later.The two began to discuss the essentials of some details in the book, and then talked about some of their understanding of practice.

Zhang Hui found that Yundou’s ability to understand such mysterious things is beyond mortals, and he often sees something deeper than ordinary people, and can have a different understanding. When talking to him, there will be sudden thoughts. Yiliang felt that there were some things that I didn't want to understand before, and when I discussed it with Yundou, I would suddenly understand it.

The two discussed the contents of the book at the beginning, and when it came to the back, Yun Dou began to talk about his previous experience.

It turns out that his family is not far from Lushan, and his parents have lived by doing a small business for many years.And those things he was interested in were of no use to doing business. When his parents saw that he loved to read books, they wanted to provide him with reading and hoped that he could test his fame in the future. As a result, his essay was described as "nonsense," Nonsense".

In his early twenties, he couldn't even find a full-time business student, and he was lazy by nature. No one in the neighborhood said good things to him, and no one wanted to marry a girl to him.

His parents heard that he was going to Lushan to practice, and they didn't object to him. Anyway, he stayed at home and didn't make a difference. It's better not to gossip about them.

When the disciples of Lu Mingtang, who lived in the same courtyard with Zhang Hui, passed by Zhang Hui’s room, they heard Zhang Hui and Yun Dou discussing the mysterious principles of spiritual practice, and saw that the two of them stayed in the room to discuss them, so they gathered in twos and threes. Make fun of the two people together.

"A soil bun, a soft nerd, these two people come together for a while, and for a while, vitality and pulse, it sounds funny, especially the nerd, who is the fattest in Lushan. Can he practice martial arts? Does it hurt?"

"If the two of them can pass the test, that would be a miracle of Lushan. I will cut off my head and use it as a bench for you!"

Zhang will also be aware of these people's comments. In fact, he also wants to know whether Yun Dou will be a blockbuster in the assessment five days later, or will become a joke and drown in the Zhigongyuan from now on.

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