After Zhang Hui and Yundou settled their positions, Xie Zhuo began to perform exercises aside.

The last time Zhang Hui and Ji Yuan met the assassin, Xie Zhuo hid behind the hand that Zhang Hui took the whip and slammed a whip on the face of the assassin. It felt like that. Zhang Hui can still remember clearly, thinking about it this way, Xie Zhuo can really control the movements and strength of others.

Just now Zhang Hui saw that Xie Zhuo could easily control the grass man because there were mud under the grass man's feet, and the grass man was not big, and the ground was flat and sandy.If two living people are controlled in the same way, it may be more difficult.

While Zhang Hui was thinking about it, he felt like there was a force behind him pushing him, making him move forward involuntarily, and the pace was getting faster and faster, making him too late to think.

In front of him, Yun Dou was also walking fast like him, and Yun Dou's figure was as fast as him, so that he could not tell how Yun Dou would go next, because he was afraid that if two people collided together, he would fall. Go down.

Yun Dou's movements seem to be much stupid than him. He opened his arms, leaned back and dangled, like a hen that was frightened and stretched.

After a while, he realized that he was chasing Yundou.Several times he almost caught up with Yun Dou, but in the blink of an eye, Yun Dou came to him again.

Although his feet are moving fast, he feels that he is not walking without rules, but just like the roads that he saw on the sand before, all have a certain pattern.

His attention began to move away from Yundou, and he began to perceive the footwork under his feet. Slowly, his mind seemed to be drawing lines at the same time, and the graphics gradually became clearer.

Yun Dou suddenly stood in front of him. He thought Xie Zhuo would let him avoid or push Yun Dou away, but Yun Dou was swaying there for a while, and he felt like he was about to hit him. He wanted to break away from Xie Zhuo's control and avoid Yundou in front of him, but the strength behind him suddenly strengthened. He couldn't control the speed of his footsteps, and directly ran into Yundou.

Yun Dou also felt that Zhang Hui was about to hit him, and he hugged his waist and held his head, closing his eyes and screaming loudly.

Zhang Hui slammed into Yun Dou from one side. As soon as his foot was off the ground, the person flew out to one side and fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, the strength to control the two also disappeared. Yun Dou ran to Zhang Hui to help him up. Zhang Hui's face was buried in the sand and he took a mouthful of sand.

Xie Zhuo saw Zhang Hui dropped a dog and ate shit, and when he got up, he spit on there. Not only did he not look at how Zhang Hui was hurt, he also laughed loudly: "Haha, you are so stupid."

Zhang Hui was miserable. It was obvious that Xie Zhuo didn't control it well and caused him to fall. Xie Zhuo had to say that he was stupid.

Zhang Hui stood up and stood aside, and said, "Stop playing, stop playing, just now it was obviously the mistake of the uncle master who made me fall."

Xie Zhuo laughed for a while. Hearing that Zhang Hui said that it was his mistake, his face was a little frustrating, and he walked up to explain to Zhang Hui: "This is not a problem of my skill, it is a problem of one mind and two purposes. I don’t care about him, if there is a second me in this world, we will control one alone, so it’s a lot of fun."

Zhang Huixin laughed and said, "This uncle's idea is as naive and ridiculous as a child. I also hope that there are two selves in the world to control two people fighting and playing. I didn't have this idea when I was seven or eight."

Xie Zhuo sighed again and again, seeming to think of a more fun way, and complained in his mouth: "It's boring, my brain can react when you walk slowly, and I'm dumbfounded when I get up soon. ,Hey!"

Zhang Hui looked dejected when he saw Xie Zhuo, expecting that he should be no longer interested in playing, so he planned to call Yundou to go to Yuncai and leave this place quickly.

As a result, Xie Zhuo put a smile on his face, patted his hands on his thighs, and said with joy: "Haha, yes, I know how to do it. Come on, I will teach you both of this step, and then you two will call me. ."

Although Yun Dou is lazy by nature, he doesn't like to move, and he doesn't like to fight, but he is interested in Xie Zhuo. He wants to know if there is any trick behind the step created by Xie Zhuo. I heard that Xie Zhuo wants to teach Their footwork immediately opened their eyes and smiled, and said: "Okay, Uncle Shi hurry up to teach us."

Although Zhang Hui wanted to learn Kungfu when he came to Lushan, he knew that Xie Zhuo’s things were not learned for nothing. After learning his set of footwork, he would definitely be troubled enough by him, and Xie Zhuo had a lot of ghost ideas. , Let them fight today to show him, there will definitely be new ways to tease them next time.

Xie Zhuo saw that Zhang Hui did not happily agree, expecting that he must be weighing the pros and cons, so he urged: "The kid is too good, want to bargain with me, do you think you will fight hard if you have rewards and punishments, you two? If I win once, I teach him something, if I lose, I cook for me."

"Just cook." Yun Dou replied very happily, patting his fat chest, he was ready to cook.

Xie Zhuo had said that for this reason, Zhang Hui had no more hesitation. The Yundou walking in front of him was as stupid as a hen. If the two of them fought, he would definitely not lose to Yundou.

Xie Zhuo asked Yundou to level the sand, and then picked up a branch to draw a picture on the sand, letting Yundou and Zhang Hui carefully watch the process of his painting.

Zhang Hui saw that this picture was indeed the same direction and route as Xie Zhuo pushing him.He had already had some impressions just now, and now that he saw Xie Zhuo's painting again, he was almost able to write down the picture.

When Yun Dou was just pushed away by Xie Zhuo, he was too nervous to comprehend anything, but he has a good memory, and he can barely remember an outline after watching Xie Zhuo draw it.

After Xie Zhuo finished painting, Yun Dou looked up at the sky with his eyes slightly squinted, and said something in his mouth: "Fang Sheng confronts the next awkward, go out to the left, go through the cloud ring on the right, and move forward..."

Xie Zhuo heard what Yun Dou said, and asked in surprise: "Hey, do you guys understand the'cloud birth position technique'?"

Yun Dou nodded ignorantly: "I've seen it a bit."

"The'cloud birth position technique' is a set of useful techniques created by the people of Lushan. It summarizes the laws of the movement of all things between heaven and earth. When the'cloud birth position technique' is applied to footwork, there will be a feeling of running clouds and flowing water. The main point of it is simply'follow the trend'." When Xie Zhuo talks about these Lushan classics, his expression will always suddenly become serious. Although he usually thinks eclectically, he even sneers at some people in Lushan. , But in his heart he is still full of awe for Lushan's ancestors.

Xie Zhuo was surprised to hear that Yundou knows the "cloud birth position technique", because many people don't have the patience to penetrate this thing, and Yundou's appearance is not good, and he looks stupid.

"Interesting." Xie Zhuo nodded to Yundou, wanting to know what the fool is hiding.

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