The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 534 Don't Kill Him First

Fan Ying saw that Xiang Yan came out to save Zhang Hui, and knew that killing Zhang would definitely not be able to do it. He had just exhausted his internal strength, and he was definitely no match for Xiang Yan at the moment. It's better to put this matter aside and find a chance to take Zhang Hui. Killed.

Fan Ying put his hand away and said bitterly: "This kid has sucked my skills, I can't afford him in vain." Fan Ying was full of anger, and his hair was a little messy. He looked like a wild beast. His eyes were red, his expression was haggard, and he looked terrifying and pitiful.

Xiang Yan stood in front of Zhang Hui, Yang Tian smiled and said: "You are so narrow-minded, if it hadn't been for him to suck away your inner strength, you might have died here today."

Fan Ying has also walked this secret road before. There are a lot of lines in this secret road, and people with insufficient skill cannot walk, but it has never happened before.

Fan Ying asked: "Xiang Yan, you haven't shown up for so long, did you deliberately let me walk through this secret road and deliberately harm me?"

"Haha, I'm so proud of you. I thought you could throw me away so easily. It's so self-inflicted. I didn't expect to be planted in my hands so easily one day." Xiang Yan raised his head and looked at Fan Ying , Laughed again, "Dog thief, I thought I was in the mood to compete with you, I was just dragging you in, so that people could go in ahead of time and make hands and feet in the formation to let the energy in the secret path into your body. , Let you burst into death, who knows that you are dead, let Zhang Hui save your life."

Only then did Fan Ying realize that he was caught in the trap set by Xiang Yan. Even though Xiang Yan said that he was fateful and was saved by Zhang Hui, he still could not calm the anger in his heart and cursed: "Bah, that's right. As if I still want to thank you for your life-saving grace, Xiang Yan, you are really an old fox. As long as I live one more day, I won’t make you feel better. And Zhang Hui, the kid, there’s no such cheap thing in the world. , I will make you pay."

Fan Ying cursed for a while, and when he was sober, he still felt that he must not be able to beat Xiang Yan at this moment. He had to swallow this breath temporarily. After a rant, his cursing and cursing sound became much smaller.

"Wait for me..." Fan Ying cursed and walked towards Zhigongyuan. The posture of walking is different from when he came, and the calmness of the former is less.

Xiang Yan, Zhang Hui, and Yun Dou looked at the back of Fan Ying’s departure. Xiang Yan sighed: "This man has been an official for more than ten years. He is just a mere appearance. He still can't change his rash nature. He, he is completely exposed."

"Crazy nature? He is the current general." Yun Dou asked curiously.

Xiang Yan looked into the distance, fell into a memory, and then bowed his head slowly and stepped forward: "What about the general, he is like a rash sitting step by step. Fan Ying's background is not as good as you two, but this person is particularly restless. His spiritual talent is indeed high, but he is greedy and violent. Master once said that the biggest mistake in his life was to let Fan Ying enter Lugu."

"If this is the case, then Fan Ying dare to go to see Lord Gu?" Zhang Hui asked again.

Xiang Yan sneered and said, "Hmph, what does he dare to do? After entering officialdom, this man has learned to do things by all means. I think he wanted to take power under the pretext of the Beimang people to invade south, and grab the lifeline of the capital In his own hands, coupled with his fall to the third prince, if the third prince rises to the throne in the future, his power will be limitless."

Zhang Hui thought to himself: "It turns out that Fan Ying is a member of the Third Prince. No wonder he wanted to kill me so much. He must have heard about the Seventh Prince."

Xiang Yan walked in front for a while, then turned around to stare at Zhang Hui and Yundou, and said, "Don't mention the secret path to other people. You two don't even think about entering the secret path, you will definitely die!"

After Fan Ying reunited with several of his entourages, he cursed and recounted what had just happened.The entourage standing next to him said: "General, health is important. We heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. We should return to the capital before making plans."

"No, I'm going to take the opportunity to kill the kid Zhang Hui. That kid hates me very much. I don't want to say if I get a cheap price, he may still be from Ji Yuan." Fan Ying just saw Zhang Hui and Xiang Yan walking together. Doing it, he thought that as long as Zhang Hui stepped out of Xiang Yan's sight, he would kill Zhang Hui immediately.

The entourage persuaded: "The general calms down. It is only easy for us to kill Zhang Hui. It's a pity to kill him like this. Didn't he really want to know about Lu Yan? The general can take this matter to lead. He can even use him to deal with the Seventh Prince."

When Fan Ying heard this, she suddenly felt a sense of openness, and the look of anger on her face disappeared, and she said proudly: "Yes, he has to beg me to let me tell his father's whereabouts. Good, I If you don't kill him, you have to make good use of him."

Zhang Hui thought that Fan Ying had suffered a loss. He would definitely not dare to come head-on at this moment, and he might plan to go down to Lushan and return to the capital.Although he knew that Fan Ying wanted to kill him, he still wanted to follow up on the news that he asked Lu Yan, because so many people around only Fan Ying had revealed that he knew about Lu Yan, and it seemed that Fan Ying was not lying.

Seeing that Zhang Hui was walking towards Fan Ying, Yun Dou immediately went to persuade Zhang Hui, but Zhang would throw him away and would not listen to him at all. In a hurry, Yun Dou had to find Xiang Yan again.

Zhang Hui went to Fan Ying and saw that Fan Ying’s attitude towards him was much more relaxed. When he looked at him, his eyes were no longer full of murderous intent. He felt a little surprised. How suddenly Fan Ying could figure it out, no I hate him and don't rush to kill him.

"General, can you elaborate more on the whereabouts of my father." Zhang Hui stood with his head high in front of Fan Ying, and struck Fan Ying, asking him, but his expression was neither humble nor overbearing.

This time, Fan Ying was not as impatient with Zhang Hui as before. He looked Zhang Hui up and down, and thoughtfully said: "I only saw him at Mount Seymour. If you really want to know, After a while, I came to the capital to look for me, and then I went to my subordinates to ask about the situation at that time."

"Okay." Zhang Hui agreed without hesitation. Although he knew that Fan Ying's attitude had become so fast, there must be something else, but he had inexplicable confidence in himself and felt that no matter what Fan Ying wanted to play, He can fight Fan Ying.

Fan Ying nodded towards Zhang Hui, with some dark eyes in his eyes. He saw Zhang Hui’s suspicion and knew how confident Zhang Hui would be, but in his opinion, Zhang Hui would die in his hands. There was no suspense. of.

"I promise, as long as you come, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Fan Ying said with confidence, the two looked at each other, each with the same self-confidence.

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