After the onlookers and Xiang Yan left, Zhang Hui was still holding wooden sticks and making gestures, recalling the sword move that Xiang Yan had just made. He wanted to take advantage of the clear memory now and quickly deepen his impression.

He let himself fall into a state of confusion, try to avoid being disturbed by other things around him, and try his best to remember the feeling that Xiang Yan had just moved his sword.

After everyone was gone, she looked at Zhang Hui with her eyebrows, and seeing him look so serious, she was worried for him and was also pleased for him.

Zhang Hui found Meimei looking at her and stopped and walked towards her.

The eyebrows smiled at him, there is always a soothing power in the slightly bent eyes: "Don't worry too much, the uncle wants you to pass, he will not ask you to solve the problem completely. Think about it, you can definitely pass this level."

The voice of the eyebrows was crisp and sweet, but at this time, the voice was soft and soft, and Zhang Hui's worries were removed in an instant.

Zhang Hui is not so anxious to become a Lushan disciple, but when he faces every test, he will want to win, and he will often do his best to win.

In the next two days, Zhang Hui took Yundou and pretended to be hostile parties, and he made moves to Yundou again and again based on the memory of opposing Yanjian moves.

Two people who did not understand swordsmanship imitated the same trick hundreds of times.Although Yun Dou does not understand the actual tricks, he has read a lot of books in the Cangshu Pavilion. Although he can't see the core formulas of Lushan in the Cangshu Pavilion, he has read more about the theory of martial arts practice, and he always knows the specific tricks. Will understand a little more than people who have not seen anything.

Zhang will repeat this sword trick a lot, and will also relate to some theories in "Gu Shang Yuanzhen", such as the theory of virtual and real changes embodied in this sword trick.

He found that Xiang Yanshi’s sword trick first gave him a general feeling. Even when he read it the second time, he couldn’t make a rational analysis of it. It was like some good poems that Gou Xin once told him. Both of them thought the poem was good, but they couldn't analyze the goodness of it.

Xiang Yan's sword trick is also ingenious, but the ingenious feeling cannot be analyzed.

When Zhang Hui got tired from training, he went back to the room and lay vaguely. Suddenly there was a sentence in his mind, "The antelope hangs horns, there is nothing to ask for." He opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a sudden bright feeling in his mind .

This sentence is the original sentence in "Gu Shang Yuan Zhen Pian", but it is the most suitable to explain Xiang Yan's sword moves.

He finally understood why Xiang Yan made this move to let him solve it, because this move cannot be analyzed in detail, but can only give people a general feeling. He is just a layman who doesn't understand sword moves, and he definitely can't understand it. Kind of sword tricks to do specific analysis.

Three days later, Xiang Yan was still waiting in the meeting room of the Zhigongyuan to see how Zhang Hui answered.

Xiang Yanchu held the Luoxia sword, stood on the side of the open space, half-squinted his eyes on Zhang Hui, and said expectantly: "Come on, no matter how you think, there must be a result."

Zhang Hui still held a stick, but at this moment, he was more confident than before, holding the stick and holding a sword posture.

He aroused the feeling of Xiang Yan dancing the sword in his memory, and took the stick to dance. He was certainly not as powerful and speedily as Xiang Yan in every style, but Xiang Yan could see how Zhang Hui had been to himself in the past few days. The sword move is well understood.

The two confronted, Zhang Hui was not timid, and Xiang Yan’s sword moves were clear to his chest. In the duel, although Zhang Hui could not keep up with the speed of his hands and feet, he could keep up with the speed of understanding and the speed of his eyes. The state of the whole person is completely different from three days ago. Although there is a huge difference in strength between Xiang Yan and Xiang Yan, there is a kind of understanding and harmony between the two.

The cracking method he came up with was only formal. In the end, although he could not really beat Xiang Yan, Xiang Yan was surprised by Zhang Hui's answer.

Xiang Yan put the Luoxia sword on the ground and laughed at Zhang Hui: "The kid really has two times. This question is difficult to say, easy to say, and the key lies in people's understanding. Even if you pass this level, , I know you are very sure about the retest three days later, but don’t take it lightly."

As soon as Xiang Yan's voice fell, Mei Mei and Yun Dou rushed towards Zhang Hui. Some of the other onlookers sighed and murmured, and then gradually dispersed.

Meimei and Yundou knew that as long as Zhang Hui had passed this level, he would definitely be able to pass the following examinations. They were more excited than Zhang Hui at the moment.

Meimei asked a lot of people in one day to inquire, sorted out the exam questions in recent years, and asked Yun Dou to pretend to be the examiner to ask Zhang Hui questions, and the two came to comment on Zhang Hui's answers.

Meimei and Yundou have been soaking in the pile of books all day long. They are the most adept at these theoretical arguments. Zhang Hui was very confident in this aspect. Now they have the help of these two people. There is nothing to worry about about the examination.

On this day, for the sake of fairness, Xiang Yan and Xu Gui were the examiners of this examination at the same time, and several disciples were also invited to attend the examination.

Eventually, the name of Zhang Hui was added to the roster of new entry disciples by Meimei himself.

When Li Ya sent Xiang Yan and Xu Gui out of Zhigongyuan, he asked by the way: "I don't know which uncle Zhang Hui should belong to? Do the two uncles have ideas?"

Xu Gui said: "I brought this Zhanghui back earlier. He lived in Lumingtang for a while. Everyone thought he would become my disciple. If I don't accept him, it seems a bit unreasonable. I think, come to me. ."

Xiang Yan pretended to be angry and joked: "Junior brother always loves to pick up the bargain and sell good. Can you take Zhang Hui as an apprentice and let you suffer? I think this kid wants to learn swords. I am the first sword in Lushan. He must want to worship me as a teacher. If you don’t believe me, call him to ask!"

Li Ya originally guessed that Xiang Yan and Xu Gui would say this, which would offend one of them, so he didn't let them discuss in front of Zhang Hui. As a result, Xiang Yan's temperament was too straightforward and he didn't shy away so much. Ask him to call Zhang Hui.

After Zhang Hui learned of Li Ya's intention to call him, he didn't think much about it. He just said, "Thank you two gentlemen for your love, Zhang Hui has already been a teacher, this..."

When Xiang Yan heard this, he laughed loudly: "I said you are stodgy, you have to say that I am stupid, who said that you have to apprentice in Lushan? You have no apprenticeship in Lushan. Be a teacher. In this case, he still asks Gou Xin to be a master, and he still learns his skills in Lushan."

When Zhang Hui heard this, he was very grateful to Xiang Yan. He actually had no prejudice against Gou Xin as a person from Beimang. Although he was really old-fashioned in some things, he was bolder than ordinary people in some things. .

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