The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 544 The Princess Is Missing (2)

Immediately afterwards, the number of officers and soldiers increased rapidly, surrounding the area around Sanlichang for several miles. The onlookers had to go through layers of searches before they could leave the scene.

Several officers and soldiers controlled the situation with spears in their hands, shouting: "Don't panic everyone, as long as you confirm that you are not an assassin, everyone can go home."

For a while, everyone onlookers showed no interest in Beimang people and Princess Beimang, they only cared about when they would be able to get out of this noisy place and return home earlier.

The crowd slowly became loose, and those whose identities were not suspected passed the search one after another and left.

Zhang Hui was squeezed around in the crowd and started to feel a little dizzy, and Yun Dou was still thinking where the princess would go, and he was still watching whether the officers and soldiers rescued the princess.

Until the afternoon when Shen Shi, the two people escaped from the chaos and returned to the inn.

Yun Dou walked to the entrance of the inn, and suddenly shrank her nose, and said, "If you smell it, it is the smell of orchids."

"What orchid smell?"

"Save our girl, the one in the back mountain!"

Zhang Hui just remembered that Yun Dou was talking about his longing sister Lanhua, but the girl who rescued the two of them in the back mountain could not be long enough.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the figure of a woman not far away, then looked at that woman, turned to Yundou Nunu's mouth, and motioned Yundou to look over.

Yun Dou came behind the woman, her nose shrank a few times, and said in surprise: "It's really orchid smell, it's her."

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that his words were frivolous, and he shouldn't talk about the smell of a strange girl in the street.Before he had time to apologize, he only felt a tingling on his face, and he realized that he had been slapped in the face when he heard a pop.

Yun Dou finally found the girl she had been thinking about for a long time. Even if she was slapped, she didn't intend to back down at all. She hurried up and said, "Girl, I just offended. I didn't mean to offend. You saved us. I remember this. The fragrance can find you."

Yun Dou said, bowing her head for a long time and dared not look at the woman.

Zhang Hui walked towards Yundou and saw that the woman in front of him was wearing a white coat, her hair was simply pulled behind her head, without any other attire, her temperament was cold, and she walked in this noisy capital without the smoke from the city. It is obviously not that integrated.

The woman turned her head to look at Zhang Hui. Zhang Hui was stunned for an instant. She felt as if she was in a icy world. Everything around her became quiet. The world in front of her became so simple and peaceful.

Her face is also so cold and cold. In her eyes and mouth, it seems that there will never be a ripple. Everywhere is so quiet, but getting together gives people a thrilling beauty.

Zhang Hui thought of the slap the woman slapped on Yun Dou's face just now, and then looking at this cold and beautiful face, it is difficult to connect the two things together.

Yun Dou didn't seem to have any feeling for this woman's beauty. He just glanced at her, and then began to say, "You are the girl who saved us from Hou Shan, right? Look, this, this is yours? "Yun Dou took out the red silk that was folded into squares from his arms and handed it to the woman.

The woman didn't look angry, but she stretched out her hand to hit Yundou again.

Zhang Hui quickly stretched out his arm to block between her and Yun Dou: "Girl, be merciful, my brother is stupid and always offends the girl." After he said, he winked at Yun Dou and told him to stop talking.

At this moment, several officers and soldiers walked towards Zhang Hui. They looked at the woman and asked each other in a low voice, "Does it look like Princess Yunya?"

"It's not like a local, or take it home first?"

When Yun Dou heard that he was looking for someone, he stepped forward and explained: "This is not Princess Yunya, this is our own person, Lushan's person, and saved us both..."

The woman's eyes suddenly changed, she looked at Zhang Hui like an old acquaintance, and smiled: "What princess do they say I am like?"

Zhang Hui saw her smile, the smile looked like a flower in the snow suddenly blooming, making his heart tremble.

He guessed that this woman might not want to be suspected by the officers and soldiers, so he pretended to be acquaintances with them according to what Yundou said. In order to cooperate with this woman, he also promised: "Yes, I'm probably praising you for being beautiful. ."

The officers and soldiers frowned disgustedly when they heard the conversation between the three and left.

When the woman saw that the officers and soldiers were gone, she immediately changed her face to Zhang Hui, her smile really seemed like a flash in the pan, as if she could never be found again.

She turned her head and planned to continue on her way without even saying hello.

Yun Dou shouted: "Girl, you haven't told me yet, did you save us?"

The woman ignored her, and walked forward as if she hadn't heard Yun Dou talking at all.

"Hey, wait." Zhang Hui couldn't help but yelled out. In fact, he didn't know why he wanted her to stop, and he began to feel a little uneasy.

Hearing Zhang Hui's shout, the white-clothed woman stopped and looked at him, but Zhang Hui didn't know what to say at this moment, and just smiled reluctantly at her.

She just looked at him so coldly, her eyes seemed to ask: "What else?"

Zhang Hui had no choice but to learn from Yundou and asked: "Did you really save us?"


The woman's voice was so peaceful that Zhang Hui was somewhat afraid to talk to her again, for fear of disturbing her.After she finished speaking, she turned and walked into the crowd.

Zhang Hui thought that the woman seemed to be evading the search by the officers and soldiers, and found it strange, and she was so alone, she didn't look like a local.

Zhang Hui murmured: "She wouldn't really be Princess Yunya, right?"

"Hey, it's possible." Yun Dou also didn't believe that this fierce woman she met was the sister Lanhua she had missed for a long time.

"No, I don't see it. If she really is Princess Yunya, then why would she be out alone, why didn't she go back to Ye Xiang, and the marriage of such a big matter, people are gone, then she Didn't it cause big trouble for the Beimang people?" Zhang Hui asked in doubt.

"Well, that's right, then save our girl. I believe my nose. I don't think I will mistake the smell." Yun Dou looked confident and insisted that he smelled the same smell. .

Zhang Hui closed the memory. When he took him and Yun Dou on the back mountain, the steps of the person in front seemed to be so gentle, and the moment he touched her sleeve was cold. It was cold, and it was indeed very similar to the woman just now.

After the white-clothed woman walked away, Zhang Hui had been thinking about her appearance for a long time. He thought that no one in this world would look better than eyebrows, but now he seemed to see another kind of beauty.

What makes him feel strange is that people like Yundou who see a woman going stupid don't seem surprised to see the woman.

Zhang Hui asked: "How about it, are you happy?"

Yun Dou shook his head and sighed: "She is fierce and beats people. She shouldn't be like this, hey, is she who is gentle and lovely is what I dreamed up? This is not what I like."

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