Several people inadvertently mentioned the disappearance of Princess Yunya, who was most concerned about today in the Great Capital City. Yundou met the girl who was suspected of Princess Yunya yesterday and talked to Ji Yuan about the conversation with Ye Xiang just now.

As soon as Ji Yuan contacted these things, he aroused many sighs in his heart, and sighed again and again: "Hey, I'm angry when talking about this. The people in Beimang are so arrogant, so they are talking about marriage, and they just bite the bullet. Now, the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain, thinking that by making peace, they can change their wolf ambition?"

When Yuan Zhixing did not come to Changdu, he often heard Lushan disciples discussing state affairs. Some of them mentioned that the Seventh Prince and Prime Minister Hobilin were the main fighting faction, so he could understand that Ji Yuan was talking about the relationship with Beimang. Why is there so much indignation?

Ji Yuan went on to say: "Beimang’s family members are not really friendly. They just want to use their family members to fight for a few years to raise soldiers. By the way, they will slowly work on the border. When the time is right, no matter how many Jianyang counties are It will be swallowed by them."

Ji Yuan talked about Zhang Hui’s hometown of Jianyang County, Zhang Hui’s mood was difficult to calm for a while, and the scene of Linshui Town when it was occupied was just like yesterday.

"If Master did not plan for me in advance and entrust me to Lushan, I might be begging at the small street corner in the north at the moment." Zhang Hui meditated in his heart, thinking of his neighbors in the water town. He may still be wandering around now, with no fixed place, and his mood is as angry as Ji Yuan.

Although Zhang Hui didn't like war in his heart, he also felt sad for those weak and daring neighborhoods who had lived in Linshui Town. The people in Linshui Town passed by and swallowed their anger, which made him feel sad and helpless. It is precisely because of those people's non-resistance, that they will lose their homes in the end if they only care about the present.

On the issue of the main battle, Zhang Hui and Ji Yuan hit it off. Once one talked about the matter, the other couldn't help but want to agree.

Zhang Huidao: "Although the people of Beimang are brave, they are fighting for national strength. We have a vast land and rich resources in the country. However, Beimang is so bitter and cold that it cannot withstand fighting. If they don’t fight now, they will become stronger in the future. It's not that easy to fight anymore."

Yuan Zhixing acted cautiously and would not let people around him discuss state affairs outside, but after hearing Zhang Hui and Ji Yuan say this, his heart was also resonated, and he couldn't help but want to listen to them.

Although Ji Yuan was mature and seemed to have a gentle attitude towards everything on the surface, he was particularly tenacious in his heart, especially his own persistence in matters of the country.

Ji Yuan said: "The North Amen of Beimang is indeed not to be underestimated, but we also have Lushan. Lushan has also cultivated many talents for the Qi country over the years. Like General Fan, he is also a practitioner of the third stage of the Yuanzhuan realm. Enemy hundreds of thousands of people, like you here, will all be createable in the future..."

When Ji Yuan said this, he hesitated and looked at the faces of the three of them in turn.Zhang Hui heard this, and then he understood why Ji Yuan said just now that if anyone among them was planning to give this house to someone, in fact, he hoped that they would be able to vote under him in the future.

Ji Yuan went around and said that he had returned to the topic that embarrassed a few people just now.

Now Yuan Zhixing took the lead to change the subject and said: "His Royal Highness, please forgive me for one more word. On this vent, Your Highness can temporarily not mention the main battle, because the entire Great Capital City is talking about the disappearance of the princess. To that group of bandits, but no princess can be found, Changdu Mansion and Ye Xiang can't make a deal, they will be counted as the head of the main station faction, saying that someone in Qi state deliberately sabotaged the marriage."

"Well, what Senior Brother Yuan said makes sense." Ji Yuan nodded in agreement, put his hand on the shoulder of Zhang Hui next to him, and smiled, "I will constrain elsewhere, but I regard you as my own brothers. More scruples. It’s good for our classmates in Lushan, not so much calculation."

Although Zhang Hui and the others settled temporarily in the house by the lake, they also knew that Changdu was not a place to stay for a long time.Zhang Hui plans to go back to Lushan after asking Fan Ying about his father.

What Zhang Hui didn't know was that Ye Xiang and Fan Ying in the General's Mansion at this time were making new calculations on him.

Ye Xiang came to Qi country this time, in addition to escorting and pro-team, in addition, he wanted to have an active relationship in the Great Capital City, and the eye-catching General Mansion was the first place he visited.

In the meeting room of the General's Mansion, Fan Ying and Ye Xiang went through some polite greetings, and they involuntarily talked about the disappearance of Princess Yunya, whom everyone was most concerned about recently.

Fan Ying said, "Huowei Ye has worked hard. I must have been worried about this matter these days?"

"Yes, I have no clue at all. Yesterday I finally caught a kid. According to him, he seemed to have seen the princess the day before yesterday, but he said that the girl seemed to have rescued him in Lushan. Beimang and Lushan are far apart , How could the princess go to Lushan again? I don’t think I can find it anymore. I plan to go back and return."

"Lushan, the kid you are talking about is called Zhang Hui?" Fan Ying thought of Zhang Hui when she said that she wanted Zhang Hui to come to him after a while, so she immediately thought of Zhang Hui.

Ye Xiang didn't think that Fan Ying would know Zhang Hui, but Fan Ying's tone seemed to have no kindness towards Zhang Hui.

Fan Ying thought for a while, and said casually: "It's really this kid who hid the princess, right?"

Ye Xiang said, "He didn't even dare to kidnap Princess Beimang, and he had no reason to do so. He is just an ordinary Lushan disciple, and has nothing to do with the affairs of Chaotang."

"That's not necessarily true. I heard that he has a great friendship with the Seventh Prince in the palace. The Seventh Prince is the main warrior. They are opposed to peace." Fan Ying pretended to be lighthearted and said, but he couldn't hide the scheming in his eyes.

"Hey, I also suspect that there is something wrong with that kid." Ye Xiang began to follow Fan Ying's meaning, but then said with suspicion, "I'm afraid the princess will appear again by then, I can't tell."

Fan Ying replied decisively: "No." Because Fan Ying also heard about the disappearance of Princess Yunya, he also guessed that the princess seemed to run away by herself. If she escaped by herself, she would definitely not take the initiative again. Physical.

Ye Xiang thought to himself: "No one can tell the truth about the princess escaping, so let's just use this kid to blame it. Let's talk about it after passing this vent."

After sitting for a while, he got up and left.He walked out of the gate of the General’s Mansion and was about to get on the carriage when he saw Zhang Hui approaching here. Zhang Hui also saw him, but the two were far apart, and he didn’t stop waiting for a Zhang Hui. There is no reason to get on the carriage, so pretended not to see it, and got in the carriage and left.

When Zhang Hui saw Ye Xiang leave, he faintly felt that Ye Xiang's General Mansion would be fine.

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