Zhang Hui suddenly realized that it was really from Lugu who tied him and Yundou and sent them down the mountain that day.

He and Yun Dou had always wondered what the woman looked like that day, and now they can finally see the true face.

Yun Dou was slapped by the white-clothed woman outside the inn, which completely broke his illusion about the sister orchid in his heart for so many days. Now I see Wen Ruhui, although he is more intimate and gentler than the white-clothed woman I saw that day. Be gentle, but he still felt that Wen Ruhui was cold and not close, and he lost the subtle feeling that he had imagined before.

"I was ashamed of how much I had offended Senior Sister Wen in the past." Zhang Hui remembered the words he and Yun Dou said to Wen Ruhui that day, which indeed offended him.

Wen Ruhui seemed to have not taken this matter to heart for a long time, and said lightly: "You should be punished after you break into the mountain, and it is not too much to tie you two under the mountain."

"Not too much, too much." Yun Dou answered graciously.

Yuan Zhixing asked, "Why did Junior Sister Wen come here?"

"By the order of the Lord Gu, I walk in the world and like these flowers, so I stay here for a while." Wen Ruhui seemed gentle at first, but when he tasted it carefully, there was a desolation in the gentleness.

Zhang Hui said, "Sister Wen went to the Great Capital City?" He still felt that Wen Ruhui was too similar to the woman in white clothes he saw that day. He wanted to try her with these words and see how she would answer.

"I didn't go." Wen Ruhui looked at Zhang Hui, her eyes gentle and calm, not as if she was lying.

Zhang Hui thought to himself, there are so many weird things in this world, how could there be two people who look so alike.

While several people were talking, they felt that a group of people were getting closer and closer, and Zhang Hui glanced at the corner of his eyes and knew that it was Ye Xiang again.

He looked at Wen Ruhui's reaction when he saw Ye Xiang's arrival. Wen Ruhui seemed to have no knowledge of Ye Xiang at all, and talked to Yuan Zhixing without changing his expression.

Ye Xiang’s people stopped at the back of the carriage. Yuan Zhixing turned and looked at Ye Xiang. Only then did Wen Ruhui stop talking to Yuan Zhixing. Looking at those people, she looked like she didn’t know these people. But there was no fear on his face.

Ye Xiang stepped forward and greeted Yuan Zhixing: "This Orchid Valley is really a good place, everyone got together."

Yuan Zhixing nodded politely, not wanting to talk to Ye Xiang more.

Ye Xiang quickly locked his gaze on Wen Ruhui, frowning and thinking for a long time before speaking: "This girl is yours?"

"It's my junior sister." Yuan Zhixing replied.

"Why do I look so familiar?" Ye Xiang began to suspect that Wen Ruhui was the missing Princess Yunya, and his eyes kept fixed on Wen Ruhui.

Zhang Hui stepped forward and said: "Ye Huwei, you must also understand the ideal of going to the countryside and doing the same. In our country of Qi, staring at other girls like you will be regarded as rude."

Although Ye Xiang is arrogant, he often has some high-sounding pursuits when he does things. Everyone says that Beimang is an uncivilized place. The people of Beimang don’t understand etiquette, so he seems to understand the etiquette of the Central Plains. Qi Guo's words and deeds seemed to pay more attention to these red tapes than Qi Guoren. He was not annoyed by Zhang Hui's words, but he narrowed his presumptuous eyes a lot.

"It's no wonder girl, I just saw you familiar, so I was rude." Ye Xiang said politely.

After he finished speaking, he winked behind him, and then a sixteen or seventeen-year-old maid came up. The maid was Yunya's maid. She lowered her head and walked carefully, her movements and expressions seemed hesitant. cautious.

Zhang Hui guessed that Ye Xiang called this maid to come up to let her come up to recognize someone.The maid stared at Wen Ruhui for a long time, but Wen Ruhui's expression remained unchanged.The handmaid didn't dare to look more, but when she saw Wen Ruhui, she immediately showed a surprised look on her face, and looked back at Ye Xiang in a panic, as if she wanted to say something but didn't dare to say.

Ye Xiang pressed his chin towards the maid and motioned for her to speak.The maid lowered her head, looked at Wen Ruhui's face again, and said, "Like...like our princess, and the smell on her body is also like our princess...but the servant can't make up his mind."

The maid just knew that the matter was important, and when Ye Xiang asked her to tell her, she was afraid of taking responsibility, so she didn't dare to insist that Wen Ruhui was Princess Yunya.

Seeing this maid's ambiguous attitude, Ye Xiang didn't dare to say something to death. He was a little annoyed, and winked at her impatiently and told her to step back first.

Zhang Hui knew Ye Xiang’s intentions and blocked Wen Ruhui’s intentions. He said, “Ye Huwei is following us. Is it because he wants to catch someone and go back on business? Now your princess is lost. Do you carry this pot?"

Ye Xiang didn’t put Zhang Hui in his eyes at all. It was Zhang Hui who was asking him, but he looked at Yuan Zhixing and replied: “It’s true that this girl is very similar to the missing Princess Yunya, but At present, there are few people in us, and there is no way to confirm whether this girl is Princess Yunya, so I have an unrelenting request. I hope that the girl can go to Beimang with us. When we get to Beimang, ask a few more people, and we can naturally distinguish the true from the false. ."

"Yeah, your princess has lost our ass, you say you take it back and take it back? Then I suspect that your girl is my unpassed wife, then do you want to send it over for me to tell the truth?" Zhang He raised his voice, his expression was not as gentle as before, and his tone was a little provocative.

"You... the brat speaks so arrogantly, you will regret it sooner or later!" Ye Xiang made a gesture of raising the sword with one hand, and with the other hand stretched out his finger and pointed at it.

Yuan Zhi acted as a calmer, pulled Zhang Hui and said to Ye Xiang: "This is indeed my junior. Ye Huwei may have admitted the wrong person. We can't blame it, but if there are any further requirements, we will not Yes, Ye Huwei, please go back."

Looking at the situation, Yun Dou immediately walked to Wen Ruhui's side eagerly and helped her get into the carriage.

Zhang Hui watched Wen Ruhui get on the carriage, glanced at Ye Xiang, and said, "My senior sister's cultivation base is equal to that of Senior Brother Yuan. If you really fight, you won't get any advantage."

Ye Xiang looked at the carriage, stopped for a while without speaking, a sullen light flashed in his eyes, after all, he was still unwilling to let it go.

Zhang Hui also knew that Ye Xiang’s temperament would not be so easy to give up. He thought: "I don’t care what he wants. Soldiers will stop him. The more he is afraid of him, the more arrogant he is." He didn’t even look at Ye Xiang, and went straight. Get on the carriage.

"Ye Huwei, let's say goodbye first." Although Yuan Zhixing still maintains courtesy on the surface, he has a tougher attitude towards Ye Xiang. He speaks decisively and speaks clearly.

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