The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 561 Discussing Words (1)

As soon as Xie Zhuo talked about Xu Gui, he continued: "Xu Gui looks courteous on the surface. He seems to be able to listen to the opinions of others, but he is actually a dead brain..."

Before Xie Zhuo finished speaking, Wen Ruhui stepped forward and said goodbye: "Uncle Shi, I have been out for a while. It's time to go back. I will see you again when I have time."

Xie Zhuo realized that he shouldn't say something, he smiled awkwardly, and said in kindness: "I forgot that I shouldn't say bad things about Xu Gui in front of you, Xiaohui, don't be angry."

Wen Ruhui shook his head to show that he didn't care about it, then looked at Zhang Hui and said, "The king of medicine has left a book about exploring the pulse, which may be helpful to you. I will copy a copy for you someday. "

Zhang Hui was surprised and pleasantly surprised, and saluted Wen Ruhui: "Then thank Senior Sister Wen first."

After Wen Ruhui went out, Xie Zhuo sat down in a chair and mumbled: "Look at me, I can't speak like that. Xu Gui is kind to Xiaohui. Of course, I can't hear others say something bad about Xu Gui. I actually forgot. "

Zhang Hui thought that Wen Ruhui mentioned a person named Yao Wang, and asked, "Uncle Master, who is Yao Wang?"

"Yao Wang, Uncle Wen Ying, haven't you heard of it? Hey, it's normal if you haven't heard of it. Yao Wang has been away from Lushan for seven or eight years. He was once also a direct disciple of the Valley Master. This person is obsessed with medicine. He became enlightened in Lugu and combined the natural path of nature with medical theory, and his reputation has been greatly since then."

"I know about Yaowanggu, my cousin had a serious illness the year before, but he has not been completely cured since then. Someone asked him to seek medical treatment in Yaowanggu, and it was cured." Yundou said of Yaowang, his face showed appreciation. look.

After a while, Yun Dou asked curiously: "Isn't Senior Sister Wen also the most important disciple of Mr. Xu like Senior Brother Yuan?"

"It's more than important. It's like treating her own daughter. Xiao Hui has been an orphan since she was a child. Xu Gui picked her up and entrusted him to a family to take care of her. Later, she took her to Lushan when she was more than ten years old. Fortunately, she was selected by the valley owner for her talent and intelligence, otherwise she would be delayed by Xu Gui."

Yun Dou sighed: "It turns out that Senior Sister Wen still has such a life experience, so it's no wonder that Uncle Senior said that Xu Gui was not her and left."

Zhang Hui heard this, and a question suddenly appeared in his heart: "Since Wen Ruhui regards Xu Gui as a benefactor, why didn't she go back to Lushan to see Xu Gui? Is it just because it is not convenient for people in Lugu to appear in Lushan?"

Although Lushan disciples always said Lugu very mysterious, Zhang Hui still felt that Wen Ruhui's whereabouts were indeed a bit too secretive.

More than ten days later, Yun Dou brought back a stack of manuscripts packed together from Xie Zhuo. It was really Wen Ruhui's handwriting. Zhang Hui looked at it roughly, and it probably combined the way of cultivation with the movement of the body's blood. To explore the formation of consciousness veins, Xu Gui and Xiang Yan occasionally mentioned some of the principles mentioned above, but they are far from being so thorough.

After Zhang Hui combined the advice Wen Ruhui gave him that day, and after thoroughly comprehending the content of the manuscript, he really felt that the process of opening the pulse during the exercise was not so confused.

However, the pain caused by the opening of the pulse to the body is still unabated, but it has already surprised him.After making a breakthrough in the opening of the veins, he felt like a cicada shed its shell, and his whole body was reborn.

However, opening the pulse is a long process, and the pulse consciousness formed in his body will be in an immature and unstable state for a long time.

After reading the content of the manuscript a few times, Zhang Hui could almost remember it, but he still often took it out and looked at the writing on it. The beautiful and elegant writing always made him imagine it before he knew it. Wen Ruhui's indifferent and focused expression while writing, and her long, white fingers.

"Next time you see Senior Sister Wen, you must thank her well." Zhang Hui often thought this in his heart, but as the days passed, Wen Ruhui never appeared in Lushan.

On this day, Zhang Hui’s morning class had just finished, and when he left the Zhigongyuan, he heard someone talking:

"Ye Xiang is here again. This time it seems to be a call for words. He said that he was preparing a birthday gift for the old lady. This old lady likes calligraphy, so they want to collect calligraphy from the world's calligraphers and offer them to the old lady."

Yun Dou also happened to come out of Zhigongyuan at this time. He saw Zhang Hui listening to people's discussions, and he leaned forward and gave Zhang a wink: "Why are Ye Xiang so many famous halls, go, let's take a look."

"Last time I used a trick to us, because he still has a deer face!" Zhang Hui said bitterly.

"He asked people to plot against us, and he wouldn't admit it. Besides, he is a man who is unscrupulous in order to achieve his own goals. He has nothing to face."

Zhang Hui was quite accurate when he heard Yundou's words, and patted Yundou's back heavily: "Oh, even you can look at people anymore. You are not so dumb."

Yun Dou smiled and said: "I was forced out. I went to the capital with you. There were so many scary things that scared me, and I was punished again when I came back. "

Although Yun Dou said that he was bolder and skinny, but he still said this with the same vigor as before.

The two of them entered through the back door of the main building of Zhigongyuan, walked to the aisle behind the conference hall, and looked inside by the side door of the conference hall.

In the hall, Xu Gui sat at the top, Li Ya and Ye Xiang sat on two sides.Xu Gui slowly turned over a booklet about a foot wide in his hand, nodding his head, with an appreciative smile on his face.

"Ye Huwei is really interested. These are all great things. This is the first time I have seen so many collections of current calligraphers. The old lady will definitely be satisfied with this birthday gift. Ashamed, how dare my words match? Put them together?" Xu Gui smiled politely, and asked the young man next to him to return the booklet to Ye Xiang.

Ye Xiang walked away from the seat and said, "If Mr. Xu looks down on Ye and refuses to give the Queen Mother this birthday gift, then Ye is no longer reluctant, but if Mr. Xu is too self-effacing and refuses to write, I will have to struggle. It's been a while."

Xu Gui held his hand on the chair and patted, then nodded and said, "Then Xu Gui will show his ugliness."

Then the young man in the chamber brought pen and ink. Xu Gui thought for a while and wrote a few words on the booklet on Ye Xiang's place.

Ye Xiang watched and praised again and again: "The words are as good as their own, Mr. Xu's words are dignified and elegant, and they are self-contained. It would be a pity if the "Xianshou Hengchang Collection" lacked Mr. Xu's words. where."

Afterwards, the two returned to their seats, and Zhang Hui saw Ye Xiang looking around. He seemed to have something to say, and did not intend to leave after taking the word.

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