"Oh, it's going to rain." Yun Dou shouted at Zhang Hui.

The sky was suddenly darker than before, and the cool breeze was blowing, and the wind seemed to have brought the smell of rain not far away.

"It's really going to rain." Zhang Hui also murmured. He looked at the team in front of them, still keeping that distance from them.

After a while, it was getting darker, and Zhang Hui saw the group of people also stopped and looked around, as if discussing their next plans.

With the sound of raindrops, the big raindrops hit Zhang Hui's hat. This heavy rain seemed to be really going to fall.

Yun Dou looked to the side and shouted, "Look, there are families there, let's avoid it."

Zhang Hui looked in the direction pointed by Yundou. Although the house was still some distance away, but looking around, this place could be sheltered from the rain, so he had to turn the carriage quickly and hurried towards the house. past.

When the two of them arrived at the house that could shelter from the rain, most of their bodies were already wet. As soon as they got off the horse, Zhang Hui suddenly thought that the group of people with the dust belt would definitely come to shelter from the rain.

"Oh, it's broken. We saw this place where we can shelter from the rain. Could it be that they can't find it? I think they will come here too." Yun Dou anxiously said, he thought that Huan Chen would be here soon. Come, spinning around anxiously.

The owner of this family is an old couple. They heard that there were many people coming to shelter from the rain. They enthusiastically asked them to lead the horses to the hut next to the house, and asked them to take off their clothes and hang them under the eaves to dry.

Zhang Hui was afraid that the people in the dust belt would recognize him after he took off his outfit, so he refused to say that he would dry his clothes while standing outside with a blower.

Sure enough, after a while, the gate of the courtyard became lively.

The old couple saw these many people coming, and they were all strangely dressed foreigners. They didn't know how to receive them for a while, but just stared blankly at the door.

The crowd suddenly became chaotic, and the sound of horses was also chaotic.One person held an umbrella for the leader next to him, and the two of them walked towards the front door first.

Zhang Hui could see that the person who looked like the leader should be Huan Chen. He obviously stood out among a group of people, and he was the most calm under the chaotic scene.

Yun Dou looked at Huan Chen carefully, hiding behind Zhang Hui to cover her nervousness.

Zhang Hui did not dare to look at these Beimang people too much. He was afraid that someone would recognize him suddenly. After standing outside the house for a while, no one recognized him. This time slowly Relax, guessing that there is no one from Ye Xiang among the group of Huanchen belts.

Huan Chen went up the steps and said to the group of old couples: "Unfortunately, it was heavy rain. I want to avoid the rain here. I don't know if it is convenient."

Zhang Hui mocked in his heart: "You have entered in such a big posture, and you still asked if it is convenient?"

The old couple could see that this alien was a person with a face and a face, and did not dare to offend him easily. Although they were afraid of this group of people in their hearts, they still forced a smile on their faces. They agreed, "Convenient and convenient, and the place is small. Will be."

At this time, Zhang Hui's eyes were attracted by the carriage.

Because the hut next to this house is too small, so many flattering can only be tied outside, letting the place out to let the carriage and Huanchen's mount come in to shelter from rain.

The old couple also felt weird. How did they deliberately park a carriage under the hut, and their eyes followed the carriage, as if waiting for someone to come out after the carriage stopped.

The entourage next to Huan Chen smiled and explained: "The carriage is broken, and I am afraid of the rain. It takes up too much space. I'm really sorry."

Zhang Hui stared at the carriage, imagining Gou Xin's appearance on the carriage, whether he had been tortured and lost weight by the people like Huan Chen, was he awake, did he know that his apprentice was chasing him.

At this moment, Zhang Hui and Gou Xin were only separated by this distance, but the two couldn't see each other. He didn't dare to make a sound easily, and he didn't dare to let Gou Xin know that he was chasing him. He was afraid that Gou Xin would worry about him.

Huan Chen looked at Zhang Hui and Yun Dou with sharp and vigilant eyes, but still did not see anything suspicious from them.

Zhang Hui saw that Huan Chen was looking at him, so he simply took the hat, turned his face to Huan Chen, and let him look at him generously.

In this way, Huan Chen and Zhang Hui started talking: "Little brother is also going north?"

"Yeah, this rain shouldn't last long, and you can continue on the road after a rest." Zhang Hui answered casually, grabbing the hat everywhere to find a place to hang, and then grabbed the corner of his short coat and twisted the water forcefully. These actions made him more like Zhang Hui when he was in Linshui Town.

Huan Chen saw that one of these two people was born with dementia, and when they reached a place where they could shelter from the rain, they stood stupidly wearing a hat, and the other was clever, but they were like ordinary rural teenagers. Someone previously said that the two following them were too worried.

"Uncle, please come in and rest," the old woman invited politely.

Huan Chen turned his face, without even looking at Zhang Hui, and went straight into the house.

Zhang Hui saw Huan Chen entering the house, pretending to lead his horse to make room for the carriage, and walked towards the carriage.

He had already walked to the front of the carriage. He turned his head from the corner and looked at the carriage. The curtain of the carriage was blown by the wind.

The curtain dangled, and Zhang Hui's heart also swayed. He looked forward to the next strong wind that would make the gap between the curtains bigger and let him see what the heart looked like in the carriage.But at most, the curtain only opened a slap-sized gap. When he let him look inside, he couldn't see what was in the car.

"What are you looking at?"

A man from Beimang stood beside the carriage and shouted to Zhang Hui, making a gesture to drive Zhang Hui away.

Zhang Hui smiled flatteringly and explained: "I want to relocate for you. I'm watching how to tie this horse to make it better."

"No, don't stray around there. Our horse is very vigilant." The Beimang man looked at Zhang Hui with disgust, waiting to see Zhang Hui leave the hut.

Zhang Hui raised a heart and listened to the movement in the carriage. He knew that Gou Xin must have heard his voice now.

But there was no sound in the carriage, as if it were really an overhead carriage.

Zhang Hui thought to himself, my master must be in this carriage, and Huan Chen hid him in the carriage just to hide his eyes.

Soon, these small houses were filled with people, and Zhang Hui and Yun Dou could only stand on the steps outside the house, waiting for the rain to stop.

Yun Dou just kept winking at Zhang, not daring to discuss anything with this group, for fear that they would listen to them accidentally.

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