The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 584 Close To Huan Chen (1)

"Are you all right?" Huan Chen raised his head and looked at Zhang Hui, his expression a bit suspicious, but helpless, because they had gone to such a remote place, it was not easy to find a doctor.

Zhang Hui said, "I'm not sure, I will try."

After he finished speaking, he turned to his entourage next to him: "What has this horse eaten recently?"

"I ate beans yesterday, and Ke Xiaosi said that Xiao Hei had diarrhea because he ate unclean fodder, so we gave him beans."

"Pacman! Do you want to eat Pacman when you feel uncomfortable?" Zhang Hui sneered.

The entourage lowered his head and backed away when he heard that he had done something wrong.

Zhang Hui said: "Don't eat the others first, and see if the old man has white noodles at home, and feed the white noodles to the horse."

The prescription Zhang Hui said is actually a very common prescription used in the Central Plains to stop diarrhea, but these people from Beimang have only paid attention to these things for many years, so a large group of people are helpless at this time. .

The two old men listened and replied enthusiastically: "There are still some white noodles, go to stir fry immediately."

Everyone was waiting for the old man to fry the white noodles. Huan Chen asked Zhang Hui to sit down on a small bench on one side. He saw that Zhang Hui was born with an extraordinary appearance and had such a strong opinion in case of trouble. He immediately began to appreciate him a little. Chat with Zhang Hui.

"My little brother, where is your family?"

"The one standing outside is my brother Yunda, I... my name is Yuner, and we are from Luyang." Zhang Hui thought that Yundou was from Luyang, so he simply said that they were both from Luyang, and even the last name followed Yun Dou has the surname.

Huan Chen thought that his horse might be healed, and his mood improved a lot in an instant. He smiled heartily and joked: "The difference between the two brothers is so big. One is like a stuffy gourd, and the other is born. Open your mouth."

"It's a cousin, my brother is the most stupid and can't speak. If there is something that offends the uncle, please bear it." Zhang Hui was afraid that Yun Dou would say something wrong, so he greeted him in front of Huan Chen in advance.

After the fried white noodles were prepared, a few people brought them up and poured them into the horses. The horses didn't cooperate after taking a few bites.One entourage took the sprinkled flour from the horse’s mouth with a basin, and said, "My ancestor, stop sprinkling it. It is not easy to eat some white flour on the way."

Zhang Hui also said amicably: "You eat and keep it safe. The pigs and dogs we have eaten will be ready immediately."

Huan Chen listened and looked at Zhang Hui several times. He was hesitant to speak, and finally asked: "You have diarrhea that governs horses by law, is there also diarrhea that governs people by law?"

Zhang Hui just heard someone talking outside that Huan Chen had been having troubles in the past two days. It seemed that Huan Chen was asking for a prescription for himself.

Zhang Hui asked Huan Chen seriously about what he had eaten in the past two days and how often he relieved his hands. After all these questions, he pretended to look at Huan Chen’s tongue, and then gave him his pulse. In fact, he was given these routines. He also learned from Gou Xin.

After the whole set of things like a serious doctor were done, Zhang Hui pretended to analyze it for a while, and it was nothing more than medical pulse counting, spleen deficiency, and the like.

"I don't understand so much nonsense, just say how to treat it." Huan Chen has been living in Beimang, and he has rarely heard of the common medical theories in Central Plains.

Zhang Hui kept his eyes on the small half bowl of batter that the horse had eaten. He pursed his mouth and glanced at Huan Chen awkwardly. He wanted to say something but he couldn't speak.

Finally, Huan Chen guessed what Zhang Hui meant, and asked bluntly: "You treat me as me and let me eat this batter?"

Zhang Hui nodded embarrassedly.

The next entourage grabbed Zhang Hui's neckline and said sternly, "You kid is going to die. Isn't this deliberately insulting our envoy?"

Zhang Hui said helplessly: "What I said is true. This white noodle is originally for people to eat. I only came up with this recipe because of the dark horse of the envoy, but this fried noodle does have a firm effect."

"Okay, I'll just eat, go and fry a pot again." Huan Chen impatiently ordered the two old men.

The old couple looked at each other and whispered to Huan Chen, "This...this is the only thing in our family."

Zhang Hui actually knows that this is not only used to stop diarrhea, but to stir-fry white noodles. Other foods are also okay. But now he wants to watch Huan Chen eat the batter that the horse spit out. Is it casual? "How can this be good? After this place, I don’t know how far I can go before someone has a family. This diarrhea can be big or small. I'm afraid that over time, people will be empty."

Huan Chen stood up abruptly, grabbed the pot next to the entourage, and ate the remaining batter in a few chuckles: "Eat whatever is a big deal."

Yun Dou saw Zhang Hui at the door cheating Huan Chen to eat the batter that came out of the horse's mouth and was so surprised that he covered his mouth.

At this time, the rain outside had almost stopped, and everyone left the house to prepare for their journey.

Seeing that they were leaving, Zhang Hui and Yun Dou took the lead to lead their horses, intending to walk in front of them.

When the two were about to mount their horses, Huan Chen yelled at them among the crowd: "Wait, what if my horse is not ready after you go? Don't hurry, let's go on the road together, if my horse is cured Yes, I will give you money."

Zhang Hui looked at Yundou embarrassedly, then turned his head and smiled flatteringly. He looked like he wanted to get some silver from Huanchen, and promised: "Okay, you don't want to send me, uncle."

Zhang Hui and Yun Dou followed the Beimang team, he thought, if Huan Chen's trust was gained, Huan Chen might still let him approach Gou Xin.

On the way, Huan Chen and Zhang Hui still had some appreciation for Zhang Hui after some contact, and occasionally chatted with Zhang Hui.

Zhang Hui started to test Huan Chen's tone at the opportunity of this small talk: "Is the master in this carriage very sick? It has been so long and I haven't heard him speak, nor have I seen him eat or drink."

"Why do you always stare at the carriage?" Huan Chen's tone suddenly became serious.

Zhang Hui was taken aback, thinking that Huan Chen was not on his guard anymore. As a result, Huan Chen went on to say: "Yes, he is sick. This disease is not something you can treat. You don't care about him, and He is mad, you must not get close to him, he can choke you to death with one hand."

Zhang Hui nodded repeatedly, pretending to be born afraid that Huan Chen would let him see Gou Xin: "Hey, it's not that the younger one can be cured of all diseases. My father only knows the medical theory. If it is madness, the younger one is totally absent. A way."

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