The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 589: Yun Dou's Most Beautiful Girl

Ji Yuan took Zhang Hui and Yun Dou back to the small courtyard by the lake. Several people heard the woman's laughter from a distance, but no one was seen.

Ji Yuan smiled and said: "I made you laugh, this is my cousin here, she is too naive to avoid suspicion."

After a few people approached, I heard that the woman’s laugh just came from behind the reeds by the lake, and the woman who had just laughed said: "You just stood up and fished. Scared away, the float moved as soon as you squatted down."

This woman who is fishing under the reeds is Ji Yuan’s aunt and cousin, Huo Qingyao, the eldest daughter of today’s Prime Minister Hoblin. She has a bold personality and has never liked the things she would do in a boudoir, such as female red needlework. , But like those noble children who love to play outside.

When Huo Qingyao heard that Ji Yuan was back, he straightened up and looked towards Ji Yuan.

Zhang Hui first heard Huo Qingyao’s voice and heard that it was Ji Yuan’s cousin. He expected this to be a beautiful girl with a sweet and delicate appearance, but when Huo Qingyao turned his face, he didn’t think that Huo Qingyao had a figure. It's similar to Yundou, and its face is as fat and round as Yundou.It's just that the eyes are big and bright, and the lips and nose are small and delicate, otherwise Zhang Hui will recognize Huo Qingyao as Yundou's younger sister.

"Why did you sneak over by yourself again?" Ji Yuan teased.

Huo Qingyao handed the fishing rod in his hand to the hand of the maid next to him, and walked two steps towards Ji Yuan, staring straight at Ji Yuan, raising his eyebrows, appearing naughty and lively: "I am not this Came quietly, I told my mother."

"I guess it must have been sent after someone came out?" Ji Yuan is most familiar with this cousin's temperament, knowing that she always loves to cut first and then play this trick.

Huo Qingyao smiled happily, and looked at the two strangers who followed Ji Yuan.Zhang Hui was impolite. He only glanced at Huo Qingyao and nodded hello to her, while Huo Qingyao stared at his face boldly, making Zhang Hui a little uncomfortable.

When Huo Qingyao looked at Yun Dou, Yun Dou smiled at her, then buried her head and dared not look at her.Zhang Hui felt that Yun Dou's appearance when he saw Huo Qingyao was a bit wrong. He turned to look at Yun Dou. At this time, Yun Dou was lowering his head, with the corners of his mouth raised, and his eyes looked at a certain point on the ground idiotically. There was a smile in his eyes.

"This young man looks familiar, I don't know if he's seen him somewhere." Huo Qingyao's voice suddenly became gentle, and the bold eyes when looking at people also converged, and she raised it timidly from time to time. Looking at Yundou, he was not as bold and straightforward as Zhang Hui, and his face was flushed.

Yun Dou lowered his head and whispered: "It's such a coincidence, I think the lady seems to have seen it before."

Zhang Hui smiled in his heart: "I think they are like brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years, even their appearances are somewhat similar."

After a few people entered the house, Huo Qingyao ordered the maid to bring up a few pots of dim sum and introduced: "These are a few new dim sums made by my chef. I chose a good one and brought it to my cousin to taste."

Ji Yuan looked at Huo Qingyao and smiled, and said: "Why did you expect that I would come back here? You just sneaked over to play while I was away, and said that you brought me snacks. Who believes? I see you Bring these snacks with you to eat by yourself."

"It's really for you, you taste it, it tastes good." Huo Qingyao saw Ji Yuan see his careful thoughts clearly, so he shifted the focus of the topic to the snacks she brought.

"Well, well, just treat it as you brought me, and I don’t like to eat these, just take it to me to entertain guests." Ji Yuan said, looking at Zhang Hui and Yundou, and motioned for them to taste first. .

Zhang Hui has never liked sweets, so he only chose two to taste.Yundou has always been particular about eating, and it was too rough to eat in Zhigongyuan. Nowadays, I feel very enjoyable to taste these exquisite snacks.

"This lotus seed cake is good, the mouth is fragrant, sweet but not greasy, and this eight-treasure cake is also delicious..."

Yundou was eating and tasting. Huo Qingyao recommended him to eat a snack. After Yundou was finished, he praised him again. The two of you said something to me. Even outsiders thought they had met each other. Hate the feeling of being late.

After tasting the dim sum, Yun Dou and Huo Qingyao suddenly had nothing to say, and Zhang Hui and Ji Yuan had been listening to them again. The few people suddenly quieted down and the atmosphere became a little weird.

When Yun Dou looked at Huo Qingyao, she saw a blush on her smooth and plump face, which reminded him of the ripe peaches. After a few more glances, it seemed that he could smell a sweet fragrance. taste.

"Cousin, it's getting late, then I'll go back first."

When Huo Qingyao suddenly said this, Ji Yuan couldn't cope with it. She thought to herself, why she is a little abnormal today, she is not a short-tempered person and never rushed back.

After Huo Qingyao left, Zhang Hui and Ji Yuan chatted casually, but Yun Dou was a little silly, sitting on the side dull and silent, as if thinking about something.

Zhang Hui and Ji Yuan were accustomed to seeing Yundou's dumb look, so they ignored him.

After Ji Yuan left, Yun Dou, who had been silent, suddenly rushed to Zhang Hui and asked, "Do you think that girl is very beautiful?"

"It's pretty delicate, with a melon-seeded face, a water snake waist, and a slender neck." Zhang Hui thought that Yundou was talking about the maid around Huo Qingyao, and answered Yundou at will.

Yun Dou looked at Zhang Hui solemnly and corrected: "No, she has a round face and a round waist, maybe she is also round."

Zhang Hui knew that Yundou was talking about Huo Qingyao. He looked at Yundou in surprise, and unconsciously said, "Beautiful? Very beautiful?"

Yun Dou pursed his mouth and nodded vigorously towards Zhang Hui.

"Pretty better than eyebrows?"

Yun Dou nodded without hesitation.

"More beautiful than Senior Sister Wen?"

Yun Dou still nodded firmly.

Zhang Hui was a little weak to argue. He might not be able to appreciate the beauty of such plumpness. He admitted that Huo Qingyao was not ugly at least, but he couldn't think that it was very beautiful like Yun Dou.

He couldn't understand Yundou's vision, but he didn't want to pour cold water on Yundou, so he reluctantly replied: "Pretty, maybe it is."

Yun Dou actually didn’t want Zhang Hui to judge Huo Qingyao’s looks. He just wanted to express the joy he felt when he found a woman he thought was very beautiful, so does Zhang Hui think Huo Qingyao is beautiful? I don't care much anymore.

He looked out the window and recalled the situation when he was just getting along with Huo Qingyao, as if he was completely immersed in a sweet dream, saying something in his mouth: "When I thought she was a little familiar, she actually felt like she met somewhere. After me, I also like to eat the dim sum she likes to eat. This is really a fate given by God. She is the girl I most want to marry."

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