The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 592 Playing With Ji Lian (2)

Ji Lian turned a little and raised his hands towards Zhang Hui and Yun Dou: "Get up, come and continue."

Standing by the couch, Zhang Hui whispered: "The Caomin dare not."

"Will you dare? You just guessed the identity of this palace, right?" Ji Lian smiled and glanced at Zhang Hui.

Ji Lian's eyes were as sharp as a sword, and Zhang Hui suddenly felt a sense of tension in his heart that he could be seen through without defense.

Zhang Hui sat back to his original position again, unable to concentrate fully on playing with Ji Lian at first, and couldn't help but guess how Ji Lian could tell that he had already guessed his identity.But then, the tension in his heart slowly disappeared, and he somewhat forgot that this person was the third prince Ji Lian.

Ji Lian observed Zhang Hui's expression from time to time. He saw that this young boy could still finish the game calmly even after knowing his identity at a young age. This would definitely not be an ordinary person.Moreover, judging from the appearance and accent of this young man, he didn't look like a native of the capital. If the common people's children were so familiar with Ji Lian, they were probably Lushan disciples.

Ji Lian had heard about Ji Yuan’s assassination at Lushan that Ji Yuan was rescued by a boy named Zhang Hui. Based on his subordinates’ description of Zhang Huiqi, he guessed that the boy in front of him should be Zhang Hui. .

It's just that Ji Lian didn't want to reveal that he cared too much about Ji Yuan's affairs, so he pretended not to know Zhang Hui's identity, and only regarded him as a child of the noble family that Ji Yuan usually communicates with.

In the third round, Zhang would narrowly win. Ji Lian sat up and stretched out. After getting off the couch, the servants he brought quickly came to help him.

Zhang Hui could see that Ji Lian was indeed thinner than the average man, and his two sleeves were empty. His arms might be as thin as a woman, and from the gesture of the servant coming to help him, it could be seen that the servant was extremely nervous about Ji Lian. Ji Lian is usually so weak and can't help but get used to it.

Ji Lian said: "It's enjoyable, but my palace is exhausted, I will come to you when I have time."

Zhang Hui and Yun Dou had already stood aside waiting to send Ji Lian off.

When Ji Lian got out of the small courtyard, the attendant next to his carriage immediately saw him coming over to meet him. After his portable attendant helped him into the carriage, he whispered: "This Zhang Hui does not seem simple. It is quite young. Courage, the minion should find someone to stare at him, right?"

When the carriage started to move, Ji Lian shook his body suddenly and began to cough. He did not reply to the waiter's question.

The waiter continued: "I asked someone to secretly inquire about this before the meeting. He only has a father who has lost his message. He has no other extraordinary background. His Royal Highness valued him so much. He must be extraordinary. Seven Your Royal Highness is about to take it for his own use, and the minion finds someone to stare at him. If it really poses a threat to us, take the opportunity to kill him."

"Don't startle the snake, take a careful." Ji Lian coughed a few more times, saying a word intermittently.

After the two sent Ji Lian away, Ji Yuan returned soon after.

Ji Yuan was surprised to hear that Ji Lian had been here, and asked: "He never comes here, what can he say when he comes?"

"I didn't say anything. At first he said that he was waiting for you to come back. After playing two games, he said he was tired and left without leaving anything." Yun Dou replied.

Ji Yuan has always felt that Ji Lian is the most unpredictable person. He is neither lukewarm nor cold to anyone. On the surface, he is more concerned about his younger brother than others, but Ji Yuan knows that Ji Lian’s My heart is actually cold.

Even Ji Hui, their father, Ji Lian was so indifferent, but Ji Hui was very indifferent to Ji Lian.

Ji Yuan thought for a while, and then sighed: "Forget it, I don't want so much. Maybe his purpose is to sell me, and I don't want me to figure out his intentions."

Ji Yuan now regards Zhang Hui as his own person, so he no longer conceals Zhang Hui in relation to this confrontation with Ji Lian.

"What did the prime minister say?" Zhang Hui knew that Ji Yuan was going to Hobilin's Mansion, and Hobilin might have given him some good ideas.

Ji Yuan said: "The prime minister said that Huanchen did not tell him about the gift, because he was afraid that he would intervene in it. Now that the gifts are all given, there is no reason to return it, so I have to ignore this matter as much as possible and give it to everyone as Huanchen. The prince gave a copy. The prime minister also said that what Huan Chen wanted to provoke was the relationship between me and my emperor brother. As long as I didn’t take this matter to heart, even if something went wrong, it was my emperor brother’s cause. , As long as I stay steady, this matter will pass for a long time."

When Ji Yuan talked to Zhang Hui about what Hoblin meant, he did not say all the meaning of what Hoblin said. Hoblin also said that if Ji Lian chooses something, he will inevitably make mistakes. The chance that Ji Lian made a mistake brought him down.

Although Ji Yuan counted Zhang Hui as his own person, with his cautious and cautious style, he did not dare to speak to a third person except for Hoblin.

Zhang Hui said in detail about Ji Lian playing chess with him here, but the few people didn't say much.Ji Yuan guessed that Ji Lian came here to pretend that their brothers are close to others, and secondly, he might be trying to make him feel confused and mess up first.

Although Ji Yuan was indeed a little confused at this time, he couldn't do anything like Hobbylin said.

He saw that the atmosphere suddenly became dull at this time, and everyone was too nervous, so he wanted to say something interesting to tease.

Yun Dou saw a sudden smile on Ji Yuan's face, and asked: "Did Your Highness have heard of anything interesting at the Prime Minister's Mansion." When Yun Dou asked this, he expected Ji Yuan to say next. The meeting is related to Huo Qingyao.

"I'm not sure if it's interesting." Ji Yuan pursed his lips and chuckled, "I saw my aunt at the prime minister's mansion. She asked me if there was any young talent coming to my mansion recently, she said Yesterday, someone proposed to my cousin Qingyao. She asked Qingyao what Qingyao meant. Qingyao said she was interested in someone. My aunt was very fond of Qingyao and promised her to let her choose her husband. The prime minister said that Qingyao had only recently come. When I visited my place, I didn’t see other men on weekdays, so I suspected that I saw someone here.”

After Ji Yuan finished speaking, his eyes were fixed on Zhang Hui. Zhang Hui looked at Ji Yuan in surprise, and muttered: "His Royal Highness won't say it is me, right?"

Zhang Hui recalled the situation on that day, thinking that there was nothing wrong with Huo Qingyao looking at him. On the contrary, she was a little shy when she saw Yundou. He guessed that Huo Qingyao might be after Yundou, but this time he I just wanted to tease Yundou, and said: "Impossible. Although I am a little more handsome than the average person, it is not like a girl who loves me. It is not me. I don't feel that Miss Huo has that to me. Meaning, she may have gone elsewhere besides your Highness here."

Ji Yuan also heard that Zhang Hui was deliberately teasing Yundou, so he followed his meaning and said: "That's it, I will return to my aunt someday."

Only Yun Dou, the client, couldn't hear that they were teasing him. He looked at Zhang Hui and Ji Yuan unconvinced: "How do you say it, wouldn't you consider me? Can't I be considered a young talent? "

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