The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 599 Get the Antidote

Jiuyue left her seat in shock, and knelt down towards Huan Chen: "The Holy Envoy forgive the sins. The slave family accidentally stained the clothes of the Holy Envoy. Damn it!"

"It doesn't matter." Huan Chen smiled and looked at Jiu Yue, then stretched out his arms to pose to her so that she would continue to sit next to him.

After Jiuyue sat down next to Huan Chen, she took out the silk paw from her sleeve and carefully wiped the wet area on Huan Chen's chest.She lowered her head, the top of her head was just against Huan Chen's chin, and Huan Chen was a little dizzy by the fragrance of Jiu Yue's face.

Hobilin raised the wine cup to Huan Chen again: "Come on, the old man has a good drink with the envoy today."

Huan Chen picked up the wine that September filled him again and drank it to the bottom.September saw that Huan Chen was starting to get a little confused when he was drinking. Then he got up and went out and delivered the two bottles she had just touched from Huan Chen to the people sent by Ji Yuan, and then returned to Huan Chen to continue to accompany him. Talk to him and drink, try to drag him here.

Seeing that Huan Chen had become more and more unconscious, Hoblin thought to himself: "Sure enough, there is a knife on his head. I have long heard that Huan Chen is obsessed with female sex, but this person is more restrained. I saw it today. He is still confused with a beautiful woman like September."

Outside the post, Zhang Hui was looking around the surrounding situation, because today's guards were a bit strict, he wanted to find out where to sneak in in advance and it would be smoother.

At this moment, Yun Dou chased him towards him.Zhang Hui looked at Yun Dou's expression, as if he had some good news and couldn't wait to tell him.

After Yun Dou caught up with Zhang Hui, he pulled him to the corner and took out two bottles from his arms.

"Look, the antidote is here."

After Ji Yuan's people got the two bottles from September, they immediately sent them to the carriage where Yun Dou was.

Zhang Hui saw two bottles in Yundou's hand, hesitating which bottle is the antidote.

Yun Dou suddenly understood what Zhang Hui was hesitating, and took one of the bottles with one hand: "The rest is the antidote."

"They brought these two bottles together. One bottle is definitely a drug and the other is an antidote. Don't give me the wrong one."

"Can't be wrong."

"how do you know?"

"I tried."

Zhang Hui heard Yundou say this, and was so scared that he grabbed the clothes on his chest: "You are stupid, how can this be easily tasted, in case it is poisonous?"

Although Zhang Hui was scolding Yundou, he felt very grateful, and suddenly felt that he owed Yundou too much.

Yun Dou smiled and said, "Isn't it not poisonous, don't talk so much, go up and save people quickly."

Zhang Hui has been to this post once, and now he has medicine for understanding, he naturally has more confidence.

After they turned in from the wall behind, they went straight to the room near Guan Gouxin.

This time, two more guards were added outside the house. The two of them may have been standing for a long time, a little absent-minded. One of them leaned his head against the wall and was traumatized. It was not until Zhang Hui suddenly emerged from the corner that he was frightened. Eyes opened wide.

Zhang Hui rushed towards him, covering his mouth for the first time, and then lifted the hilt of the sword to hit him in the back of the head, and the man immediately fainted.

The other person was covered by a cloth strip controlled by Yundou's airspace and made an anxious whine. Because he suddenly couldn't see the person in front of him, he was so flustered that he stretched out his hand in the air and caught it.

After Zhang put the person next to him down, he came over to control the blindfolded person. After locking his hands, he twisted his body and turned it toward his knee socket. A hard kick, then a hard blow with the elbow on the back of the man's head.

"Both are down." Yun Dou looked at Zhang Hui with joy.

At this moment, the people inside heard the movement outside, opened the door and carried the knife to cut at Zhang Hui. Because Zhang Hui’s sword stabled at him quickly, he was forced to make only a short shout, and then hurriedly responded. After several rounds of Zhang Hui's sword moves, Zhang Hui's sword had been placed on his neck.

"Don't say anything if you don't want to die." Zhang Hui looked at the man harshly.

The man shrank his neck vigorously and raised his hand as if he was willing to surrender and cooperate with Zhang Hui.

Zhang Hui took out the antidote with the other hand and threw it to Yundou: "Hurry up and save my master."

Yun Dou walked in and saw Gou Xin lying straight on the ground. He pushed Gou Xin. Gou Xin didn't respond at all. He was sure that Gou Xin was really poisoned. Then he pried Gou away with his fingers. Xin's mouth poured the medicine powder into Gou Xin's mouth.

After Gou Xin ate the powder, there was no response, Yun Dou had to go to relieve the flow of gold on Gou Xin's body.

Zhang Hui knew that Yun Dou would be like he did last time. He couldn't find the clasp of Liu Jinsuo at first, so he was instructing Yun Dou to find the clasp.

Yun Dou was very nervous when he thought that someone might come up at any time. When he was nervous, his fingers started to tremble.He tried his best to calm himself down. After unlocking the first buckle of the golden rope, he became less nervous, and then smoothly removed the whole golden rope to Gou Xin.

At this time, Gou Xin's fingers moved, and then Zhang Hui could see that Gou Xin's eyelids were also moving.

He looked at Zhang Hui with joy: "Your master is about to wake up, we can go out soon."

Yun Dou wanted to make Gou Xin's blood flow faster, so she massaged Gou Xin's hands and feet.

Soon, Gou Xin's eyebrows were trembling, and he seemed to be conscious, struggling to wake up with his own will.

"Master, I'm here to save you." Zhang Hui called out to Gou Xin.

The shout of Zhang Hui seemed to inject some strength into Gou Xin suddenly, his eyebrows wrinkled harder, his eyes blinked, and he opened them laboriously.

"Great, I woke up." Yun Dou grabbed Gou Xin's arm and helped Gou Xin up.

Gou Xin saw Zhang Hui's sword still resting on Yi Beimang's neck, knowing that Zhang Hui had ventured in to save himself.He thought that since Zhang Hui had come to this point, he had to escape with Zhang Hui whatever he said.

Gou Xin felt that he had been drowsy for two or three days, and after being injured in the last battle with Huan Chen, he had been tied up with a gold rope. He felt that this body no longer looked like his own, it was soft and difficult. Make power.But if they can't escape today, Zhang Hui will still save him next time, and if they save him again, then they will face another danger again.

Gou Xin thought of this, struggling to stand up steadily, and adjusting his breath, doing his best to restore his body to its previous state.

After Yun Dou saw Gou Xin slowly recovering, he helped Gou Xin to the door.

Gou Xin saw Zhang Hui's sword resting on the Beimang man's neck, and knew that Zhang Hui didn't want to hurt the man's life, so he hit the man's chest with a single palm, making him unable to move.

"Hurry up." Zhang Hui walked to the front of Gou Xin to lead the way.

After the three people turned out from the back wall, they saw that the carriage arranged by Zhu Si had stopped not far away.

Fortunately, no one was patrolling around at this moment, and Zhang Hui ran to the carriage with Gou Xin's support.

After the three got into the carriage, the driver led them quickly to the south.

Gou Xin's face was still a bit ugly at this time, he closed his eyes from time to time and adjusted his breath to relieve the pain caused by the injuries in front of him.

Zhang Hui knelt down in front of Gou Xin: "Master’s kindness is not retributable to the disciples, so I can only send Master here today. When we arrive in front, the carriage of His Highness will take Master out of the city. I hope Master will take care."

Gou Xin opened his eyes, put his hands on Zhang Hui's shoulders, and whispered softly: "Get up, good boy, thank you for your hard work. Our mentoring and apprenticeship didn't benefit you, but it hurts you everywhere."

The carriage stopped at a fork in the road. Zhang Hui raised the curtain to take a look. There was also a carriage parked on the other road. The person in the carriage opened the window curtain and nodded towards Zhang Hui.

"Master, they are the people of His Highness Seven, and they will send you out of the city immediately." Zhang Hui stood up to help Gou Xin, and sent Gou Xin to another carriage.

The carriage drove out quickly. At this time, Zhang Hui's heart was still uneasy, always worried that this time might not be so smooth to save Gou Xin, and other ups and downs appeared behind.

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