The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 616 Hoblin's Banquet

Hearing Yingbo’s words, Zhang Hui suddenly felt like he was woken up by the blow. Now when he meets Huan Chen, he can only serve as a mermaid. If it weren’t for his eyebrows’ efforts to delay Ji Yuan’s arrival, he might He died in Huan Chen's hands.

His sword was broken with a slight break by Huan Chen. Isn't that his life? He relied on Meimei and Ji Yuan to survive, and God was giving him his life.

Zhang Hui wanted to find a place to cry like he did when he was a child, but when he thought of how much he would look down on him if Huan Chen knew he was crying, even he himself felt ashamed to think about it.

Wen Yingbo seemed to understand Zhang Hui’s thoughts, ridiculed Zhang Hui for a while, and then continued: "Boy, when people fall to the bottom, there is nothing terrible about it. The terrible thing is that some people can’t stand up from then on. ."

"Well, I know what to do, thank you for reminding me." Zhang Hui said, silently leaving from Wen Yingbo, and returned to Meimei.

When Zhang Hui came back, he opened the door and saw Meimei looking towards him, as if waiting for him to come back.

He sat beside his eyebrows, eyebrows still raised and staring on his face.

The face of the eyebrows was unusually pale. In his impression, the eyebrows were always very energetic and lively. He never thought that one day the eyebrows would become so weak.

Zhang Hui comforted: "The King of Medicine said that you need to rest here for a few days, and his daughter will take care of you personally, and I will pick you up when you are better." In fact, Zhang Hui was not in his heart when saying this. At the end, he didn't know how long Wen Yingbo said he would let Meimei live here.

With his eyebrows pursed his mouth, he smiled softly and said in a low voice: "Okay, you can do your thing. You are not a doctor, and you can't treat me."

Zhang Hui grasped the hand of his eyebrows, and felt as uncomfortable as being caught. He said silently in his heart: "I will pay you this grudge."

He saw eyebrows looking at him, and then comforted: "Don't worry, the king of medicine will heal you."

The eyebrows turned away from Zhang Hui's face, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I'm not afraid, even if I'm paralyzed, you won't leave me alone."

"Of course." Zhang Hui said, sitting closer to the eyebrows, with his palms stretched out to the forehead of the eyebrows, stroking the hair on her temples.

Wen Yingbo asked Ah Huo to urge Zhang Hui and Yun Dou to leave. After four or five urges in two days, Zhang Hui saw that his eyebrows were getting better day by day, so he planned to leave Yaowanggu.

He had heard that Yingbo had said that he would let his daughter Wenxin take care of his eyebrows, but he didn't see Wenxin showing up before he left. It was expected that Wenxin could not meet the strange man outside, so he had to ask Ahuo to convey it. gratitude.

After a few people left the Medicine King Valley, when it was time to leave, Zhang Hui thought that Ji Yuan had come to save him this time. It was reasonable that he should personally thank Ji Yuan for it, and they were not far from where Ji Yuan stopped at this time. , So he decided to go on the road with Ji Yuan's subordinates.

Ji Yuan and Hobilin were stationed in a place called Shangtongyi. After leaving Yaowanggu, they walked all the way south, and a few people chased them here in less than a day.

Yun Dou was very nervous about seeing Hoblin again. He knew that Hoblin had a strong mouth. He was very afraid that Hoblin would embarrass him. He would be speechless in a few words, but in order to marry him. To Huo Qingyao, he must pass this barrier.

When Zhang Hui and Yun Dou saw Ji Yuan, Hobilin was not there. Ji Yuan said: "The prime minister has important things to do now, he will let people pass the message, and we will entertain you two tomorrow and have a good drink with you. "

As soon as Yun Dou heard that Hobilin would drink with them, he had already imagined the scene where Hobilin, Ji Yuan, and Zhang Hui would chat and laugh while drinking. He alone was the only one who could not drink enough, but he would not speak. The only thing he knows best is to eat meat.

On the second day, Hoblin had people prepare wine and dishes, specially for Zhang Hui and Yundou.

Hoblin was sitting at the top, sitting next to him in September. In September, he wore a red dress and painted makeup that was popular among local women, making it even more charming.

When September saw Yun Dou with a naive look, she looked at Yun Dou and smiled specially. Yun Dou didn't know how to deal with it, but also gave a polite smile at September Hui, and then lowered her head and did not dare to look at her side.

Zhang Hui found that Ji Yuan’s gaze stayed the most on Ji Yuan, and he looked straight and boldly at Ji Yuan. He occasionally saw the embarrassment of accidentally discovering the privacy of others. He thought, Women like Jiuyue have seen anything powerful and powerful, so they can't help but look higher and focus on Ji Yuan.

The last time Hobby Lin saw Yun Dou, the only thing he admired about Yun Dou was that Yun Dou was valued by Xie Zhuo, and Yun Dou was indeed a learned person, but he liked Zhang Hui better than Zhang Hui. With this high spirit, I feel that this young offspring will definitely be able to do something in the future.

When we met again after a while, Hoblin's impression of Yun Dou was much weaker, but Zhang Hui was still fresh in his memory, especially now that Yun Dou Wei Wei Nuo was not generous enough to his eyes.

Zhang Hui took the lead in offering a wine to Ji Yuan: "His Royal Highness, this time, thanks to your timely arrival, I was able to save my life."

When Zhang Hui said these words, he felt very uncomfortable, as if he was repeating the mood of being bullied by Huan Chen that day.

"If you treat me as a brother, don't say such polite words anymore." Ji Yuan also raised a glass to Zhang Hui and Yun Dou.

Zhang would pour a bottle of wine into his throat, repeating once again his determination to avoid this humiliation in this life.

While Zhang Hui was talking to Ji Yuan, Hobilin let out a hearty laugh, and said, "Haha, but having said that, it really takes a little bit of skill to be able to compete with Huanchen. Really fat."

Zhang Hui watched Hobilin speak, and raised his wine to offer to Hobilin: "The last time I saved my master in the capital must be known to the Prime Minister. I would like to thank the Prime Minister for his help that day to get the antidote."

"Okay, don't mention it again, I just want to compete with Huan Chen, after all, he still has the guts to fight against me now, don't bully him now, I am afraid that there will be no such opportunity in the future." Hoblin said There was another burst of laughter, and the others also laughed.

Several people talked about Zhang Hui being hunted down outside the Great Capital City. The tone of Ji Yuan and Hoblin revealed that they knew who the messenger behind the scenes was.

Zhang Hui could see that both Ji Yuan and Hobilin didn't understand what they said, and didn't dare to ask clearly, but it was no doubt that Ji Yuan and Hobilin alluded to the master behind the scenes.

At that time, the main purpose of that group was to catch Ji Yuan's people in order to get Ji Yuan out of this matter.

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