The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 623: Demon Repair Pool Map

Xu Gui paused for a while, looked at everyone, and said loudly: "Everyone, please listen to me. I have also heard about the things you are discussing. Gu Zhu has already had opinions on this matter. It is just Gu Zhu's intention. Before it reaches me, please don’t act rashly. The general situation of the world is clear in the heart of the valley master, and the valley masters at both ends of the good and evil can understand better than we can. You can study at Lushan with peace of mind, and naturally you will be sent When it's useful."

Although everyone was still aggrieved, Xu Gui's remarks were not as boisterous as before, and the discussion in twos and threes began to fall apart.

Zhang Hui listened below, although he felt that what Xu Gui said was indeed reasonable, but as long as he thought that Huan Chen could enter the Demon Cultivation Pool in the future, he felt as uncomfortable as a needle.

He often heard people from Lushan talk about this supernatural valley owner, but he has never seen the valley owner. Will the valley owner really do justice to everyone?Will you really give you an explanation?These are all unknown things. He suddenly had an urge to go to Beimang to see what the Demon Cultivation Pool was, and then figured out a way to destroy it.

The next night, Zhang Hui woke up in a daze and saw Yundou still writing under the lamp.

Yun Dou shuddered when he heard Zhang Hui awake. He looked back and looked at him nervously. He sat upright, as if trying to block things on the table, and then swayed from side to side, looking very uncomfortable. Looks fidgeting.

Zhang Hui was awkwardly asleep. He only felt that Yun Dou lighted a lamp and his eyes dazzled. He didn't feel sleepy when he saw Yun Dou being so nervous. He felt that Yun Dou was hiding some secret.

Zhang Hui bounced from the bed and walked towards Yundou: "It's so late, what are you still writing about?"

Yun Dou stretched out his palm to cover the paper spread on the table, but because the ink on it was still wet, he could only hang his palm in the air.

As soon as Zhang Hui walked over, Yun Dou's dangling palm began to tremble, muttering, "No, nothing, you don't care."

Zhang Hui looked at the table. It seemed that there was a map drawn on the paper. He was even more curious about why Yundou was here to quietly draw a map at night.

Yun Dou looked up at Zhang Hui, and said helplessly: "I really can't hide anything from you. I didn't want you to know about it. I'm afraid you will make trouble if you know it. I will organize things for him in my master's study during the day. I accidentally found a map. I looked at it as if it was... the map of Moxiu Pond. I couldn't believe it at the time. He could even have this one. When I was curious, I looked at it a few more times and the map was printed on me. It's in my head, I just want to try to draw it down."

"It's really the map of Demon Repair Pool? Are you sure?" In addition to surprise, Zhang Hui was a little bit happy.

"You asked me to find out all the books related to the Demon Sect before. When I read more of these things, a picture will naturally form in my mind. The Demon Cultivation Pool is in the old place of the Demon Sect. It feels so familiar."

"That's great, you paint well, I won't interrupt you." Zhang Hui suppressed the excitement in his heart and patted Yundou's shoulder, "You really have you, idiots really have a good memory."

Zhang Hui didn't have the heart to go on sleeping, and simply sat on the bed and waited for Yundou to finish painting.

After Yundou finished painting, he placed the map under the oil lamp and carefully studied it to make sure that what he painted according to his memory did not conflict with the descriptions he had seen in the book before.

"Hey, all right." Yun Dou said, putting the map on the table, standing up and stretching.

Zhang Hui hurried over to look at Yundou's map very carefully and clearly, and he could imagine the environment around the magic repair pond based on this map alone.

From this map, Zhang Hui felt that this place had many ravines, boulders and mountains, and many terrains were a bit repetitive, so the location of the magic repair pond was so secret.

Yun Dou said: "If you enter Beimang from the southwest of Qi, you will walk a very difficult road to the southwest, and then you will be able to reach a grassland. Most of the people in Beimang are on this grassland. Going northeast is another road. The natural dividing line between Beimang and Qi, the tops of these mountains have been covered with snow for many years, and no one can pass. There are some slightly warm places on the west side of the mountains, and the magic repair pond is here."

Listening to Yundou's description, Zhang Hui also imagined the entire terrain of Beimang in his mind, and concluded: "In this way, we enter Beimang either from the southwest or from the north through Yanguo."

"Yes, it is better to enter Beimang through the country of Yan than from the southwest."

After Yun Dou looked up at Zhang Hui, he suddenly felt that the two of them were embarking on a new plan.

"Are we making plans to find the Demon Repair Pool?" Yun Dou asked again.

Now that Zhang Hui got the map, the thought in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

Yun Dou looked at Zhang Hui and did not deny it, and persuaded: "You think it out clearly. Mr. Xu said that everyone is not allowed to act alone. If you don't listen, you will bear the consequences yourself. It's none of my business?"

"Okay, don't worry, just give me this map."

Zhang Hui thought that if he really went to this magic repair pond, he might even be able to inquire about his father's whereabouts.

He took the map and looked at it again, wishing to give birth to wings immediately and flew to Beimang instantly.

At this moment, Yundou's mind was not here, he tilted his head and frowned and said, "I think it's weird. Why did my master get this map? The location of the magic repair pond is hidden. This is something everyone knows. If this The map is so easy to get, it must have been spread long ago, the map of the magic repair pond is a big secret. Is this map given by the valley owner?"

"Didn't Mr. Xu say that the Valley Master hasn't given him an order yet, why secretly give him a map?"

"That's right, and my master hid the map tightly. He asked me to sort out the things on the shelf on the left. But I remembered it wrong and sorted it to the right. Otherwise, I wouldn't find the map."

"I always think that your master is acting quite mysteriously, like a big plan in secret." Zhang Hui said this suddenly.Not long after entering Lushan, Zhang Hui felt that Xu Gui seemed to be hiding something from everyone. Ji Yuan was assassinated, Xu Gui concealed the identity of the assassin, Wen Ruhui pretending to be Yunya, Xu Gui also played bitter tricks with Wen Ruhui, this series of things The more I think about it, the worse it gets.

Yun Dou also felt that what Zhang Hui said seemed to be true, but he still didn't want to believe that Xu Gui would have any plans behind their backs, so he said: "You have no evidence, so don't talk nonsense. Originally... there were rumors that my master was involved. Regime, if you speak out, something will happen."

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