The last time Zhang Hui returned to Lushan, he had to Xiangyan’s instructions on swordsmanship. He has never had the opportunity to master the swordsmanship. Now, he understands the deepest truth. The best weapons are in his hands, and he only needs to do it himself. These layers are linked together.

Sword practice is like expression. A person’s words are expressions. The four seasons of the earth are also the expression of the essence of nature, and the sword is also an expression of practice on the road.Always strive for perfection, pursuing a state of ultimate and smooth flow.

Therefore, the sword master’s heart determines the height of swordsmanship. To what extent the sword master naturally understands Dao, his swordsmanship can only reach the corresponding level, because his expression is based on his feelings. .

Zhang Hui has always remembered what Xiang Yan once said, swordsmanship must pursue grandeur, without fear, the most powerful will be free, free and grand, is the highest realm pursued by a sword master.

From Linshui Town to Lushan, to the Great Capital City, and from the southwest to Beimang, the world in Zhang Hui's heart grew bigger and bigger, and finally he came to the cliff where the enchantment was laid. Although his actions were restricted, Under such blue sky and snow mountains, he felt that the world he had seen had never been so big.

Zhang would practice swords in a place like this, expressing the principles of the practice he felt here, his heart began to calm down, and sometimes he forgot that he was trapped here, and he started to enjoy the life here.

When he was practicing swords, the big bad wolf always looked at him, as if it knew what he was doing.

Zhang Hui guessed that the big bad wolf might have watched his master practicing the sword like this before, so he would not be afraid to see Zhang Hui wielding the green cherry sword and shooting everywhere. He knew that it would not cause him any harm.

When Zhang Hui was resting, he sat next to the big bad wolf and talked to him: "Does your former master also practice swordsmanship?"

The big bad wolf sat blankly without nodding or walking away, but it looked like he was listening to Zhang Can speak.

After sitting for a while, it began to walk up the slope. After walking for a while, it saw Zhang Hui not following and came back to look for Zhang Hui.

Zhang would guess that it looked like it was asking him to go somewhere. After being together for a long time, one person and one wolf will naturally develop a tacit understanding of what the other party wants to do.

"Where are you taking me?" Zhang Hui asked, standing up, and followed the big bad wolf towards the cliff.

It turned out that the big bad wolf brought Zhang Hui to the wolf hole.

"Why did you bring me here? Do you think I'm tired from practicing swords, and let me come to your wolf cave to rest?" Zhang Hui asked.

The big bad wolf walked in front of Zhang Hui into the wolf cave.

Zhang Hui said: "Your wolf cave has a strange smell, I still won't go in."

Seeing that Zhang Hui hadn't entered, the big bad wolf came out again and put his head on the entrance to watch Zhang Hui wait for him to enter.

Zhang Hui entered this wolf cave for the second time, and he was not so resistant to the fishy smell he had smelled before. He started to be curious about this place, wondering what kind of place it was.

Especially when he thought that the previous owner of Big Bad Wolf might live here, he was even more interested in it.

After he entered, he saw a hole that was slightly higher than a person's entrance facing the exit. He stood at the entrance of the hole and looked inside. There was a dark mass inside and nothing could be seen.

He touched the wall of the cave and started to walk inside tentatively.After only two steps, he felt the cool sensation on the wall of the cave spread to his arm through his fingers, and he was frightened to let go of his fingers.

"What is this? It's a strange feeling, as if water is dripping into my sleeve."

Although Zhang Hui was a little scared just now, he became more curious about the cave wall. He felt that this place really didn't look like an accidental wolf cave. It was very likely that this was the place where the former owner of the big bad wolf lived.

"Does this place have a force field like Lushan's secret road?" Zhang Hui thought of this, and wanted to know what effect the force field here would have on people.

He tried to touch the wall of the cave with his fingers again. This time he was mentally prepared and no longer felt the horror of the cold sensation jumping along his arm to his body.

"It seems that this force field is not as unsupportable as the Lushan Secret Road."

Zhang Hui recalled that Fan Ying had entered the secret path, and the real power from outside entered his body, making him unbearable, and he almost died in Lushan.Later, Ye Xiang also broke into the secret path. After Zhenli entered his body, he was irritated and his pulse knowledge was destroyed.The force field is something that makes people in the martial arts nervous. Some people can benefit from it and can improve rapidly in a short period of time, but some people are ruined because of it.

People know the terrible force field, but they can't resist its temptation.The Demon Cultivation Pool is the biggest force field. The people of Bei Amen destroyed the Demon Sect but did not destroy the Demon Cultivation Pool, which shows how tenacious these temptations are in people's hearts.

The feeling of coldness went down from Zhang Hui’s arm, extended to his back, and spread out from the pulse consciousness. At this time, he felt his body became lighter, and he didn’t need to take any effort to step forward. There is also clarity in the mind.

After a dozen steps, the inside suddenly became bright again, and he walked to a stone room inside.Because the light outside here was completely unable to enter, Zhang Hui couldn't see what was in the stone room.

He can only feel everything around him with his fingers.

He walked inward along the inner wall of the stone room. Suddenly, he felt that his fingers had touched some grooves. He followed the grooves and touched them. They seemed to be some twists and turns, which might be a kind of figure connected together. .

"This seems to be deliberately up there, what else is there in the end?"

These days, Zhang Hui has always wanted to know the identity of the person who trapped him here. Now this stone room is a very important clue. The graphics on the wall of the stone room are probably left by this mysterious person. He is probably in the stone room. There were other things left in it. Thinking of this, Zhang Hui ran out with excitement. He lit a torch and returned to the stone room again.

The fire light illuminates the wolf hole completely, and Zhang will see that there is nothing special about the wolf hole outside, nothing more than the fur and bones of rabbits and squirrels left over by the big bad wolf.He took a closer look at the walls of this wolf cave and found that there were few artificial traces, as if it was a natural cave.

He walked towards the aisle connecting the stone chamber in the middle. There were obviously traces of artificial chiseling. The naturally formed cave wall would not be so smooth, and it would not happen to be a little higher than the human.

When he entered the stone chamber inside, he began to feel a little excited. Here, he was about to find a clue to the person who trapped him here.

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