The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 656 Sudden Flood (2)

Ji Yuan came out of the cabin, stood outside and looked back at the momentum of the big wave. He felt very unbelievable. He had seen it all around here before, and several people had asked him to analyze it. It is impossible for a sudden rise in this neighborhood. So much water.

But the front was completely inconsistent with his imagination, the big wave was like a beast about to swallow the ship.The boat was still struggling desperately, shaking on the water, trying to find a quiet place to lean on, or find a shallow water place and try to dock.

Hobilin walked up to Ji Yuan and sighed heavily: "Look, see, didn't Your Highness say that it is foolproof?"

"Yes, I've seen it in all the upper reaches of the palace. It's impossible for this kind of thing to happen." Ji Yuan said bitterly. Although he carefully counted the matter from the beginning, it still came to a critical moment. If something like this happens, it seems that if someone really wants to harm him, it's really hard to prevent.

Ji Yuan looked at the surrounding situation from outside the ship, and asked those who knew the boat to understand the water to check whether the ship had crashed, took out the map to analyze where the ship could stop nearby, and arranged for the people on the ship to be in place, so that everything was as in order as possible. In the preface.

The people on the boat were quickly thrown into a rush, but their hearts were still flustered, and their discussions followed.

"It's weird. The Tongnan River hasn't had a lot of water for many years, and there has been no heavy rain this season. Where can the water rise so much."

"I'm afraid it's not a natural disaster but a man-made disaster."

"Isn't the capital coming recently and people are making some formations? Didn't they make it out?"

After Ji Yuan heard this discussion, Ji Yuan immediately stopped them, but he quickly guessed that these people were talking about Zhang Hui and Yun Dou at the moment, and he was afraid that he would be involved soon.

The people near the Tongnan River first watched the people in the palace and the emperor go out in battle. Later, when they saw the waves, they were completely watching the excitement, and some even chased far away in the direction of the ship. I want to know what happened to the boat in the waves.

Among these people were Zhang Hui and Yun Dou. Both of them were worried for Ji Yuan, because they knew that Ji Yuan was the person in charge of the matter. Now that something like this happened, Ji Yuan's responsibility was no small matter.

Zhang Hui wanted to chase downstream, thinking that he could help Ji Yuan from time to time in the past, but quickly realized that the source of this matter was still upstream, so he hurriedly ran upstream with Yundou.

They saw that the water was still rushing down continuously from the upstream, and it didn't look like it could stop for a while.

Yun Dou kept chasing upwards. He wanted to know what went wrong and such strange things would happen.

The two chased them several miles away, and suddenly they saw a place in the river that seemed to have burst a bank, and a large amount of muddy water kept pouring out from there.

Yun Dou said: "The problem lies in this place. There should be a gate under the ground that draws the lake over the mountain."

"Who would do such a time-consuming thing?" Zhang Hui asked.

"It's not difficult, you only need to break through one of the water-proof stones."

Yun Dou said, standing still on the river bank and after estimating the location of the underground gate, he came up with the power, and wanted to seal the gate through the skill of Xie Zhuo who taught him to protect him in the air.

Separation of objects in the air is the foundation of the technique of moving mountains and seas, and it is impossible to learn the art of moving mountains and seas with Yundou's skill, so Xie Zhuo first asked him to learn the techniques of separating mountains and seas in order to gain an understanding of the art of moving mountains and drowning the sea.

Yundou's skill is weak, and there is interference from water waves, and he can't determine the location of the gate well. He has tried his best for a long time, but still has no effect on the flood.

After a while, Zhang Hui saw that the water seemed to be smaller, so he encouraged Yundou and said, "Work harder, it seems to be useful and smaller."

Yun Dou was a bit exhausted at first, but at this moment, it was hard to see that it had improved. Only then did she gather her energy again and send another force toward the gate.

On the boat ahead, Ji Yuan arranged for a group of people to sail in the big waves, which was also very dangerous.Several big waves rushed into the ship, causing panic among the people on board.

Seeing that the boat shook less severely, and the sound of water in the distance began to fade away slowly, Ji Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.At this time, the boat has driven to a place with shallow water.

Seeing that the outside had calmed down, Ji Hui went out to watch the movement outside.

Ji Yuan immediately knelt down towards Ji Hui: "My father was frightened by the poor performance of my children."

Ji Hui thought about what had just happened, and knew that this was something Ji Yuan could not estimate, but when he thought of causing such a big movement just now, there was still dissatisfaction in his heart, and his face became gloomy, as if he did not want to listen to Ji Yuan more. .

Ji Hui looked at Hoblin and said, "Didn't the Prime Minister say that it is a good way to take the water? How does the Prime Minister treat such a thing?"

Ji Hui had known that Hoblin supported Ji Yuan for a long time, and Ji Yuan was in charge of this matter, so he wanted to see what the old and cunning Hoblin would think about this matter.

Hobby Lin usually talks ridiculously, and at this time his face has become particularly dignified, and he knelt down toward Ji Hui: "The old minister should be damned, I'm careless about this, I can't expect such a thing to happen. His Highness is full of filial piety, this idea It is indeed good, but who would have expected such a scourge to be hidden under the ground, and the water has receded at the moment, and things are hard to come by, and there is a better view ahead of us."

"The prime minister is someone who has seen all the storms, and he is bolder than anyone."

As Ji Hui said, he gave Hoblin a stern look.Knowing that Ji Hui was cursing him for being bold, Hoblin lowered his head.

At this time, another person knelt down next to Hoblin. This person was Yushi Wenzhong. He was over forty years old. He was a little squat and had an expression on his face for many years. His character was straightforward. Forbearance, the idea is usually a bit rigid, and the humorous Hoblin often disagrees.

Wen Zhongdao: "Your Majesty, in the opinion of the minister, this matter is not that simple. Suddenly the water is rising. This is obviously someone controlling.

Hoblin said with a smile: "Wen Yushi can really laugh, is there really a flood of beasts under this ground? Then there must be gods who conquer the beasts, or why the water suddenly stops again?"

Wen Zhong heard Hobilin teasing him, his face was a little displeased, and his appearance became more serious: "The minister will only talk about things, please don't play with the minister. The flood is something ordinary people can't control, but you should know. A practitioner who understands the formation can control it."

"Where is there a cultivator who has managed so far and harmed us by coming to this Nantong River?" Hoblin began to be a little impatient in his tone.

Wen Zhong said: "The minister has heard that two Lushan disciples have been here recently."

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