Seeing Zhang Hui and Yun Dou coming in, Ji Yuan straightened up, his face instantly smiled: "Ah, you are here, I have long wanted to see you both."

Zhang Hui and Yun Dou immediately walked to Ji to pray for a long distance, and at this moment, Zhang Hui's mind unconsciously appeared in the old days when Ji Yuan came out to welcome them, often with hands on their backs with smiles on their faces. Also more enthusiastic.At this time Ji Yuan didn't treat them like before, and they had to treat Ji Yuan with another set of etiquette.

This was the first time that Zhang Hui gave Ji Yuan a big gift so solemnly.

Ji Yuan made the appearance of leaving the seat to help the two of them, but in the end he just bent over slightly, raised his hand and said, "Hurry up and flatten yourself."

Ji Yuan took a serious look at the faces of the two of them and said, "Hey, I really want you to be tight these days. No, let Zhu Si find you. Fortunately, you haven't left Changdu. If you leave, I really have to regret it for a while. However, I also blame me, there are indeed too many recent things."

Zhang Hui also heard about Ji Lian’s escape from the prison and injured Ji Yuan. He planned to mention it, but at this time he felt that he was not suitable to deal with these things. He used to help Ji Yuan. And now he has changed his status, and Ji Yuan was chased by Ji Lian into the prison and hiding from it was not a glorious thing.

Zhang Huizheng hesitated, but Yun Dou spoke in front of Zhang Hui: "Your Majesty, I heard that you were injured a few days ago, but you are better now, Ji...have any news about the murderer recently?"

When Yun Dou and Ji Yuan once mingled with Ji Yuan, sometimes they called Ji Lian directly when he was excited. But now he is nervous, the more he dare not say anything, the easier it is to say something. When the word "Ji" was reached, he quickly took the words back and renamed Ji Lian the "murderer".

When Yun Dou said that, the smile on Ji Yuan's face suddenly solidified. As expected by Zhang Hui, Ji Yuan didn't want them to mention it. Ji Yuan lowered his head in a trance, and said: " Oh, that little injury is no longer a serious problem."

Ji Yuan just responded to Yun Dou in response, but didn't answer the whereabouts of his murderer.

Zhang Hui could see that Ji Yuan didn’t want to talk about it. He knew that Ji Yuan was already at a distance from them. He didn’t know what to say to Ji Yuan for a while, so he thought that just waiting for Ji Yuan’s question, they would answer. Up.

Ji Yuan straightened his body, as if he had already thought of something important in his heart to tell the two of them.

Ji Yuan said, "Two people, I called you here today. Actually, I want to reward you. This two have contributed a lot. Let's talk, what you want, money is still an official, just say it!"

Ji Yuan looked much more relaxed when he said that, and returned to the way he used to talk and laugh with these two people.

Yun Dou and Zhang Hui also relaxed in their hearts. Zhang Hui had never thought of being an official. At this moment, he naturally used Yundou to tease first. He knelt down towards Ji Yuan and said, "Your Majesty, Caomin ask for an official for Yundou. Let’s not hide it from your Majesty. Brother Yundou and the prime minister’s daughter have long been in love with each other. However, they are improper households. This relationship is temporarily impossible to mention. If your majesty can give Yundou one It's a part-time official, this kind of marriage is easy to talk about."

Ji Yuan listened, smiled and nodded, and said: "Yundou has learned that few people in the DPRK can match it, and they have contributed a lot on the capital formation map. They are rare talents. Yundou is willing to help. Of course, I can’t ask for it to serve in the court. Not only do I want to reward the officials, but I also want to reward him with money so that he can set up a mansion in Changdu to prepare for marriage.”

Yun Dou looked at Ji Yuan flatteredly, thinking about how to refuse, but Zhang Hui had stopped him in front of him to thank him, and Yun Dou had to follow him.

After Yundou's matter was settled, Ji Yuan looked at Zhang Hui again: "What about you?"

Zhang Hui squatted at Ji Yuan again, raised his head and said: "The grass people thank your majesty for your grace. The grass people are dull, not for being an official. They just want to return to Lushan to continue their practice."

Ji Yuan sighed for a long time. He guessed that Zhang Hui would answer him like this. He had seen Zhang Hui's ambitions a long time ago, and knew that he was not pretending to resign, but that he really didn't want to stay in Changdu as an official.

Ji Yuan pursed his lips and said, "Since this is the case, I can't persecute, so let me give you a few hundred people, and I will provide you with enough food and grass and entanglements, and then give you the name of a visitor. How about helping you find your father from the homeland of Yan Kingdom into the Demon Sect?"

Zhang Hui was very surprised when he heard it. For a long time he didn't know how to answer Ji Yuan. He didn't think that Ji Yuan could think about him so thoroughly. In this way, he would have the money and manpower from Yan Kingdom to the former place of Demon Sect. , And give him the name of a visiting envoy, it will be much more convenient for him to pass various levels.

Zhang Huixin said: "I feel that there is a distance between my Majesty and I, but his Majesty is still thinking about me at this time, knowing that I still have unfulfilled wishes, knowing what I am now, he has all thought of it to me, this really makes me wonder How can I thank him!"

Zhang Hui looked at Ji Yuan gratefully. If he changed from the past, he would definitely go forward and pat Ji Yuan on his shoulder, but now he can only kowtow to Ji Yuan to thank Ji Yuan: "Your Majesty’s grace, the grassroots is not unforgettable."

"Okay, things are arranged for the two of you, and forget about my concerns, I will let Zhu Sidu arrange it, and stay in Changdu for a few more days. There will be news soon." The smile still looked so friendly.

After the young eunuch of Yunxi Palace took Zhang Hui and Yundou out, along the way, the two of them had their own excitement. They were all sighing that Ji Yuan really understood their hearts and gave them the most thoughts. They have not felt that life can be so fulfilled for a long time.

As soon as he left the palace, Yun Dou couldn't contain the excitement in his heart. He pulled Zhang Hui and began to mutter: "I, I will become an official and become rich. Do you think I can do it tomorrow morning? An Xinxin eats beef noodles? And, will the Prime Minister really marry my daughter to me? What kind of fairy day is this, Zhang Hui, do you think we are dreaming?"

Yun Dou could never believe that he was a poor boy who once did miscellaneous work in Lushan, and that no girl in Luoyang City could like him, and now he can reach this level.

Zhang Hui was in a much more complicated mood at this time. He was not in the mood to hear Yun Dou's excitement and suspicion here. He thought that he was going to Yan Kingdom soon, and he was going to the old place of Demon Sect that he had always wanted to go. Longing for but fearful. He was afraid that when he rushed there, his father was no longer alive. Sometimes when I thought, it might not be a good thing to have no information like this.

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