The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 680 The Legend of Ayuhe

When Zhang Hui heard this, he was amused and laughed, and even Luo Yun, who had not been involved in the jokes beside him, was amused by the stories told by Fu Yan.

"What are you laughing at? What I said is true. No, I don’t know if what I read in the book is true or false. Anyway, I still believe it is true. That’s interesting." When Fu Yan said this story, he said I was immersed in it, and the more I talked, the more interested I was, "I haven’t finished yet, you continue to listen. Ayuhe was stunned, and suddenly he didn’t know if this was a 30-year dream or he His wife was pretending to be young to scare him, and finally he believed that the time passed by the two people was different. He had heard that there is a technique of moving mountains and seas in the world, so he wondered if there is also a technique of turning back time in this world, or It's a technique to slow down time, so that the two of them can die together."

"What about the ending of the story?" Zhang Hui asked curiously. He heard what Fu Yan said vividly and vividly, and was taken in unconsciously, and he was very concerned about the final result of this matter.

"Ayuhe really did it." Fu Yan said triumphantly.

Zhang Hui and Luo Yun smiled at each other, feeling incredible, thinking that Fu Yan must be teasing them.

"It's true, that's how it is written in the scriptures." Fu Yan said earnestly, "You don't believe me, anyway, I believe that in the future I will become a great god, I will study the secrets here, so that I will live forever. "

Zhang Hui thought about Xie Zhuo's technique of moving mountains and seas and found it incredible, but Xie Zhuo wondered that he had personally experienced the exercises. Thinking about it this way, he felt that what Fu Yan said might be somewhat true, so he asked:" Then you say, you can be sure that your great god seat has also cultivated the technique of immortality, he is really over a hundred years old?"

"Well, I'm not sure about this, I just believe that this might happen in the world."

This is the first time that a few people have spoken so much since they set out. Unknowingly, the carriage came to a place called "Shangliao County".

The outside of the carriage suddenly became lively, which made Fu Yan excited again. He put his head in the window and looked at the lively situation outside, feeling that everything was rare.

Zhang Hui cleared his throat and deliberately reminded: "Just look at it, but don't make trouble. If you make trouble, don't come up."

"Okay, I promise I'll just watch and not speak." Fu Yan looked outside, almost floating out of the window.

The carriage passed an intersection, and Zhang Hui vaguely saw from the window that there were many young people standing in front of the wooden sign at the intersection, it was like everyone was getting together to watch the list.

"Stop, I want to go down and take a look!" Fu Yan finally couldn't help it, and wanted to go down and see what was going on with so many people.

Zhang Hui said, "Well, stop here and rest. I want to go out and stop after sitting in the car for so long."

The two got out of the carriage and walked over to the wooden sign. Zhang Hui realized that this was the list of students who had been admitted by Shangliao Academy.

Zhang Hui saw the smug looks of many of his peers, and recalled the situation when he first entered Lushan, suddenly felt a little cordial.

At this time, he saw an old man sitting on the stone at the intersection. The old man was sitting with all white hair and beard.

Zhang Hui walked by him and looked down at his face, guessing that this person might be helping his grandson to watch the list, but he couldn't see his grandson's name and was sad alone.

The two young men walked up to the old man and laughed: "Ge Da, I told you that you are too old and the college will not accept it. You must believe it, and insist that you are only seventeen today. Look. See where you are seventeen? You are obviously seventy! Hahaha!"

Several young people nearby laughed.

Zhang Hui was taken aback. It turned out that this old man called "Ge Da" was not watching the rankings for his grandson, but for himself. This is really admirable for his strength to learn when he is old, so Zhang Hui again Looked carefully on his face, hoping to encourage him with eyesight.

Now he found that Ge Da really didn't look like a seventy-year-old man, as if his aging face still had the stubbornness of a young man.

Zhang Hui is a little confused. Is this person suffering from a strange disease? That's why he suddenly grew old.

Ge Da was crying and no one wanted to care. The boy who had just made fun of him saw everyone looking over here, and said more vigorously: "Hey, don’t you know, Ge Da is so old that he just feels like he He is still young, I think he is old and confused, he still wants to go to the academy to study, and he wants to test his fame and become an official!"

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd. Zhang Hui felt a little funny when he imagined Ge Da entering the academy to study with a group of young people, but he felt that Ge Da was not old and confused. He seemed to have inexplicable difficulties.

Fu Yan was also amused by the image of Ge Da's assiduous study, and approached Ge Da's side and said, "Uncle, you are still reading when you are so old. Can your eyes still see clearly?"

Ge's head was buried a little lower, as if Fu Yan said it was sad.

At this time, one person from the crowd stood in front of the crowd and shouted: "You don't know about Ge Da, don't make a fuss here. He is a neighborhood with me. He is really seventeen years old. I don't know how he got the blame. The illness has become like this, and you still laugh at him so, do you still have a conscience?"

When Fu Yan heard this, he became more curious. He remembered the Ayuhe thing he had just said to Zhang Hui on the carriage. He vaguely felt that Ge Da might not be really sick. He might have gone to a place like Yinyin Valley.

Fu Yan embraced Ge Da and said in kindness: "Old man, no, little brother, come, you tell me about you, I believe you."

At this moment, Ge Dacai raised his head and took a good look at Fu Yan. He saw that Fu Yan was handsome and envious, and he began to sigh again.

A few people were walking on the road, and a slightly fat woman walked towards her. She looked a bit pungent and looked at Ge Da with an unhappy expression. She rushed to Ge Da in small steps anxiously, pinching her fingers. On his arm, angrily said: "How many times have I said about you, what kind of books do you still read, what kind of colleges you are going to test, it is simply embarrassing. You are not afraid of others' jokes, your mother, I am afraid of others' jokes.

The woman's voice was excited, and she tried her best to lower her voice, for fear of being heard by someone next to her.

Both Zhang Hui and Fu Yan were dumbfounded. Ge Da, who looked like he was in his 70s, really had a forty or fifty-year-old mother. The curiosity in their hearts made them unconsciously follow, wanting to know what Ge Da was. What kind of "weird disease", it turns out to be like this at a young age.

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