The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 683 Big Swallow Knife Pavilion (2)

The leader's eyes were still fixed on Fu Yan, and Fu Yan also felt that these ten people were no longer the mob that had fought against each other. These people were like elites selected from this school.

They are from the first practice sect in Yan Guopai-Dao Pavilion.

The position of the sword pavilion in the country of Yan is like the position of Lushan in the kingdom of Qi. The position of Bei Amen in Beimang is often referred to as the "big Yandao pavilion" in the martial arts world.

One of the obvious characteristics of the sword pavilion is that they do not participate in the disputes in the martial world. They have never competed with Lushan and Bei Amen. They have stayed silently in the country of Yan for many years. If they were not deceived by others, they were Never show up, this is very similar to the way of life of Qi people.

Moreover, the sword pavilion does not listen to the orders of the Yan royal family, and does not participate in political affairs. It is a relatively independent school of martial arts.

But they have a very low tolerance for the Demon Sect and the Demon Sect's exercises. They can not oppose Bei Amen, but if Bei Amen is involved in the Demon Sect, they will stand up against it.

Therefore, in recent years, they suddenly appeared in Beimang, and even Qi Guo, with the main purpose of chasing and killing Fu Yan.

The one who took the lead in hunting down Fu Yan was the top master of the younger generation of Sword Pavilion, named Sang Da, and his companions were ten sharp swordsmen selected by Sword Pavilion.

Fu Yan was very disdainful of this group of people, but slowly, he felt that Sanda was not waiting for a moment. He had a foreboding that today there would be a fierce battle with these people.

"Brother next to us, our goal is Fu Yan, you can go." Sang Da's eyes were on Fu Yan, but he was talking to Zhang Hui, obviously not seeing Zhang Hui in his eyes.

Zhang Hui began to hesitate a bit, and he also felt that he should step aside. He and Fu Yan couldn’t talk about friendship. He has a task now, so he really shouldn’t mess with these unnecessary troubles on the way. .

Luo Yun had already dodged behind the carriage to hide. He saw that Zhang Hui was hesitating and waved to Zhang Hui, motioning for Zhang Hui to pass, and then they drove away in the carriage.

Fu Yan also pushed on Zhang Hui's shoulder, and said, "Let's go, there is no agreement that we will share adversity! If they were to deal with you, I might have already left."

Zhang Hui came out of the ten sharp swordsmen who surrounded Fu Yan, and walked towards the carriage that was parked aside, but then he thought that if they were suffering, he felt that Fu Yan would not go away. I don’t know why. , On this issue, he would believe in Fu Yan so much.

Luo Yun got on the carriage and saw Zhang Hui still looking at Fu Yan, and urged: "Let's go, what else is good."

Zhang Hui hesitated to get into the carriage, but asked the coachman to wait before leaving.

Looking at Zhang Hui like this, Luo Yun always felt unreliable and was so anxious that he was at a loss with his fists from time to time.

When Zhang Hui looked over to Fu Yan, Fu Yan had already fought with Sangda.

Sanda made the knife extra sturdy, uncommonly unified with his appearance.

When Zhang Hui was in Beimang, he once saw a person in Yidaoge using flying knives, and his skill was obviously not as good as Sangda. It seems that Daoge must get rid of Fu Yan with great efforts.

The ten quick swordsmen who surrounded Fu Yan also attacked Fu Yan at the same time. The speed of the sword and the tightness of the formation seemed to be a wall of swords formed around Fu Yan, so that he could not find a breakthrough.

Fu Yan was arrogant and didn't put this group of people in his eyes. Even if he was trapped, he still put out a lot of strength and was always fighting against the trapped beast.

Zhang Hui was watching. The dozens of black figures were mixed with dazzling white knife lights, set against the long yellow sand, which made him feel the majestic atmosphere and tragic taste.

When he saw the tenacity that Fu Yan realized when he was tenacious against the enemy, he suddenly showed some respect for Fu Yan. Unknowingly, he turned to Fu Yan's side, his eyes always following Fu Yan, as if he had already joined. Go in and deal with these people together with Fu Yan.

Bei Amen mainly practiced the Qi Zong technique. Fu Yan mainly relied on real power to protect his body when fighting against ten quick swordsmen, but there was another Sanda that he couldn't cope with. He had to do everything possible to fight with Sanda. confrontation.

"Fu Yan, you are so courageous, don't you know that many people in the martial arts world are waiting to kill you? You are still so arrogant to rush between Qi and Yan! Today, if you were planted in my Sangda hands Here, it’s not useless that I trained these fast-swordsmen and have been looking for you for so long."

"Stop talking nonsense, no matter what you are, it is no different from a cat or puppy to me. You shamelessly bring so many people to kill me and try it alone. You may not have won me." Fu Yan He has been struggling, but he is still full of breath.

Sangda slashed at Fu Yan again: "To deal with the evil of martial arts like you, where is the gentleman's way to be used."

Sangda's knife fell over Fu Yan's shoulder. Fu Yan turned sideways in the air, and his whole body quickly flew out. After a short pause under his feet, he slapped Sangda on his waist.

Sang Da stepped firmly in the yellow sand, and slashed at Fu Yan's palm strength. A white light struck Fu Yan, colliding with Fu Yan's palm strength midway, shaking both sides. The sharp knife retreated sharply.

Sanda slashed at Fu Yan again, and Fu Yan's eyes flickered. At this time, the sharp swordsmen attacked him at once, and the formation was too fast for him to dodge.

Zhang Hui couldn't help squeezing a sweat for Fu Yan beside him, saying, "Oops, Fu Yan may not be able to hold it anymore."

Zhang Hui's feet unconsciously began to move, and drew his sword towards Fu Yan. He didn't have time to think too much. It was completely instructed by the emotions in his heart that he couldn't help but save Fu Yan.

Those sharp swordsmen never thought that Zhang Hui would suddenly come forward to rescue them, and even less that the young man who was dismissed by Sangda was so powerful in swordsmanship, and it seemed that he saw through their sword formation at the beginning, and was determined to break them. The knife array.

The Sakura Sword in Zhang Hui's hand attracted Sanda's attention, and he shouted: "Qing Sakura?"

Zhang Hui looked at Sanda, his face was obviously beginning to get a little nervous, staring at Zhang Hui with wide-eyed, ready to do his best to confront the two at any time.

When Zhang Hui looked from a distance, he also saw some eyebrows about the formations used by these ten quick-swordsmen. When he discussed "Yunsheng Position Art" with Yundou, he also worked hard to crack the formations. .When he rushed to Fu Yan, he immediately broke a barrier in this formation. The formation was originally the most strict, but now it was broken midway by Zhang Hui. Even if the number of people is large, it will instantly collapse when confronting the enemy.

Fu Yan therefore had a chance to breathe, and the two of them launched a counterattack to the quick knife hands.

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