"Hold the grass, is there any more?"

With a look of surprise on his face, Brother Qin stepped forward to suppress the shock in his heart and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, but I guess there are, otherwise, how come back with such a nice little bitch!"

Ge Chun took a serious look at Jiang Xiaohu, then glanced at Gongsun Yao, his eyes full of greed.

Gongsun You looks like this, although there are not many women of this size, but for so many years, there are naturally many people who have seen and played.

But the noble temperament like her and the aura that came out of the environment that has been pampered for many years are all those rouge and vulgar fans incomparable beauty.

"That's right! Hahaha, why don't you let them go today?"

Brother Qin thought for a while and asked in a low voice.

"No, I think that if you take this woman away, you will get bored with the training afterwards, and you can make a lot of money by selling it out!?"

When Ge Chun's voice fell, Jiang Xiaohu at the table stood up and looked at several people.

Originally, Jiang Xiaohu was going to pretend to be dizzy, so he took the gold bar and took it away, too lazy to pursue it, but he really didn’t expect this Ge Chun to be such a bastard, he would think so, so he couldn’t bear to sit up. .

"Hold the grass! Hold the grass!"

"Why did he get up!!"

"Brother Qin!"

"Don't call my name!"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu standing up, several people panicked and backed away quickly.

"Brother Qin? Are you from the next village?"

Jiang Xiaohu stepped forward, narrowed his eyes, and asked.

He had just heard the other party saying that he had broken his financial avenue, but he couldn't even think about the reason why he would have broken his financial avenue.

If Jiang Xiaohu has done anything at home, it is that he has enclosed this piece of land at home, and he really can't think of any other reasons.

"you know me?"

Brother Qin was taken aback for a moment, and asked in a low voice.

"do not know……"

As soon as Jiang Xiaohu's voice fell, Qin Ge turned around and went through the back window. It seemed that he was about to escape, but he still didn't expect Jiang Xiaohu how fast.

Before his feet took two steps away, Jiang Xiaohu had already come behind him, grabbed his back collar, and lifted him up.

"What are you running?"

Jiang Xiaohu asked coldly.

"You let me go, you are looking for death! You let go, if you let go, I will let you go!"

In the panic, Brother Qin yelled loudly.



The two of Ge Chun had just turned around, ready to escape after the death of Jiang Xiaohu's attention on Qin Ge, as a result, the door of the small courtyard was suddenly pushed open.

More than a dozen strong men, holding shovels and shovels, were standing at the door and looking nervously inside the room.

"I'm going... what's going on!"

Ge Chun was stunned, turned his head and looked at Brother Qin yelling at him, and instantly understood that it was the villagers who had been invited by Qin's yelling.

"Little bastard, I said it during the day, but I didn't expect you to actually come at night!"

The old village chief pulled away from the crowd and shouted angrily.

Hearing what he said, Jiang Xiaohu, who was carrying Qin Ge in his hand, also understood that it was the old village chief who had said this from house to house when he was recruiting people for himself during the day.

It can be seen that this Ge Chun is such a bastard that so many people hate.

"Little Tiger, are you okay!"

The old village chief yelled when Ge Chun did not answer.

"I'm fine!"

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at Ge Chun, carried Qin Ge, and walked to the door. When passing by Ge Chun, his brows were frowned.

"do not move!"

Before Jiang Xiaohu could speak, Ge Chun suddenly drew a dagger from his waist, pressed it against Jiang Xiaohu's neck, and shouted loudly.

"Hey, don't mess around! You are a crime!"

"Boy, don't mess around! Just let you go today!"

"Let it go! Put it down!"

When the villagers saw this, they became even more flustered and yelled loudly. After all, Ge Chun, in their minds, was 8 years old peeking at a widow to take a bath, 12 years old and touching a girl’s chest, 15 or 16 years old, dare to deceive other girls out of straw. Pile of bastards.

"let go!"

Although Jiang Xiaohu was held hostage, he still remained unchanged and said in a low voice.

"Fuck you, you still don't know the situation! Put Brother Qin down!"

Ge Chun said that he was going to hit Jiang Xiaohu on the head, but he didn't want to. Jiang Xiaohu suddenly turned around and focused on Ge Chun's dagger with his other hand, pulling it hard, and the dagger was directly hidden. past.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Xiaohu threw the dagger casually and slammed it on the wooden door. The blade was not more than two inches inside.

"I have given you a lot of opportunities!"

Jiang Xiaohu kicked Ge Chun in the lower abdomen as he said, and with the powerful force he flew Ge Chunti up and fell heavily to the ground.

And the man named Gouzi who followed Ge Chun was already kneeling on the ground honestly, holding his head in his hands, and dare not say a word.

Brother Qin was also dumbfounded, pretending that he had fainted, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense. Being held by Jiang Xiaohu in his hand was like a little chicken, who didn't bark or move.

"Go and go!"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu made such a heavy shot, the middle-aged men next to the old village chief pulled the old village chief out of the door and closed the door by the way.

It seemed that he wanted Jiang Xiaohu to teach them a lesson.

"Hey, what are you doing! What do you want to do! Come back, I tell you, you are illegally imprisoned!"

When Ge Chun saw this, he still didn't give up and they were still shouting loudly, not knowing the situation at all.

"What do you want to do? I will play with you!"

Jiang Xiaohu just glanced at Ge Chun, with a dangerous smile on his face, and walked towards Ge Chun step by step.


A scream came out, and there was no more sound.

The old village chief and others standing outside the door silently began to smoke, waiting for Jiang Xiaohu’s appearance. Guys like Ge Chun, they would have burned him before, if it weren’t for the policy now. Everyone will definitely not allow him to grow so big.

"Hey, it's okay like this!"

The village chief dropped the cigarette butt, glanced at the middle-aged man next to him with lingering fear, and asked softly.

"Don't worry, the village chief, Xiaohu has a sense of measure, you don't know it! It's okay!"

"Yes, yes, let's talk about it, he was the first to make trouble at someone's house!"

"No, if you want me to say it, you don't have much to beat to death!"

A few farmers who watched the bustle heard this, and they were a little embarrassed to say that all of their families were bullied by Ge Chun. Now that they have seen someone out there, they naturally want to see Ge Chun well repaired. pause.

"Okay, okay, this is it! I think it's still private! Don't bother!"

The old village chief glanced at the crowd, shook his head helplessly, stood up and walked towards the gate.

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