"President Shen, those family members refuse to negotiate and are very resistant to contact with us. They are making trouble outside Jiang's house!"

"I'm sending someone to go. If it fails this time, then I will go personally!"

Shen Rong'er's complexion remained unchanged, she was already looking out the window, but the female secretary had been standing there and did not leave, as if hesitating.

"what happened?"

"Well, Mr. Jiang Xiaohu has been out of control. Fortunately, we went to the village a few eyeliners in advance. This is the video at that time!"

The female secretary opened the tablet in her hand under Shen Rong'er's eyes and handed it over.

The video played on the tablet was the video of Jiang Xiaohu rushing into the village until Jiang Xiaohu hugged Gongsun Yao and hid behind him.

"You go down first! Remember, talk about it first, it's really impossible..."

After watching the video, Shen Rong'er didn't show any emotional fluctuations on her face, as if she didn't care at all. Even the things she told were about the family of the deceased.

But this female secretary is not a fool. She can feel that the woman in front of you is on the verge of jealousy and is about to explode. If she is not a woman, she can't tell.

Thinking of this, the female secretary slipped out of the room, sending a text message and telling people to continue to pay attention to Jiang Xiaohu.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaohu and Wang Xifeng were sitting at home, Yang Zhou was serving tea and boiling water on one side, and Gongsun Yao was still resting in the room.

"It's finally quiet outside!"

Wang Xifeng sighed softly, turned and walked into the kitchen to get busy.

"Mom, what are you doing!"

When Jiang Xiaohu saw that she was about to start cooking so early, he frowned and asked, but he didn't get an answer.

"Brother Tiger, can we handle this matter? Even if we know that someone has instructed it, but these goods are hard to eat!"

After Yang Zhou poured a glass of water for Jiang Xiaohu, he asked helplessly. In fact, he was sure in his heart that he could not escape.

Although he had seen the degree of fear that Ge Chun and Lu Jiang were afraid of Shen Ronger, it was certainly not a simple figure who dared to challenge Shen Ronger, but he was just a pawn and victim.

"I don't know, but I know, this is the first one who dares to make trouble in my house! And definitely the last one!"

Jiang Xiaohu was silent for a moment, lit a cigarette, his tone was calm, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Brother Hu, what does Shen Rong'er have to do with you... Does Shen Hui have anything to do with her?"

Yang Zhou lit a cigarette as he was about to talk, and suddenly remembered the guy who didn't adjust.

"It's okay, do you think I will know Shen Rong'er?"

Jiang Xiaohu gave Yang Zhou a white glance, stood up and walked to the door to take a look.

The people outside the door should be tired and resting quietly. They seemed to have come without preparing anything. There was nothing to eat or drink. The only shop in the village was Zhang's.

Even if there are, there are not many goods, and it is estimated that they have been bought out now.

"Tiger, open the door!"

At this moment, Wang Xifeng came out of the kitchen, holding several large bowls of cooked food in his hands.

"Mom, what are you doing!"

Jiang Xiaohu was also stunned when he saw this, standing at the door for a moment.

"They are all poor people, I think they have been cheated, open it! Mom knows what I'm doing!"

Wang Xifeng sighed lightly, with sympathy in her eyes.

A long time ago, Jiang Xiaohu thought that Wang Xifeng's bumpy journey and the heavy burden on his shoulders would inevitably become a jealous person. He didn't expect that he would still be as kind-hearted as he was back then, even if he was dealing with enemies.

For a moment, Jiang Xiaohu suddenly realized that his mother did not live in the war years.

After standing there and looking at Wang Xifeng for half a minute, Jiang Xiaohu nodded, and stretched out his hand to open the door.


"Open the door! Damn, open the door!"

"Losing money!"

"Oh fuck, I'm so hungry!"

As the door opened, the noise outside the door rang again, but it was not as strong as in the morning. Only a few strong young men were yelling.

"Stop screaming, get tired, eat something, you are also poor people, you are all deceived by others, you are all suffering!"

Wang Xifeng didn't step forward either. He placed a few large bowls by the wall and his chopsticks flat against the bowl, then turned and walked into the back room.

Jiang Xiaohu was standing at the door and looking coldly at the family members who caused the trouble. In his eyes, these people were not worthy of eating.

In less than two minutes, Wang Xifeng took out more than a dozen large bowls and chopsticks. After putting everything in place, Wang Xifeng said with a chuckle: "There are not many bowls and chopsticks at home. You can eat them separately! "

After that, Wang Xifeng pulled Jiang Xiaohu back and slowly closed the door.

"Fuck you, what to eat! Lost money! Lost money!"

"Want to poison us! Old bitch! Bastard! Let's dream!"

"Don't eat! Take it back! Weasel give a New Year greeting to the chicken!"


As soon as the door was closed, Jiang Xiaohu heard the sound of smashing bowls outside the door, and the low roar of those little beasts.

"Fuck! I killed you guys!"

Hearing the voices of these people, Jiang Xiaohu felt an anger fluttering in his heart, turning around to open the door, but was stopped by Wang Xifeng.

"Go back, smash it, it's them who are hungry!"

Wang Xifeng said calmly, and took Jiang Xiaohu back to the room.

"Don't worry, you go take a rest first! I'll come!"

Before the two of them could do it, Yang Zhou shook his head and moved out a ladder from the back room and put it on the wall of the small courtyard.

"You just asked for this just to get over the wall?"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xiaohu frowned and looked at Yang Zhou, revealing doubts.

"Where! You wait!"

Yang Zhou turned his head and glanced at Jiang Xiaohu with a squinted smile, and suddenly a trace of hostility flashed in his eyes, as if he had recovered the cruelty and shame of many years ago.

"Okay, okay, I'll take a rest first, there is still food in the pot!"

Wang Xifeng glanced at the two of them, then shook his head and walked into the back room.

It can be seen that because of this incident, Wang Xifeng is still a little worried, worried about what Jiang Xiaohu's future will look like, and worried about whether Jiang Xiaohu has provoke someone who shouldn't be offended.

Just thinking about it is nothing. She also knows that since Jiang Xiaohu can know someone like Shen Qiaobin, he will naturally offend such a person. Therefore, when this happened, Wang Xifeng felt that it was reasonable and unexpected. , Appeared unusually calm.

"I thought you weren't hungry! Conscienceless bastards!"

While Jiang Xiaohu was sitting there in a daze, Yang Zhou at the top of the wall suddenly poked his head out, pointed to the doorway and shouted loudly.

Maybe it was a painful spot, or something was seen, a stone flew in from outside the wall, but Yang Zhou avoided it.

"What are you doing?"

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