The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 814: Li Jianhua's Ghost


"President Shen! Are you true?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, President Shen, we were wrong, let's go now!"

When the family members of the deceased heard Shen Ronger's specific figures of the compensation, they were stunned, bowed to apologize, and turned to run.

"Stop!" Shen Rong'er yelled when they saw it, and waited until they stopped their movements, then said: "But these young people among you are looking for things and picking things up. It wastes my time and energy. A million will be served. , But you have to be sued by me in court to compensate me for my time and energy, and the reputation of my Shen family enterprise!"

"Pay for it! Hey, let's pay, we will go!"

When a slightly older man heard this, he seemed very happy, and he was about to turn around and leave. In his eyes, it was almost the same to lose a thousand dollars.

"Okay, then wait to pay it! My worth, I won't lose tens of millions in this half a day, don't think about it!"

After that, Shen Rong'er gave a low voice and turned and walked towards another car.

When the words fell, the families of the deceased were stunned. One million is unimaginable in their eyes. Now that they have to pay so much, they can't even think of how there is so much money.

"You bastard, I said you can't come! You still have to come, look at it, for tens of thousands of dollars!"

"President Shen, don't go, we know we were wrong! Don't go! I was wrong! Please!"

"You bastards, kneel down for me! Mr. Shen forgave you and get up again!"

When several middle-aged men who reacted more quickly heard this, they backhanded the young guys who took the lead and kicked them on the ground, shouting loudly to express their determination.

"Do you like this set?" Shen Ronger turned her head after hearing the sound, sneered, and said: "Old Zhou! Call someone to accompany them and see if these people can kneel down until I forgive them!"

"Yes! Miss, go slowly!"

A man in a suit standing next to Shen Rong'er nodded, took two steps forward, standing in front of several young men kneeling on the ground, expressionless.

As the car moved far away, the families of the deceased were completely dumbfounded. They didn't know that Shen Rong'er was not eating too much. The situation at this time can be said to be extremely embarrassing.

If you want to go, you can’t go. Someone is watching, but you can’t go. It’s meaningless to stay here.

"Hahahahahaha! Whoops, let me go, hahahaha!"

When the family members here didn’t know what to do, Yang Zhou laughed wantonly with a cigarette in the small courtyard. He almost backed it for several times, holding the door frame and looking at the families of the dead who were still lawless in the morning. Men, the boss with a long mouth.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaohu stepped on the accelerator of the car to the end.

"How do you find it? Do you know where it is?"

Gongsun You frowned and looked at Jiang Xiaohu, and asked softly.

"I'll find out later!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Xiaohu's cell phone rang. It was a message from Shen Rong'er.

The reason why Shen Ronger is so likable is not only because she can go to the hall and the kitchen, but the most important thing is her ability to do things on her own.

"Can't tell! You two are connected!"

Gongsun Xiu smiled, but his heart chuckled, as if he had lost something.

Don't read it, the car parked outside a building.

Most of the houses in the town are like this, and there are few unit buildings. They are all single-family buildings.

"Hello, who are you looking for!"

Just after Jiang Xiaohu got out of the car, a middle-aged woman who was a little older approached and asked with a smile.

After all, in a small town, a car like McLaren is still rare.

"Hello, I'm looking for Wang Er, I am his friend! Does he live here?"

"Yeah, I'm the fuck, he's upstairs!"

The middle-aged woman obviously didn't have any doubts, greeted Jiang Xiaohu to walk in, turned her head and saw Gongsun You who was following Jiang Xiaohu, and she was even more envious.

"This is your daughter-in-law, it's so good-looking! The kid in my family doesn't know if he is sure, you can go up first! He is upstairs!"

"Okay, we just go up by ourselves!"

Jiang Xiaohu walked upstairs with a smile


Upstairs is the design of three bedrooms and one hall, with a door closed tightly, Jiang Xiaohu walked over and knocked on the door.

"Mom, what are you doing!"

With a lazy response, the door was opened.

A face hollowed out by the color of wine appeared inside the door. Seeing Jiang Xiaohu coming, the people inside the door didn't even think about it. They reached out to close the door, but Jiang Xiaohu pushed it open, staggering and sitting on the ground. .

"who are you!"

Wang Eryi asked in a low voice with a panic face.

"Grass! Are you afraid of this if you don't even know who I am?"

Jiang Xiaohu frowned tightly, reached out his hand to lift Wang Er, threw it on the bed, and shouted.

"His name is Jiang Xiaohu. He came to you just to know who asked you to find someone to make trouble at his house!"

Gongsun Xiu pursed his thin lips when he saw this, and explained.

"Huh? Jiang Xiaohu?" Wang Er frowned for a while, slowly got out of bed, and mumbled: "Who is Jiang Xiaohu, I don't know... this..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Er took the opportunity to run out, but Jiang Xiaohu reached out and pulled him back.

"Since I don't want to say it, I don't make it difficult for you to interrupt your legs. This matter will be flat!"

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at the messy room, said softly, reached out to pick up the baseball bat on one side, and walked slowly towards Wang Er.

"You don't... Damn! You really fight!"


When Wang Er saw this, he looked disdainful and didn't believe that Jiang Xiaohu dared to hit someone. He pouted and was about to talk. Jiang Xiaohu went on talking with a stick, but he didn't use his full strength.

"Don't don't! It's Li Jianhua! Although I don't know who came here, I heard that it is Li Jianhua, the one from Kyoto! The one who is fighting for territory with you!"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu's baseball bat was swiping again, Wang Er immediately raised his hand and said everything directly.

"What you said is true?"

Jiang Xiaohu frowned and asked, after all, he just slapped the other party and said everything, something too simple.

"Then what do you want, I'm the one who takes money to do things! Why be beaten for someone you don't know! Besides, I have inquired about your family's affairs, that's the kid's! Come on, I should also ask about it. , Don’t say it’s me! I’ll continue playing games, don’t hit me if it’s okay!"

Wang Er curled his mouth, his face was indifferent. Seeing Jiang Xiaohu stopped talking, he turned and sat in front of the computer again, and started the game.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Xiaohu saw this scene, knowing that there is no need to lie to himself with such goods, and turned around and opened the door.

The two went downstairs, and did not respond to the middle-aged woman's retention of food and water, until he sat in the car, Jiang Xiaohu sighed softly.

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